
Endless Path : Infinite Cosmos

Vahn was an atypical youth. Due to a rare mutation, his blood had the potential to target and attack ailments within the human body. Touted as a universal cure, people had elevated his status above the norm and given him the classification "Panacea". In the media, he was hailed as a great hero who would usher in a new era or human wellness. However, behind the scenes things weren't so bright. Being a unique individual, Vahn spent his entire youth locked up in a lab with various scientists and research teams using his body and blood to perform endless amounts of experiments. The only solace in his suffering was the various anime and manga made available to him between experiments. He often imagined himself as the protagonist in a world of his own, finally in control of his own destiny. For years he nurtured this desire, until at the age of 14 he died when an organization had tried to kidnap him from the lab... "Finally, I don't have to suffer anymore..." This was Vahn's last thought as he faded into the endless black abyss... "You poor soul." Author's Note: If you would like to support the author and the team behind EPIC and future projects, feel free to check out libraryofakasha.com. There, you can find extra chapters and several other novels posted by myself and a few people from Discord. Cover by Sinlaire, Edited by Frozen: https://www.deviantart.com/sinlaire https://discord.gg/Jwa8PKh New Patreon~! https://www.patreon.com/user?u=14397149 This is a work of fiction that draws heavily upon the original source material of Danmachi. Please support the official release and know I claim no ownership or credit regarding the existence of pre-existing characters or content.

Einlion · อะนิเมะ&มังงะ
2364 Chs

Character Status as of Chapter 1747

(A/N: Massive spoilers ahead. Read at your own risk.)



Name: [Vahn Aldrnari Mason], Sobriquet: N/A

Age: 304 (Ageless)

Race: Progenitor, True Dragon, *Sealed*

Parameters: [Transcendental Path to Heaven: 1-6]

Position(s): Wave Controller, Light Bearer, Scout

Strength: D-Rank Regular

Toughness: B-Rank Regular

Intellect: C-Rank Regular

Agility: A-Rank Regular

Control: C-Rank Ranker

Shinsu Resistance: B-Rank Regular

Shinsu: [Quality: Divine], [Total: 71,800], [Baang: 9], [Myun: 359], [Soo: 359], [Tension: 100:1]

Soul Tier: 4 (Divine Soul)

Karma: 338

Origin Points: 99,582,486

Innates: [Will of the Emperor: SSS], [Rakshasa Body: SS], [Keeper of the Akashic Tome: B], [Eyes of Truth: A]

Skills: [Chainbreaker: A], [Veil of the Traveler: A], [Hands of Nirvana: SSS], [One Who is Loved by the Heavens: SSS], [Smithing(Divine): C], [Swordsman(Divine): C], [Cooking(Master): E], [Unknown Mystic Arts: (-)], [Telekinesis(Ranker): C], [Spatial Control(Ranker): F], [Cutting(Ranker): B], [Lighthouse Control(Regular): B], [Observer Control(Regular): B], [Reverse Flow Control(Ranker): B], [Flow Control(Ranker): D], [Shundo: C], [Koku Shundo: D], [Shinsu Enhancement(Regular): A]




Name: [Fenrir Mason], Sobriquet: N/A

Age: 121

Race: Vanargandr, True Dragon(Sealed)

Position(s): Fisherman, Scout, Wave Controller

Strength: C-Rank Regular

Toughness: E-Rank Ranker

Intellect: B-Rank Regular

Agility: D-Rank Ranker

Control: A-Rank Regular

Shinsu Resistance: N/A

Shinsu: [Quality: Ice, Darkness], [Total: 38,400], [Baang: 9], [Myun: 192], [Soo: 192], [Tension: 100:1]

Soul Tier: 3 (Lord Soul)

Karma: (-)

Innate(s): [Insatiable Hunger(Non-Standard): (-)], [Heaven Devouring Wolf(Absorption): SS], [Queen of the Pack(Spirit): B]

Skill(s): [Lunar Cry: SS], [Freezing Roar: SS], [Chainbreaker: A], [Huntress: SSS], [Severing Claws: SSS], [Unknown Mystic Arts: (-)], [Cutting(Ranker): D], [Flow Control(Ranker): F], [Reverse Flow Control(Regular): B], [Spatial Control(Ranker): E], [Observer Control(Regular): D], [Shundo: C], [Koku Shundo: D], [Shinsu Enhancement(Regular): B]




Name: [Gandr Erebus Mason], Sobriquet: N/A

Age: 304 (Ageless)

Race: Vanargandr, Demigod

Position(s): Scout

Strength: D-Rank Regular

Toughness: E-Rank Regular

Intellect: C-Rank Regular

Agility: A-Rank Regular

Control: A-Rank Regular

Shinsu Resistance: N/A

Shinsu: [Quality: Darkness, Lightning, Sword], [Total: 41,600], [Bang: 9], [Myun: 208], [Soo: 208], [Tension: 100:1]

