

Yas_Nart · สมัยใหม่
11 Chs

Chapter 9


I saw him throw a knife on the floor...and he left just like that leaving me conflicted with my own thoughts...and fucking still tied up to the chair, how am I supposed to use that knife when my freaking hand-...that's when I realized that one of my hands were not tied up.

"When did he- no Ariane this is not the time to worry about that, I need to get out of here".

I told myself as I dragged the chair with me where the knife was on the floor... I bent down and picked up the knife and started cutting the ropes that were still wrapped around my other hand and legs to the chair.

When I was finally free, I slowly and carefully walked towards the door....making sure that I didn't make any noise and when I popped my head out of the door I saw that...it was empty? I was expecting guards to be stationed on every corner of the building...and when I was looking around to see if anyone was there I saw a staircase meaning that I was somewhere on the underground floor of a building.

I ascended the stairs….carefully. As I ascended I saw that no one was there...all the floors were empty…and when I finally got out of the building I saw a car…outside and again no one was around.

"Maybe it's a trap....or was that guy..., no I can never trust anyone."

I remind myself as I decided to walk back home and not take the car because it might be a trap, after walking for a long time, I finally reached a highway...but there were no houses nearby ... I was exhausted, and the sun had already set...it was dark. And I was in the middle of nowhere.

Suddenly I heard a car coming towards me and stopped right in front of me.

"Hello Darling, it seems like you need a ride"

I heard a voice when the guy lowered his car's window, He was wearing glasses and looked like he was in his late 20s..., "don't trust anyone" I again remind myself...but then again I looked back at the empty...dark road and the forest on the side of the road…with no chance of having houses nearby.

Defeated I decided to get in the car, and sat down on the back seat..., my feet were all dirty, just like my clothes and hair.

"Btw what happened to you? How did you end up in the middle of nowhere?"

I gulped as I saw him looking at me through the rearview mirror of his car.

"I was here on a hiking trip with my friends, but I got lost and ended up here"

I lied as I averted my gaze away from his

"Oh I see"

He simply said, I was relieved that he believed my story.

"I am Lukas, what is your name darling?"

"Are you from London?" I asked as I was trying to avoid giving a stranger my name.

"Oh no I am not, I only lived there for some years, did you think I was from London because I keep calling you darling?"

I simply nodded my head as a reply and then looked out of the window.

Soon he went silent maybe he understood that I wasn't in the mood to talk, but soon he broke the silence.

"Where do you want me to drop you?"

I finally looked at him and noticed that we were now back in the city. I told him to drop me off at a bus station, as I didn't want to give a stranger my address.


I thanked Lukas when he dropped me at the bus station that was near my house. He soon drove off too. It was good that he didn't ask me any more questions, I am sure he noticed how I tried to change the topic when he asked for my name, but he didn't seem to care anyway, and I was lucky that Lukas was not a bad person.

When I was walking back to my apartment…I couldn't help but feel like someone was watching me… It was good that no one was around as it was already late at night.

When I reached my apartment, The first thing I did was take a hot shower, I saw my body in the mirror....all bruised up, I caressed the scars and some bruises that were still new I flinched as I kept caressing each one of them.

After the shower I took my phone and called Alton, but his number was non-reachable. That only made me think that it was Alton who did that because I left him and his source for money was now gone with me but then again he would not have that much money to hire those...uh what are they called again?…

Suddenly my phone rang making me jump, soon I calmed down and picked up the call.


no response.

"What the hell? Who is this?"

Still no response, I was annoyed...first Alton broke my heart and then the kidnapping and that mysterious man, what was his name again? Oh yeah, Fucking Everhart.

"who the hel-"

Just when I was bout to ask them who they were they cut off the call. Making me more furious, that night I went to bed in an angry mood but I fell asleep soon as I was exhausted from all those things that had happened.