
Endo's Journey

Isaiah was a regular person, until he wasn't and was suddenly given the chance to reincarnate, and he chose the Naruto Universe. *It's AU* My first time writing a story. I don't own anything besides my oc characters

Satyr_o7 · แอคชั่น
11 Chs

Chapter 4

The next day.

Gekko, and Endo were making a trip because Endo unleashed his desire to be enlisted to the academy now as he thought he was ready to become a genin. Gekko after spending so much time understood that he wouldn't take no for an answer so he decided to bring him to the hokage, also the third wanted to know how living with each other was and if he needed to arrange Endo living by himself. Gekko felt a kinship with the boy, and over time even though he didn't see Endo as his son he felt like he was growing up to be his younger brother and he wanted to support Endo's dream. They made their way to the Hokage tower and Gekko talked to guards on duty about their meeting. The guards heard something about a meeting with Gekko Hayate, and a young boy. They asked for their credentials to which Gekko equally supplied, and they were led all the way to the top floor and they knocked before opening the door to a busy old man with a smoke pipe in his mouth and a fast moving stamp maneuvering it's way through the white leaves of paper. A couple of minutes later the hokage takes a break and he notices the two standing waiting to be acknowledged. Hiruzen walks up and rubs his hand on Endo's head before asking

"What can I do for you young one."

"Can I join the academy?" Endo pretended to be hasty in the attempt of bringing his success of joining in two years up. Hiruzen, actually thinking about this request, went into deep thought debating what he should do. While on one hand he did say he would try to do anything the boy in front of him asked of him, but not that as they were in a period of peace he couldn't reason with himself to make the boy a genin at the age of 8, though he had no thoughts Endo's potential performance. He was confident Endo could perform better than most genin by the reports Yugao sends him occasionally. 'Sensei would want me to make the most of his will? Sensei would want him to be strong.' Hiruzen finally decided and looked up at Endo.

"Little one, the best I can do is when you turn 7." The lord said, awaiting the boy's response.

'Fuck me' Endo thought ,while being three years away isn't bad, he'd have to try harder to reach and meet all of the others, and to get a good sensei.

"What is it, little one?" Hiruzen asked. Endo at this point was nervous because he didn't expect this result.

"Grandpa third how about if I were to excel in class. Can I be promoted to a higher class?" Endo hesitated asking. He thought he may be pushing his luck, but he needed some type of way to get a good teacher. He didn't want Guy or Kakashi but Kurenai, and Asuma weren't terrible choices at all. Though he realized That he may be interrupting the plot. 'Fuck' Endo realized at some point he was going to fuck up the timeline but he didn't know if it was going to be drastic enough. 'Maybe not. Hopefully I have enough information to achieve my goals, and get strong enough to not get Neji'd' Endo mused.

'Anbu might get a good option as well but then he might run into Danzo, and he kinda wanted to be in a three man cell, and make friends. Better friends at least. Up till now I have been avoiding people, but I need people to care about in the first place.' Endo thought and wondered about his choices and if he was making a good decision trying to get into Rookie 9's cast. He might just do it anyway to mess with Sasuke.

"Fine" Hiruzen drafts up a document, and sends it through the anbu. It was stating that Endo would have a chance to get promoted if he excelled in his current class of his choice. He would be starting at 7 instead of the typical 8 which wasn't the biggest of deals. Hiruzen just couldn't afford to send a child to the academy at 5 in a non war time unless he wanted Danzo, and elders up his ass.

Endo see's Hiruzen write on a paper and hold in the air for it to disappear a split second later. It weirdly made him nervous but also gave something tangible to work past. He didn't think he needed to study, hand signs and other Shinobi knowledge definitely, but as far as basic arithmetic and humanities he felt like he got the gist of it.

"Thank you gigi" Endo scurried and hugged the hokage while Hiruzen only smiled and said 'your welcome'. Gekko and Endo then were dismissed, and went back home. Gekko figured something like this would go to Endo's way as he saw their interactions back when he first met Endo. Gekko thought about his role in this but he figured that as long as it wasn't his secret arts he would be ok to teach Endo. Though Gekko wanted it too, his sword style took a lot of physical strength, and most people would rather focus on genjutsu, or Ninjutsu.

"Gekko-san, can we train harder? I wanna be at least genin level when I reach the academy." Endo grinned while walking backwards and looking at the Shinobi.

Gekko of course agreed, as he was going to bump up his training anyway due to the Hokage's permission, and they continued home.

When Endo was alone in his room later that night he heard a siren and then saw.

System alert: Get strong

Introduction to daily mission: Daily mission or daily training gives user the ability to gain more stat points and even some experience. This is only allowed as a measure to successfully make the user strong. There are a multitude of Daily missions, and you will only be able to choose 3 different Daily Missions at different points of your life. They replace each other until you reach the final and hit max level. Choose one

Saitama's training regimen (specialized for the day)




Sung jin woo's training regimen: General

'Uhh… Sung jin woo's training regimen?' Endo Hesitated. He knew the system was gonna make his life hell with the Daily training but he felt like it'd be better to be an all-rounder all at once than have to switch between two in the other one.

[Daily mission denied: Saitama's regimen]

[Daily mission accepted Solo leveling's regimen]

Endo didn't get any further alerts, and decided not to train to see what would start his hellish routine until you graduate.