Soul Tier: 4 (Divine Soul)

Karma: (-)

Innate(s): [Insatiable Hunger(Non-Standard): (-)], [Sage Dragon Emperor's Shadow(Non-Standard): SSS], [Transcendental Sword Soul(Spirit): SS], [Lord of Shadows(Body): B]

Skill(s): [Shadow Guardian: SS], [Shadow Step: SS], [Shadow Clone Jutsu: S], [World of Darkness: A], [Chainbreaker: A], [Hands of Nirvana: SSS], [Swordsman(Divine): C], [Cooking(Master): E], [Unknown Mystic Arts: (-)], [Telekinesis(Regular):B], [Spatial Control(Regular): B], (Lighthouse Control(Regular): B], [Observering Control(Regular): B], [Reverse Flow Control(Regular): C], [Flow Control(Ranker): F], [Shundo: C], [Koku Shundo: D], [Shinsu Enhancement(Regular): B]




Name: [Yoruichi Shihōin], Sobriquet: N/A

Age: 305 (Ageless)

Race: Human, Shinigami

Position(s): N/A

Strength: D-Rank Regular

Toughness: D-Rank Regular

Intellect: D-Rank Regular

Agility: E-Rank Ranker

Control: B-Rank Regular

Shinsu Resistance: N/A

Shinsu: [Quality: Lightning, Cat], [Total: 43,800], [Bang: 9], [Myun: 219], [Soo: 219], [Tension: 100:1]

Soul Tier: 4 (Divine Soul)

Karm: (-)

Innate(s): [Sage Dragon Emperor's Pet(Non-Standard): (-)], [Princess of the Shihōin Family(Non-Standard): SS], [Goddess of Lightning(Emission): SS], [Feline Transformation(Body): A]

Skill(s): [Flash War Cry: Thunder Beast Battle Form: Flash God Black Cat Warrior Princess: SSS], [Flash God Super Transformation: SS], [Flash War Cry: Thunder God War Form: S], [Flash War Cry: S], [Flash Step: S], [Hands of Nirvana: SSS], [Swordsman(Divine): C], [Cooking(Master): E], [Unknown Mystic Arts: (-)], [Spatial Control(Ranker): F], [Cutting(Ranker): F], [Lighthouse Control(Regular): C], [Observer Control(Regular): B], [Reverse Flow Control(Ranker): D], [Flow Control(Ranker): C], [Shinsu Enhacement(Regular): C]




Name: [The Twenty-Fifth Baam], [Gluttony], Sobriquet: N/A

Age: 9,983 (Ageless)

Race: Human, Primordial Sin

Position(s): Wave Controller

Strength: F-Rank Regular

Toughness: D-Rank Regular

Intellect: F-Rank Regular

Agility: D-Rank Regular

Control: D-Rank Regular

Shinsu Resistance: B-Rank Regular

Shinsu: [Quality: Shinsu, Orb], [Total: 18,200], [Baang: 1], [Myun: 91], [Soo: 91], [Tension: 100:1]

Innate(s): [Child of Destiny: SSS], [Chosen of Axis: SSS], [Primordial Sin of Gluttony(sealed): (-)], [Avenger(sealed): (-)]

Skill(s): [Blessing of the Sage Dragon Emperor: S], [Adaptive Body: S], [Absorption: B], [Flow Control(Regular): D], [Reverse Flow Control(Regular): D], [Observer Control(Regular): F], [Shinsu Enhancement(Regular): F]




Name: [Khun Aguero Agnes], Sobriquet: N/A

Age: 17

Race: Human, Demigod(sealed)

Position(s): Light Bearer

Strength: F-Rank Regular

Toughness: C-Rank Regular

Intellect: B-Rank Regular

Agility: D-Rank Regular

Control: D-Rank Regular

Shinsu Resistance: C-Rank Regular

Shinsu: [Quality: Ice, Lightning], [Total: 2,340], [Baang: 1], [Myun: 39], [Soo: 28], [Tension: 30:1]

Innate(s): [Child of Destiny: S], [Scion of the Khun Family(Non-Standard): S], [Devil's Intellect(Mind): B], [One Who Endeavors(Spirit): C]

Skill(s): [Blessing of the Sage Dragon Emperor: S], [Knife Mastery(Regular): E], [Politics(Regular): B], [Hacking(Regular): C], [Lighthouse Contro(Regular): D], [Observer Control(Regular): E], [Flow Control(Regular): F], [Shinsu Enhancement(Regular): F]




