
Endless Devouring System

"If survival of the fittest is the true law of this world, then I shall become the embodiment of darkness, devouring everything!"

JadePhoenixS · แฟนตาซี
58 Chs

Kill Adolf part2

"You must die too!" Ryan snorted coldly, his hand swiftly drawing the"Silver Serpent" as he charged towards Chris like lightning.

"No! Don't kill me! Please, spare me!" Chris saw the approaching figure, cold and resolute, as if an emissary sent by the god of fate himself, mercilessly closing the distance between them. In that moment, despair filled Chris's heart, his voice echoing through the silent village with a hint of desolation. It was a fear and helplessness that seeped into his bones, facing an inevitable fate, his cries tearing through the air, yet seemingly unable to alter the impending outcome.

Ryan's eyes held no pity; upon reaching Chris, he decapitated him with a single strike, his cold face splattered with blood in an instant.

As Chris's headless body slowly fell, Ryan, with an indifferent gaze, turned towards the remaining two, his blood-drenched sword emitting a terrifying glow in the night.

Evelyn and Olaf trembled, filled with regret and fear for their betrayal. The air around them seemed to freeze, they dared not breathe heavily, watching Ryan with tense faces as if waiting for judgment, feeling as though a thousand weights pressed on their hearts.

Ryan took a deep breath, looking at the two companions who had once fought alongside him. After a moment of silence, he found himself unable to go through with it, feeling a reluctance in his heart, and finally decided to let them be. With the"Wings of the Gale" on his back fluttering, he soared into the sky under Evelyn and Olaf's fearful gaze, heading towards the direction Adolf had fled.

After Ryan left, the tense atmosphere dissipated, and the tension in Evelyn and Olaf eased, leaving them with a sense of surviving a great ordeal. They exchanged looks, their faces revealing bitter smiles, sighing helplessly.

Quickly, with the boost from the"Wings of the Gale," Ryan found the severely wounded Adolf.

Adolf lay on the ground, barely breathing, clutching a fist-sized, bloody wound on his shoulder, his eyes filled with the fear of death towards Ryan.

Fate is so ironic; the predator of one second becomes the prey on the chopping block the next!

"Please, I beg you, don't kill me! I'll give you anything, just spare my life!" Adolf's voice trembled with extreme fear as he clutched his profusely bleeding wound, pain nearly preventing him from breathing. Each word seemed to be squeezed out from his tortured body, laden with a desire for life and a fear of death. His eyes were full of pleading, as if trying to move his executioner with all his might, hoping to find a sliver of hope at the edge of life and death.

"True to the bloodline of the Genis family, even your pleas are identical!" Ryan's voice was cold and filled with irony as he looked emotionlessly at Adolf.

As he gazed at Adolf, lying before him like a dead dog, Ryan's inner rage and thirst for revenge burned brighter. He couldn't help but recall the hardships his sister, Alice, had endured during their days on the run, her fear and helplessness breaking his heart. And now, the very cause of it all trembled before him, awaiting his verdict.

With each step Ryan took towards Adolf, it seemed to match the rhythm of stepping on Adolf's heart, heavy and merciless. The sword in his hand was like the coldest wind of winter, mercilessly pressing against Adolf's trembling throat. The gleaming tip of the sword, cold and indicative of the fragility of life and the impending end. At this moment, not only Adolf's fate hung by a thread, but even the surrounding air seemed to freeze, filled with tension about to erupt and irreversible despair.

As the cold light of the sword's tip neared, Adolf saw nothing but the icy brightness and Ryan's eyes, filled with intent to kill. In this moment of life and death, he realized there was no escape. All his pleas and struggles became meaningless; his face twisted in fear, struggling to reveal a fierce grimace.

"Even in death, I won't make it easy for you!" Adolf's roar was filled with despair and rage, echoing in the open space, revealing his final resistance. Suddenly, from his magical storage ring, he produced a magic orb filled with potent energy, emitting a heart-palpitating light. Adolf clutched the orb tightly, murmuring an ancient and mysterious spell. The light from the magic orb grew brighter, and the air around it began to warp, a powerful force quietly brewing. Adolf's face twisted into a resolute and sinister grin.

Ryan's brows furrowed, sensing the unusual energy from Adolf's magic orb, but not fully understanding the desperation behind the act. He didn't have the time to ponder nor did he want to give Adolf any chance to unleash the unknown magic. With a swift flick of his wrist, his sword thrust forward like lightning, the cold tip mercilessly piercing through Adolf's throat.

