
End After Journey

A peasant, poorer than all one day found a jewel. It wasn’t just any jewel but a jewel that made him into a vampire. Look at the story of a lowly peasant rising above monarchs in his journey to conquer the world!

CustomSoul · แฟนตาซี
5 Chs

Chapter 5: Saint Calipharia’s Church

"He's waking up!" shouted someone. William slowly opened his eyes, only to be greeted by a extremely bright sun in his face. As William slowly woke up, he felt the jostling of a wagon being pulled by horses. As William's vision slowly came back, he made out the shape of girl hovering directly infront of his line of vision. Atleast that's what he thought he saw. Hovering directly in his face was man, who looked like a girl and was staring at him with hungry predator like gaze drooling all over Williams face.

"Gah!" screamed William as he jumped back away from the man. When William landed on his butt, his vision finally, had fully restored.

As he looked up, he noticed that he was on a wagon. Well atleast he used to be. When he had jumped away from the guy, he had thrown himself off the wagon landing about 3 feet away from it. On the wagon we're 6 people, each of whom were girls. They wore cleric uniforms, and looked like medics. The girl that was hovering her face over him, was actually a man, but the other girls didn't seem to notice and continued staring at William. When he looked at their badge, his eyes widened in shock as he saw that the girls were from Saint Calipharia's Church! Saint Calipharia's Church we're known to be woman who apparently hated, and despised men. So.. why was one wearing their uniform? He looked at them in confusion before one of the girls finally snapped back to her senses.

"Hello, my name is Scarlet! Can you get back on the wagon or…" asked a busty blonde. She cocked her head at him as if waiting for a response. William, still wary of the man on the carriage and continued staring at him with a eerie expression. The blond girl followed his gaze and looked at the man.

"Oh, that's Alice, one of our healers. Do you know her or something?" asked the blonde.

"No, no, it's just, I thought you girls didn't allow men in your church?" asked William puzzled.

"We don't?" replied the same girl with a perplexed look.

"Then why— said William before being cut off abruptly. The guy… or girl named Alice had jumped off the wagon and had ran straight to William. She then covered his mouth before he could say anymore and said in a girl impression,

"I think he must have hit his head or something, let me tend to him for a bit." said the guy. He then signaled for William to shut up before dragging him away from earshot of the girls. The guy then stared at him with a serious expression before saying,

"Listen, I don't know how you can see through my illusion, but keep your mouth shut." He then dragged William back to the group of girls and put him back in the wagon. William as confused as ever allowed himself to be dragged away and be placed on the wagon. Having no clue where they were headed William soon dozed off, sleeping comfortably.

When William woke up, he was in a small room, and his chest was covered in bandages. As William looked around the room, he noticed his perception had gotten way better, and he could even the smallest insects on the window. William was awed by his new self. He could hear better, see farther, and he could feel the explosive strength in his limbs. William was so happy, and he continued looking around the room until he saw a mirror. He stood up and surprisingly, his body felt light, and he felt like he could run thousands of miles. He ignored the feeling for now, and walked towards the mirror. When he look in the mirror he was ready to faint. His skin had turn really pale, and his once bright green eyes, had become a really bright red and was more illuminated then his previous green. He had become a vampire, a creature that was to be killed in many lands!

Being a vampire was cool and all but he had no idea what to do. There was no one to guide him and no one to rely on. As William pondered those thoughts someone had entered the room. It was the guy named Alice or whatever, and he was here to check up on William apparently. William closed his eyes, and stretched out his ears to hear what the guy was saying. Although the guy was not talking for some reason, William could hear him? Startled, he quickly stopped whatever he was doing an opened his eyes. He looked at the guy which had his eyes closed and said,

"Why are you just standing there?" asked William cocking his head to the side. The guy, startled, took one look at William and fled the room. William confused hopped off his bed and walked towards the door which was open a crack. He outside the door and saw the guy frantically talking to what seemed to be the headmistress. As the guy continued to frantically talk to her the lady suddenly snapped her head towards the doorway. When her gaze fell on William, he felt a overwhelming amount of power excluding from her. She suddenly dashed towards the door, running at a speed abnormal for her age. William, caught up in the heat of the moment, jumped away from the door and started looking around. He had no idea why, but his instincts were telling him to run. He frantically searched around for a window, but the room was devoid of any except for one, which was high up on the wall. William quickly rushed to the door and bolted it shut buying him some time. Williams brain went into overdrive thinking of a way to escape.

Vampires on the Ardania continent were considered vile, and evil and were to be put to death immediately. The headmistress was a powerful mage, judging her gaze was powerful enough to exclude power. As William continued to try and think of ways to escape, a sudden ding echoed around the room. William looked around in confusion but he saw nothing. When he turned to other side of his vision, nothing. That's when he saw it. As if magically a window had appeared out of thin air onto a wall next to him. He quickly searched around the room until he found a large vase. He grabbed the vase and threw it at the window shattering it in an instant. As soon as the window broke, the headmistress had blasted the door in with a powerful inactation. She stormed into the room with a wild look as she looked at William with absolute disgust.

"YOU VILE CREATURE." she screeched. "COME HERE AND DIE" she shouted blasting a green mana spear at him. The spear a scraped his ear and blasted into the wall behind him. William quickly jumped out the window and sprinted away as hard as he could. He threw himself into the forest disappearing into the wild mess of tangled bushes. The headmistress watched from the broken window, before scoffing and turning away.

William, after wandering for a bit in the forest finally found a road that went in a straight line. William was well aware he was out of the capital, but he had no clue as to where he was. Then it hit him like a baseball hitting a bat. His beloved sword, which was most likely made for him was gone. Although William didn't know it at the time, he was afraid. After walking around for about three hours William sat down next to the tree line on the side of the road and sighted tiredly. He began to meticulouslu ponder his options. One of his options was to retrace his foot steps, and walk all the way back to the church. He was sure that his sword was inside of it, but it was really dangerous as there could be equally powerful magicians lying there waiting for him to return. His second options, was to continue along and make his way to the barren lands, where he could live a secluded life without anyone finding him.

William knew that he would die, before reaching the barren lands and he best get his sword before running off. Thus here he was at the edge of the church ready to scale the walls in the dark of the night. With his keen hearing, William could here the footsteps of guards patrolling, and the nearest guards were at the other side of the church grounds, and there footsteps were really, really faint meaning they were far away. He latched onto the fence and quickly scaled up the wall. He hopped down and landed on the floor none to softly and crept across the garden making his way to the window which he had broken. The window and tape with warning sign covering the rubble of the damage restricting him from going near. He quietly lifted the tape and snuck into the building.

As soon as William entered, the cool air hit his face like a blissful rock.* Into the unknown he went, to get back his beloved sword!


No clue why I said blissful rock ;-;

CustomSoulcreators' thoughts