

Finally Friday, Karissa had sat next to me until the bell rang then she sprang up to her chair across the room. We had a project due today and normally I was nervous. I hated presenting but I felt confident in my project; Kristian arrived shortly after the late bell and sat. I had hoped he wouldn't be here as I didn't see him this morning with Karissa.

He'd avoid any kind of conversation with me, like damn I know I was harsh but to ignore me and pretend I don't exist? I wasn't going to bother with it if he wanted to be like that so could I. Class started their presentation and thankfully it started from the front going down each row so I'd be last.

I paid attention to the projects bored out of my mind; I started feeling tired but was quickly woken by the bell. Thankfully I had until Monday or Tuesday depending on how Monday goes. I grabbed my things and left before anyone else. Karissa grabbed my arm and pulled me to the side "You're coming this weekend still?"

Just as I wanted to say no, she stopped me "Don't say no." I exhaled and crossed my arms "Last time I did anything it created problems." I felt my phone buzz in my back pocket; I pulled it out and checked it. I frowned "I have to go." I walked down the stairway to the front office; I got stopped "I can't talk Madis.."

I paused once I saw it was Kristian who grabbed me "I was about to text you. Eliza is here." I looked away "She text me already." I looked back at him and he was frowning "I'm sorry I said those things. I don't blame you for avoiding me." He wiped off the frown and gave me a look of anger "Eliza is waiting. I was sent to get you not to have a conversation."

I followed him back to the office just as the last bell rang. Eliza stood talking to the school counselor "Hey!" She faked a smile on her face as she spoke. I already knew what this meant. I was gone. We went into the office and sat; Eliza turned to me "Let me start by saying. I won't give up."

I started feeling the pain in my chest, I choked up the tears ready to form, she sighed "The judge has denied the adoption. He believes that reunification with your parents is better. They get out in a year and they want you to start supervised visitation."

I stood up and I swear I'd never run so fast out of that office; I slammed open the school entrance doors and ran. I didn't care where, I needed to leave. I came up to the soccer field and fell to my knees. I rested my head on the grass in front of me and sobbed.

Most kids would be happy going home and reuniting with their parents. But me? It scared me. I love my parents yes. But what they did and how they changed traumatized me. I never wanted that experience again and I knew it would. That judge never asked how I felt about it or if I even wanted this.

I looked up when I heard someone approaching me "Go away." I felt a hand on my back and someone pulls me into their arms "Violet." I looked up at his voice, I threw my hair back, and wiped my face "You're going to get in trouble." He brushed my tangled hair out of my face the rest of the way "I got permission."

I threw my arms around his waist and held him tightly "This is what I mean." He whispered as he rubbed my back "What happened?" I wiped my face and pulled out of his hold "Eliza was going to adopt me. The judge denied it. Said I'm better off with my parents."

His facial expressions changed "Why would they do that? Your parents are in jail for a reason." I looked into his eyes "I don't want to go back with them. They've done enough." He rubbed my cheek with his thumb "Will you tell me? If you aren't comfortable yet, I understand."

I looked away "They weren't bad parents until they got caught up with the wrong people. I love my parents but they loved their fixes more. My dad become angry more often and my mom blamed me for the way their life became... She told me I stressed them out to that point."

Suddenly Eliza walked up "Violet you can't just run away like that." I looked up at her "I don't want to talk to you right now." Kristian stood up, I stood up, looking at him "I know it isn't your fault but I need time right now so respect that."

Eliza crossed her arms "We'll talk when you come back. Karissa said they'd be leaving tonight." She turned frowning and walked away. Kristian pulled me in for another hug "Don't let that linger all weekend. Clear the air sooner."

He loosened his hug and I went to Eliza "Eliza." She stopped and turned; I fell into her arms "I don't blame you. I'm upset and I shouldn't have blamed you." She hugged me tighter "You are rightfully angry. We won't give up. I promise."

I started laughing "I'm glad to have you." She chuckled and whispered, "That boy is certainly changing you to be good." I pulled out of her hug "Not even." She smiled "Don't let this stop you from him. He's a good guy for you." I rolled my eyes with a laugh "Go!" She fixed my hair "Okay. See you Sunday."

She was young at heart and I think that's why we got along so well. She was new to this still only a few years into it. I was lucky to know she chose me to adopt. Of course, I'd be 18 in 2 years but anytime worked for me.

Kristian walked up "We need to get back to class." I turned in his direction "Are we okay?" He sighed "I think so. It might take some time for me to get past it."

I nodded "I understand." We walked back to the school and I went to my class after getting a note from the office. I sat next to Madison who looked at me with concern. I glanced at her but returned my attention to my sketch. She whispered, "You smell like cologne." I smiled at her and looked back at the book, her eyes widened and she went back to her project.

I knew exactly what her thought was and I'd leave it with her because arguing she had it wrong would only be impossible at this point. The bell rang, and she looked at me "So you're finally together?" I closed my book "No." She turned in the chair "Why do you smell like his cologne? Come on just admit that's who you were with."

I picked up my book and stood up "Because I was with him." She looked at me with eyes ready to leave her face "See! I knew it. V why didn't you tell me." I turned my head as I walked out "I'm not with him, with him. I got bad news and he just happened to be there."

She smirked "So you made out with him?" I stopped in the hall "No. I don't plan to do anything with him. Eliza came and gave me bad news. He's the office assistant so he was there. That's it." We started walking to the library; Madison stopped me outside the door "I changed classes. Not because of you. I decided on trying parenting classes."

She looked away from me and hid her face, I looked at her confused "They offer that?" She nodded, and she exhaled "Promise me. You won't tell?" I smiled "I promise." She gulped "I'm pregnant." I was shocked, but I hugged her. I didn't ask because it wasn't my business. She started crying "My boyfriend isn't the father. I got caught up with a guy here at school and well..."

I wanted to lecture her about loyalty but she knew. I was strong about it but I kept my mouth shut. Again wasn't my place to say anything and as her friend, I should be supportive. I didn't know the full story nor was I in a place to judge.