
Endless Dungeons

In the hour when the boundaries of worlds have been erased. A distant, small planet, in an abandoned region, caught the eye of one creature. At that moment, the fate of all living, sentient beings on that planet was sealed. Because someone had already rolled the dice for them.

NeuroMaru · แฟนตาซี
18 Chs


Chapter 13 - Modification.

"That's the way out."

When everyone heard this, everyone looked in shock at where the paladin sat.

A huge dark wormhole-like dark blood swirled around in a funnel. Within it, strange purple lights flickered.

"Why do you think so? It doesn't look like it could be the way out."

Their doubts were understandable; they no longer believed anything in these labyrinths. Especially if it looked like a strange slurry that could seemingly dissolve anyone who entered it.

"Just tap it, and you'll have an interface window pop up with information. This is how I do it."

Cain illustrated this by touching the edge of the portal with an example.

"I think to get out, we just have to go in or jump in."

Everyone looked at this strange-looking portal with doubt. Though the young paladin's words sounded more or less logical. They didn't want to check it out.

Only the old man dived headlong into the horrible portal without even thinking about it. He wanted to get out of this horrible place as soon as possible, no matter where that path would take him.

"If that's not the way out, I'll be back in five minutes."

Five minutes later, there was no movement from the portal. Relief and notes of regret could be seen on their faces. And only Cain was standing off to the side yawning.

"Why are you standing there? Weren't you going to get out of here as soon as possible by opening that portal? Are you hiding something?"

Staring at the paladin suspiciously, Tod decided to ask brazenly after all, ignoring all rules of decorum. Greed clouded his judgment.

He had the portal under his feet anyway, and a large warrior behind him who would protect him in case of trouble.

"It's just the way he wanted it. Why? Little piggy, want something?"

Cain slowly placed his hand on the sword hanging from his belt. His white teeth gleamed in the light of the torches. It infuriated the useless mage beyond belief.

This paladin was strangely squeamish about all treasures. Perhaps he had previously found something of greater value than any treasure they had previously found.

"If the paladin is hiding something...I don't think anyone else will see us here. All that remains is to figure out a way to sick this lunatic warrior."

While the warrior was gathering his things, the mage had an epiphany. As he approached the warrior, Tod began whispering.

"Hey. Is it just me, or is that handsome paladin hiding something from us?"

Listening to him, Rayyan squinted slightly and nodded.

"Now, I think he knows something about the chests, maybe he found the keys earlier before anyone saw them. Maybe they were on the altar."

"Are you sure? If not, don't even think about it. It's not worth the gamble. I watched him for a long time. In all that time he never once ran out of breath. Every move he made was calculated to perfection," he looked strangely at Cain and continued.

"Everything you saw earlier is nothing more than an act. I don't know where he got his skills, with a body like that... But if you're going to do what you think you're going to do... you might lose your life. I mean, you'll die, and I'll have to suffer a little because of my tired body."

Hearing this, Tod's eyes widened and an expression of disbelief was indescribable on his thick, sweat-covered face. He looked at the paladin and swallowed.

His greed had abruptly evaporated somewhere. The desire to live exceeded, the lust for profit. Unhappy with the outcome, he slowly gathered his things.

As they gathered, they stood in front of the portal. The fat man turned and glanced at the paladin in the corner. He smirked as he followed them with a look.

"Hmm! Bastard!"

The mage spat in the paladin's direction as he said goodbye. He was about to continue when he realized that Raiyan had long since disappeared into the portal.

And when Cain deliberately, sharply jerked his foot, the mage quickly dived into the portal in fear and finally disappeared.

He could have easily killed the pig by throwing a couple of daggers at it. But he didn't want to mess with such a lowlife. He didn't have much time left in these dungeons with that temper anyway.

"Let him suffer a little more before he dies."

Yawning, Cain began to shed his paladin armor. Leaving in just his underwear, he pulled out a pair of lock picks he'd picked up from the dead thief.

The last time he'd taken those lock picks, the mage had been the one who hadn't been squeamish about pawing at a fresh corpse. Unfortunately, in the inept hands of the magician was a broken one lockpick. And in the end, it was only possible to find out what was in one of the chests.

This item was [Pants of the Wind] of the green level. An item with no class limit and a good dexterity rating. Cain will need these pants to further his plan.

And here's what lies in the second chest...

"Well, let's see..."

Cain's skill was enough to open such a simple lock. In the past, it had been a required skill for anyone descending into the dungeons.

At the bottom of the chest, he found a white vial and a strange scroll glowing purple.

"Turn on the auxiliary interface!"


"You have received [Wind Pants x1], [Amplification Scroll x1],

[Amplification Potion x1]."


Too bad you can't take it all away at once. Too bad.

"Although I could enhance the pants and take them with me, it would be too wasteful. Wasting an enhancement scroll on an item of green quality..."

He had other plans for this precious material. Enhancement scrolls were quite rare in endless dungeons.

Such a scroll could enhance anything except artifacts and items of higher quality. And all by a whole level!

Because of this, it was almost impossible to see them on the open market. Occasionally, the biggest auctions can let one slip through, but they ask insane prices for it. Only the richest servers could afford such things.

When Cain finished packing, in his greenish pants, he began to make strange gestures. Without much ado, Cain twisted his body to the fullest possible degree.

It looked very strange, the sounds of crunches and painful moans echoing down the hall. With a red face, Cain forcibly increased the dexterity of his wooden body.

Then, as his body whimpered, Cain sat down with the thief's blade in his hands and began carving incomprehensible runes into his skin. Blood flowed in torrents. But Cain's face turned only slightly pale.

These procedures were necessary for his plan. He carved until his hand was no longer capable of holding the blade. Dropping the dagger he whispered a soft incantation.

{Esta; Lo ri.}

Saying this, his outer cuts turned to scars and his inner injuries were slightly healed. Bringing his body back to a more or less normal state.

After his wounds healed, he vomited copious amounts of blood. True mages, could slightly circumvent the rules of the endless dungeons. Except that for such little tricks, there were considerable penalties.

Such mages could forcibly cast spells, circumventing class and avatar limitations in general. But in return, a tenfold charge was levied; in more neglected cases, the charge reached thousands of times.

For example, Cain was now using an imitation of an inferior paladin's minor healing spell. To heal his forcibly transformed body. Unfortunately, that's all his decrepit and weak body is good for.

If he had used an average inferior spell, his body would have been ripped apart. Or it would have instantly aged and dried out, turning into a mummy.

As Cain stood up, steam emanated from his body. The muscular relief of his body screamed for his power. But Cain didn't need strength; he needed insane speed. Wiping the blood constantly flowing from his mouth, Cain took out a vial of white liquid and drank it without looking.

His pale skin filled with blush, and the fog around his body gradually receded. His bloated muscles shrank slightly, taking on a natural appearance. Cain felt much better.

"Damn, tough luck. Whatever, a free physique index won't be out of place."

Slightly disgruntled, he went to the wall to look for the secret passageway.

"There it is! Now, all is according to plan. In and out."

Cain fumbled with a strange ledge in the wall and opened the secret passage leading to the secret room. Grabbing his shield, he ran down the dark tunnel. He didn't have much time. His body couldn't take that kind of exertion for more than an hour.