
Encrypted Void

Angels and Demons fought for tens of millions of years that made the beautiful world corrupt and filled with mana from their conflict, because the amount of mana released into the world made humans evolve and use magic to protect themselves. After a long war broke out, an external factor interrupted the battle and made both sides petrified by a strange magic. Millions of years after the war made humans become strong due to their adaptation to the world, but slowly growing evil traits from within humans made the world once again tainted by War, Enslavement, and Murder. Naku, a boy who have lost memory with unknown reason living in a world that is full of cruelity trying to find his memory no matter what it cost.

AimLemon · แฟนตาซี
39 Chs


In the Year 1250, humans who have adapted to the extreme conditions of the earth caused by the war between Angels and Demons for billions of years have now begun to rebuild the civilization that was destroyed after unknown variables disrupted the wars of both sides and turned all the Angels and Demons into stone, humans have taken back the peace they dreamed of in the dark days of war. But that peace didn't last long, right after 1400, humans grew greedy and ruthless human nature due to the sense of power they felt made the world beset by wars once again caused by humans themselves, those wars made the strong rule and the weak obey against them, slavery everywhere, and murder and slaughter. In 1450, a group of humans who received a powerful blessing from the gods decided to end their cruelty and bring back world peace. In 1600 their actions were honored as world heroes where their statues are now made in all kingdoms to commemorate the services they have brought peace around the world. But the evil has not completely disappeared, it still lives in the shadows of human life.

In 1645, a boy wakes up in a rundown house in the middle of a forest with no human life around.

'Mmh...' The boy got up from the bed that looked like it would collapse at any moment. When he woke up from his sleep, the bright light of the sun illuminated the room instantly and made his eyes covered with sunlight.

'Ugh... too bright.' He covered the bright sunlight with his palms in front of his face so he could see clearly, his long black hair was messy and disheveled after waking up.

"What day is it today? I don't remember it, and I wake up like a normal day..." He thought as he stand up from the bed.

He then walked towards the table with a crack in the table leg, on the table there were several worn items. Those items were a broken mirror, a dagger with a slightly rusty blade, and a sword with a broken blade. He then picked up the broken mirror and lifted it to reveal the reflection of himself, his long black hair ruffled from his long sleep and covered his eyes.

'Ah.. my hair is long.' He said casually as if seeing the usual thing.

He lifted his hair that was covering her eyes from the reflection of the mirror and opened his eyes, he saw a pair of beautiful red eyes like ruby ​​crystals.

'Why do I have eyes like this..? aren't these eyes too beautiful for an ordinary person like me?'

'I also don't remember anything about my family and why I'm alone in this house. All I remember is my name, Naku.' He spoke to his reflection in the mirror hoping to get an answer even though he knew that he would not get it by talking to an inanimate object.

...Talking to inanimate objects like this makes me look like a madman... I should just go hunting.

He took the dagger with the rusty blade and put it in his bag, he then took out the rope and some hunting equipment he had and opened the door. The bright sunlight made him unable to see for a moment and then saw the forest and the other living things that lived in the forest.

'Hopefully I can catch a big prey and have a party after.' He smiled thinking about how many meat he would get after getting the prey he wanted.

He then closed the door tightly and walked into the forest to hunt.