"Ugh…" Adolf let out a muffled groan, the last sound of his life, as excruciating pain spread throughout his body. His eyes filled with deep hatred and strong resentment towards Ryan. As the pain overwhelmed him, his gaze gradually became vacant, his pupils dilating, reflecting Ryan's figure until the last glimmer of life faded. The magic orb in his hand, still emitting flickering light, slowly slipped and rolled away.

Suddenly, a strange and powerful aura began to quietly spread, emanating from the magic orb, instilling an unsettling feeling in Ryan.

Before Ryan could react, the fallen magic orb suddenly exploded into a dazzling brilliance, erupting into a pillar of light that shot into the sky, like a beam connecting heaven and earth, illuminating the surrounding darkness. The light rapidly spread in the sky, forming a massive and complex magical array adorned with ancient and mysterious runes, its glow flickering as if to tear the sky apart.

This colossal magical array emitted strong magical fluctuations, filling the air with the scent of charged particles, making everything around unusually serene, with only the energy within the pillar pulsing, as if heralding an impending storm. Ryan involuntarily looked up, a hint of shock and confusion in his eyes at the scale of the magic, which was undoubtedly a very special kind of advanced magic.

"This is... a tracking magic spell!" Utilizing the knowledge gained from a level 40 experience card, Ryan quickly understood everything about the gigantic magical array before him.

It was an advanced tracking magic—designed specifically to trace an enemy's whereabouts. Typically, such magical arrays are crafted by the elite powers within prominent magical families, who spend precious Advanced-grade magic crystals, with utmost focus and meticulous craftsmanship. They store this powerful magic within magical containers, as a precious gift for key figures in the family, serving as one of their means to deter enemies in potential crises. If the holder falls, the last scene of their life automatically feeds back to the family, revealing the tragedy and precisely locating the enemy, providing clues for vengeance.

As Ryan was lost in thought, the magical array's energy began to expand rapidly, its influence spreading across the sky, enveloping the surrounding space in a mysterious aura. Under the influence of this powerful magic, even the boundaries of the world itself seemed to blur. Suddenly, an invisible, bizarre force quietly permeated Ryan's body, catching him off guard and filling him with surprise and unease.

Ryan realized trouble was imminent.

Indeed, moments later, a vague projection formed in the night sky from the massive magical array, representing a second-order grand magus exuding terrifying power.

"Who is it? Who took my son's life!" Seeing the corpse at Ryan's feet, the figure roared deafeningly, his voice filled with pain and anger. Then, his gaze locked onto Ryan like a predator upon its prey, his eyes flashing dangerously, as if to completely see through Ryan.

Ryan quickly recognized the projection's identity—it was Adolf's father, the head of the Genis family, and the most powerful mage in the family, a second-order grand magus at level 59, Regen Genis.

"It's you! The remnants of the Caesar family!" Regen's voice was full of shock and anger, recognizing Ryan instantly. At this moment, his voice trembled with intense emotional turmoil, as if each word was laden with uncontrollable emotions, pouring out his shock and fury without reserve.

"Just a projection! Break!" Ryan took a deep breath, his gaze resolute, looking up at the vague projection in the sky without uttering any pointless words. Taking advantage of the power of the level 40 experience card still within him, he threw a punch, carrying a tremendous magical force, and fiercely struck at the projection above!

Facing the incoming formidable force, the projection's murderous intent intensified, his voice cold and threatening, chilling to the bone, echoing throughout the world:"I will come to kill you myself! I swear, I will tear you to pieces! Grind your bones to dust!"

As soon as these words fell, the projection dissipated into countless sparkling lights under Ryan's strike, like countless fireflies dancing in the night sky, gradually fading into the dark veil. At the same time, the massive magical array also began to fade as the last of its magic was exhausted, eventually disappearing without a trace. The night sky returned to its usual tranquility and depth, as if the fierce conflict and brilliant light had never graced this peaceful land, leaving only the traces of a gentle night breeze and the quiet twinkle of stars.

Ryan's expression was solemn as he gazed at the bright night sky, deep in thought. What lay ahead for him and his sister was a frantic pursuit; under the chase of the Genis family's strongest, pausing their flight would mean utter doom. Thinking of this, Ryan clenched his fists tighter, his resolve to become stronger becoming even firmer.

"Wait for me, Genis family! One day, I will erase you completely from this world!" Ryan silently vowed, each word as if squeezed out from his very marrow, filled with unshakeable determination and a firm will.

Having meticulously scavenged every useful item from Adolf's body, Ryan then employed a basic devouring skill, quickly absorbing the remaining magical power and soul essence from Adolf. With all this accomplished, the "Wings of the Gale" at Ryan's back fluttered powerfully, propelling him into the sky like an arrow released from its bow, speeding towards the south.

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