Name: [Anak Permata Jr.], Sobriquet: N/A

Age: 338

Race: Cicak

Position(s): Fisherman

Strength: C-Rank Regular

Toughness: B-Rank Regular

Intellect: F-Rank Regular

Agility: D-Rank Regular

Control: D-Rank Regular

Shinsu Resistance: D-Rank Regular

Shinsu: [Quality: Water, Plant], [Total: 4,500], [Baang: 1], [Myun: 45], [Soo: 40], [Tension: 50:1]

Innate(s): [Child of Destiny: S], [Jahad's Blood Curse(Non-Standard): (-)], [Indomitable Will(Spirit): A], [Adamantine Body(Body): E]

Skill(s): [Blessing of the Sage Dragon Emperor: S], [Needle Mastery(Regular): D], [Hook Mastery(Regular): D], [Flow Control(Regular): F], [Shinsu Enhancement(Regular): F]




Name: [Endorsi Jahad], Sobriquet: N/A

Age: 329

Race: Human, Oni, Demigod(sealed)

Position(s): Fisherman

Strength: C-Rank Regular

Toughness: B-Rank Regular

Intellect: F-Rank Regular

Agility: B-Rank Regular

Control: E-Rank Regular

Shinsu Resistance: D-Rank Regular

Shinsu: [Quality: Charm, Needle], [Total: 6,500], [Baang: 1], [Myun: 65], [Soo: 30], [Tension: 50:1]

Innate(s): [Child of Destiny: SS], [Jahad's Blood Curse(Non-Standard): (-)], [Starved Princess(Mind): A], [Champion of Lust(Manipulation): (sealed)]

Skill(s): [Blessing of the Sage Dragon Emperor: S], [Needle Mastery(Regular): C], [Hook Mastery(Regular): D], [Flow Control(Regular): F], [Shinsu Enhancement(Regular): F]




Name: [Phonsekal Laure], Sobriquet: N/A

Age: 134

Race: Human, Demigod(sealed)

Position(s): Wave Controller

Strength: F-Rank Regular

Toughness: F-Rank Regular

Intellect: C-Rank Regular

Agility: F-Rank Regular

Control: C-Rank Regular

Shinsu Resistance: D-Rank Regular

Shinsu: [Quality: Wind, Barrier], [Total: 19,380, [Baang: 2], [Myun: 323], [Soo: 190], [Tension: 30:1]

Innate(s): [Child of Destiny: B], [Descendent of Morpheus(Spirit): C], [Wayfinder (Manipulation): D]

Skill(s): [Blessing of the Sage Dragon Emperor: S], [Flow Reading(Regular): B], [Flow Control(Regular): D], [Reverse Flow Control(Regular): F], [Shinsu Enhancement(Regular): F], [Shinsu Barrier(Regular): E], [Shinsu Wave(Regular): D], [Levitation(Regular): C], [Telekinesis(Regular): F], [Eurasia-Style Shinsu Control: E]




Name: [Ship Leesoo], Sobriquet: N/A

Age: 26

Race: Human

Position(s): Scout

Strength: F-Rank Regular

Toughness: F-Rank Regular

Intellect: B-Rank Regular

Agility: F-Rank Regular

Control: F-Rank Regular

Shinsu Resistance: F-Rank Regular

Shinsu: [Quality: Earth, Control], [Total: 240], [Baang: 1], [Myun: 12], [Soo: 5], [Tension: 10:1]

Innate(s): [Child of Destiny: C], [Natural Tactician(Mind): B], [Soul of the Determined(Spirit): D]

Skill(s): [Blessing of the Sage Dragon Emperor: S], [Strategist(Regular): D], [Martial Arts(Regular): F], [Observer Control(Regular): F]




Name: [Sunwoo Nare], Sobriquet: N/A

Age: 33

Race: Golden Pixie, Dwelfling

Position(s): Scout, Anima

Strength: F-Rank Regular

Toughness: F-Rank Regular

Intellect: E-Rank Regular

Agility: F-Rank Regular

Control: E-Rank Regular

Shinsu Resistance: F-Rank Regular

Shinsu: [Quality: Water, Spirit], [Total: 320], [Baang:1], [Myun: 16], [Soo: 5], [Tension: 10:1]

Innate(s): [Greedy Nymph(Mind): D], [Anima(Manipulation): D]

Skill(s): [Blessing of the Sage Dragon Emperor: S], [Mercantilism: C], [Book Keeping: A], [Taming(Regular): E], [Breeding(Regular): E], [Flow Reading(Regular): F], [Observer Control(Regular): F]




Name: [Hong Chunhwa], Sobriquet: N/A

Age: 22

Race: Human

Position(s): Fisherman

Strength: E-Rank Regular

Toughness: E-Rank Regular

Intellect: F-Rank Regular

Agility: E-Rank Regular

Control: D-Rank Regular

Shinsu Resistance: E-Rank Regular

Shinsu: [Quality: Wind, Sword], [Total: 1,260], [Baang:1], [Myun: 42], [Soo: 15], [Tension: 15:1]