Daily Mission

0/100 push ups

0/100 punches

0/100 kicks


+2 all stats per month

'Fuck me'

3 year time skip

A boy with snow white hair, and eyes that look like black holes could be seen punching a tree, training for an event that would start his life. This boy's name is Endo and the event is at the Academy. During the 3 years he's been doing a couple of things: Hanging out with Naruto which he did rarely to keep up appearances and sometimes take a break, train under his guardian Gekko Hayate, a Jounin shinobi who's been taking care of him for the time that he has been in Konoha. He's also been training, with his hellish Daily training that increased the number of reps he had to do when he got used to the exercise. At first it was nice seeing his stats go up, but then when his training increased 2 fold that's when things got a little difficult. Of course, the rewards for training did not go up but what could he do? He found out that when he missed the daily mission he would be sent to a gravity chamber where it would be 10x times gravity and he would have to restart his daily total for the reward. He swore to himself that he wouldn't mess up ever again. Endo got quite excited when the time for him to join the academy was close. Of course he would try to advance his classes until he got the shadow clone which he would ask the Hokage for when his class progressed.

"Oi, Brat come eat dinner while it's hot." Endo looked and saw Gekko with an apron yelling while waving a ladle that seemed to have curry on it. Gekko's cooking has progressed tremendously during his time taking care of Endo. He really saw him as a brother, and so he wanted to make sure he ate before the next day and he had to go to the academy. Gekko was amazed by Endo's dedication over his training, and he wondered where the kid came across such will. Gekko was now thinking about training Endo with his sword art, Secret Moon series, when he realized that Endo had enough of a build so it wouldn't hurt him. So they go and eat and the next day rolls around and Endo finishes his training which mostly consists of meditating, and trying to figure out the body flicker. He already figured out the lesser version which he coined Dash, which just increased his speed 2 fold instead of the exponential increase.

Endo dressed in a basic blue long shirt, and a pair of black shorts that matched his sandals, he left the house and made his way to the academy. As he saw the red roof nearby he became slightly nervous as he wasn't sure if he wasn't good enough even with Gekko's compliments. Endo was still early so he waited on a tree until they were ready for registration. Endo goes up and signs his name. The teacher read his name and then took out a note. It read:

"Good luck Endo"

- Lord Third.

Endo smiled and then asked "What do we do for the time being?"

The teacher returned the smile and replied "We have to wait for everyone to show up, and then we are going to have a placement test. Usually, the kids would only have the chance to be placed in an accelerated class where they learn a lot more, but you are different. Your file said that you have a chance to be placed where we think is fit."

Endo nodded and went back up to the tree he was waiting before. The rest of the kids and their parents if they had any showed up and signed up. This took about 2 hours, and after that was done the Third showed up and gave his speech about the will of fire, and all of that jazz about loving and protecting the village. While Endo enjoyed the Hokage, he still didn't love the propaganda placed on the children, and even the children's parents were a little discouraged from the speech as they've seen what Shinobi do to each other. After that, the kids were told to say goodbye to the Hokage and their parents and to come to the training field to start the placement. Once lined up, they were told to stretch and this is when Endo heard

[Mission Issued: Beat the competition.]

Details: place 1st in every test.

Reward: Placed in rookie 9's class.

Failure: put in the worst class.]

Endo inwardly pumped his first as he didn't know how hard it was going to be.

"For the first test we will do a running test. Since they're 150 of you the first 75 of you who stop will be put in the last class automatically even if you place decent in the other test." The teacher now held a whistle, then yelled.

"Get ready." The teacher than pointed to where the kids needed to be in the track, and the assistant lined them up. Once finished the Teacher holding a whistle continued.


Endo started at last and approached the test with a moderate jog and continued until he saw the first 20 drop after the fifth lap, deciding to increase his pace he started bobbing and weaving through the tuckered out kids, and even some of the kids that was integelliently trying to converse their energy. The other kids saw endo whiss past him, and continue until he reach the middle pack before converging with their speed. After another 8 laps, 55 kids dropped and it was just the few stubborn ophrans, the lesser clan kids and Endo. During this time ENdo, was even breaking a sweat as he felt like his daily mission was preparing for just this situation. 1, 2, now another 7 laps passed until there was just Endo, and Hyuga girl who was refusing to give up to some person who she thought was an orphan. After another 5 laps she passed out, and Endo slowly stopped and wiped his forehead which was glistening with sweat after he slowly approach where things would get sticky. The teachers were amazed, while the other orphans especially the ones that dropped out extremely earlier were ashamed and crestfallen. The teachers then broke up the 2 groups into 75, and brought them to the opposite side of the grounds.

"Ok you guys will be group A for now, since you guys made it past the other 75 kids. This next test will also split you guys up into 3 groups of 25. There's no extreme condition like the last test which would be a general fitness. This test has similar standings with groupings. The first 25 that don't complete it will be known as group C, the group who stops after then will be known as group b, and the so on and so forth." The teacher smiled and told them that they would be doing a circuit of pushups, and situps. After demonstrating what the kids would be doing. The teacher lined then up before saying go. Endo also aced this test after being so treated so harshly in his training. The next test was an agility course. This was standard across all of the kids before they would go inside and do an Academic text. They were explained what to do, and they started. Endo won again, even though it seemed like a sarutobi could've easily won if Endo didn't use a extremely weak chakra enhancement. They also came to the same results after Endo who was already familiar with the literature and a vast amount of common sense installed, aced the test. THe hyuga, and sarutobi also aced the test. But since Endo got it in faster he was given the spot of number one.

Endo went back home and rested as they said they would post the results tomorrow on what class they would be placed in. Endo immediately knew when he heard the pop, and saw

[Mission completed: Beat the competition.]

Details: Get first place on every test

Reward Get placed in rookie 9].