
Chapter one

" you must be joking. Who has their first kiss by mistake" Ariana teased Beatrice.

" Well, I wouldn't really call it a mistake because I planned the whole thing" Beatrice said.

" You're so clever. Sadly, you two weren't meant to be." Ariana said as she tucked her brown blonde hair behind her right ear.

" Duh. Who stays with their first kiss for longer than three months" Beatrice said mocking Ariana.

" Haha. Make fun of me, besides that was five years ago and I really liked him" Ariana replied. " So far, that has been the longest time any of my relationships has lasted, six months"

" Duh, you're one of the most beautiful girls in high school, brown blonde hair, slim fit, intelligent, fair, honest and humble too. Any guy would be lucky to have you but sadly, you're just not interested." Beatrice said and put a pin in her hair.

" Why isn't Sasha here yet? I don't wanna miss lunch break." Ariana said.

" I've never seen you so eager for a lunch break." 

" Yeah. That's coz I didn't have........." She was interrupted by the noise the class was suddenly making.

" He's here Ari" Beatrice said trying to adjust her makeup as If she was trying to impress some one.

" Oh, the jerk" Ariana said suddenly upset.

" Raymond's not a jerk. He's tall, strong, handsome, has muscles, an incredible athlete, intelligent, rich,........." Beatrice was interrupted by Ariana.

" I don't need you reminding me of his qualities. I don't see why almost every girl in the school is dying for someone as rude and arrogant as him" Ariana said and sighed.

" He's walking towards us" Beatrice said eagerly.

" Hey" Raymond greeted

" Hi Ray" Beatrice replied.

" I wasn't talking to you. I was speaking to your blonde haired friend" Ray said coldly.

" You know, that blonde haired friend has a name" Ariana said and stood from her seat.

" Ok Ariana" 

" Good, now if you'll excuse me, I've gotta go" she said and made to leave.

" Not just yet" he said holding her wrist.

" Let me go." She struggled

" You should know that you have to wear shows before roaming the halls" he said and smirked evilly.

       Darn it!!!!! How could she have forgotten that she had taken off her shoes to try on a new sandal which she'd ordered online and she'd gotten carried away when she and Beatrice started chit chatting.

God!!! She hated this guy. He was the meanest.

" What's up. Forgot you have feet? Coz you are a dumbo" he was making fun of her and the whole class was laughing at her.

" Ariana is a dumbo, Ariana is a dumbo" the whole class teased as she quickly put on her shoes and strode out of the class.

" Ari, " Beatrice called as she followed Ariana.

Raymond just smirked.


 By lunch break, the name Dumbo had gone round the whole school. Well, news at school didn't usually spread this fast but when it was about a hot and popular guy like Ray, it spread faster than wildfire.

" He's gonna pay for this" Ariana said as she chewed angrily on her apple.

" But Ari, he's unaffected by what people do to him. What are you gonna do to him?" Beatrice asked as she had a bite off her cheese hamburger.

" You'll see" Ariana said and smirked evilly.

" Ugh!!!" That was Beatrice. " As your friend I should tell you, never smirk again. It's for bad boys like Ray not good girls like you"

" I'm not a good girl. I'm a bad girl" Ariana bragged as she took her hair back with one hand.

" Oh yeah. That's why in third grade you donated your weekly pocket money to Jayden Bartels for her feet surgery"

" That doesn't mean......" Beatrice left.

" Bye" Beatrice said and left