Innate(s): [Knight Soul(Spirit): C], [Wielder of the Sacred Sword(Non-Standard): D]

Skill(s): [Blessing of the Sage Dragon Emperor: S], [Sword Mastery(Regular): D], [Needle Mastery(Regular): F], [Hook Mastery(Regular): F], [Shinsu Enhancement(Regular): F]




Name: [Hwa Ryun], Sobriquet: N/A

Age: 29

Race: Red Witch

Position(s): Wave Controller, Guide

Strength: E-Rank Regular

Toughness: D-Rank Regular

Intellect: C-Rank Regular

Agility: D-Rank Regular

Control: D-Rank Regular

Shinsu Resistance: E-Rank Regular

Shinsu: [Quality: Light, Scepter], [Total: 2,880], [Baang: 1], [Myun: 48], [Soo: 26], [Tension: 30:1]

Innate(s): [Child of Destiny: SSS], [Enryu's Chosen(Non-Standard): SS], [Descendent of the Red Witch(Mind): S], [Ill-Fated Heroine(Spirit): A]

Skill(s): [Blessing of the Sage Dragon Emperor: S], [Pathfinder: A], [Flow Reading(Regular): D], [Flow Control(Regular): E], [Reverse Flow Control(Regular): F], [Shinsu Enhancement(Regular): E]


(A little bonus for those who are curious about how Vahn compares to a High Ranking Princess of Jahad (OwO)...)



Name: [Ha Yuri Jahad], Sobriquet: Black Snake Head

Age: 618

Race: Human, Demigod(Sealed)

Position(s): Fisherman, Scout, Wave Controller

Strength: SS-Rank Ranker

Toughness: SS-Rank Ranker

Intellect: C-Rank Regular

Agility: SS-Rank Ranker

Control: C-Rank Ranker

Shinsu Resistance: SSS-Rank Ranker

Shinsu: [Quality:Fire, Bubble], [Total: 921,960,550], [Baang: 32], [Myun: 18,439,211], [Soo: 12,866,000], [Tension: 50:1]

Innate(s): [Child of Destiny: SS], [Descendent of the War Goddess(Non-Standard): SS], [Prodigy of the Ha Family(Body): S], [Jahad's Blood Curse(Non-Standard): (-)]

Skill(s): [Sword Mastery(Ranker): A], [Needle Mastery(Ranker): A], [Hook Mastery(Ranker): B], [Martial Arts(Ranker): B], [Flow Control(Ranker): C], [Reverse Flow Control(Ranker): E], [Shinsu Enhancement(Ranker): SSS], [Ha Family Shinsu Control: SS], [Yuri Style Shinsu Control: SS], [Nuclear Punch(Ranker): SS], [Hadoken: Red Velvet Sword(Ranker):SS], [Rose Shower(Ranker): SSS], [Shinsu Wave(Ranker): S], [Shinsu Barrier(Ranker): B], [Shinsu Bubble(Ranker): S]




Name: [Ureko Mazino], Sobriquet: Ray Barracuda

Age: 30,492

Race: Human, True Dragon(sealed)

Position(s): Fisherman, Scout, Spear-Bearer, Light-Bearer, Wave Controller, Jeonsulsa, Wonsulsa

Strength: SSS-Rank Ranker

Toughness: SSS-Rank Ranker

Intellect: SSS-Rank Ranker

Agility: SSS-Rank Ranker

Control: SSS-Rank Ranker

Shinsu Resistance: SSS-Rank Ranker

Shinsu: [Quality: Light, Lightning, Dragon, Star], [Total: 1,598,720,310,600], [Baang: 900], [Myun: 7,993,601,553], [Soo: 7,993,601,553], [Tension: 100:1]

Innate(s): [Child of Destiny: SSS], [Beloved Daughter of the Divine Dragon Emperor and Sacred Moon Priestess(Non-Standard):SSS], [Dauntless Dragon Princess(Spirit): SSS], [Faultless Jade Physique(Body): SS], [Inheritor of the Light of Origin(Emission): (-)]

Skill(s): [Dragon Avatar: SSS], [Limit Breaker: SSS], [Light of the Dawn: SSS], [Big Bang: SSS], [Star Crush: SSS], [Omni-Elemental Manipulation: SSS], [Imperial Dragon Martial Arts: SSS], [Light of Purification: S], [Needle Mastery(Ranker): SSS], [Telekinesis(Ranker): SSS], [Spatial Control(Ranker): SSS], [Lighthouse Control(Ranker): SSS], [Observer Control(Ranker): SSS], [Flow Control(Ranker): SSS], [Reverse Flow Control(Ranker): SSS], [Shinsu Enhancement(Ranker): SSS], [Cooking: C]


(A/N: I spent more than three hours on this, all for it to be useless later on (T ^ T)...)