
Chapter 36: Honestly Accepting Interrogation

Ye Nai knew that her spores and fungus had erased all traces of human tissue, so she wasn't worried at all.

As soon as she arrived, someone in military uniform called out to her.

All danger zones were directly controlled by the military. Living areas appeared casual, but in reality, if anything happened, it was the warriors who would come out to investigate, not the civilian police.

"Ye Nai, is that correct?"

"Yes. You want to ask me something?"

"Standard procedure."

"Alright, ask away."

"Did you pass along this road last night?"

"Yes, my car had a flat tire here, I stopped to check it for a while, but it was really hard to see in the middle of the night; I didn't know what I had hit. Eventually, I pushed the car back. I fixed the tire this morning before I went to work. I still have the payment record on my phone, do you want to see it?"

"Let's see."

Ye Nai took out her phone, opened the payment record for the other person to see, and they snapped a photo.