
Encrypted Void

Angels and Demons fought for tens of millions of years that made the beautiful world corrupt and filled with mana from their conflict, because the amount of mana released into the world made humans evolve and use magic to protect themselves. After a long war broke out, an external factor interrupted the battle and made both sides petrified by a strange magic. Millions of years after the war made humans become strong due to their adaptation to the world, but slowly growing evil traits from within humans made the world once again tainted by War, Enslavement, and Murder. Naku, a boy who have lost memory with unknown reason living in a world that is full of cruelity trying to find his memory no matter what it cost.

AimLemon · แฟนตาซี
39 Chs

Carlon's Past (Part 4)

On the other hand, Carlon constantly fights the Vivid Knights regardless of anything else in order to protect the Kingdom of Zealuterra.

'Hah.. hah..' Carlon killed one of Vivid's knights and jumped back trying to control his breathing which was already irregular due to the exhaustion he was feeling.

'ENDURE! FOR ZEALUTERRA'S SAKE!' One of the Zealuterra Knights shouted and raised the other knight's fading spirits.

Carlon and the Zealuterra Knights beat back the Vivid Knights with a strong determination to protect their kingdom, Carlon tried to strengthen himself from the cruel things he had just felt in the war and helped on the front lines, the battle lasted for 2 days without stopping making the entire army both friend and foe were exhausted and badly injured.

'HAH... HAH...' Carlon panted as he slashed his sword at the enemy, but the vision he saw was so messy from exhaustion that his vision became blurry.

Carlon fell from exhaustion but was caught by one of the Zealuterra knights and protected him.

'HAH.. WAKE UP..! DO NOT FAITH NOW..!' Even though his voice sounded like someone who had reached his limit, he still fought and protected Carlon at the same time.

Carlon's gaze got worse and made him faint in the knight's hands.


On the other hand, the battle beetwen Regnier and Glenn lasted for 2 days. The ground exploded around Regnier and sent him flying high into the sky and was injured.

'Ugh!' Regnier endured the blast and tried to balance himself in the sky, but Glenn quickly attacked Regnier with his Mana Sword and slashed Regnier's shoulder. Glenn grabbed Regnier's leg and threw him to the ground with great force with his mana enhanced physique, but Regnier focused his mana on his sword and slashed so hard and fast that Glenn didn't realize that a mana slash was right before his eyes, Glenn reflexively quickly tried to avoid the attack but the mana slash that was made by Regnier was very large it managed to slash Glenn's right ear.

'TCH!' Glenn gritted his teeth and looked at Regnier furiously who hit the ground hard.

Glenn gripped his sword tightly and chanted the magic incantation within the sword.

'...METEORITE-' Not having time to finish his magic spell, suddenly a light appeared from within the smoke where Regnier had crashed. The light grew brighter and brighter and quickly flew towards Glenn like a flash of lightning making Glenn unable to react.

The flash of lightning passed through Glenn and strike him with great force, the electricity flowed into Glenn's body and electrocuted him so hard that he couldn't move even a single muscle of his body and at the same time Glenn's right hand that was holding the sword was suddenly cut and severed.

'...Thundering Sword' The flash of lightning was Regnier holding a sword coated with a very high volume of electricity that could match a bolt of lightning.

Glenn fell hard to the ground and Regnier walked towards him but when Regnier wanted to kill him, Glenn pressed a button on his left hand. Regnier quickly slashed Glenn's neck and killed him instantly but Regnier was distracted by the button Glenn pressed.

'...What is this button..' Regnier took the button Glenn pressed and looked at it, it was very simple and only had one word on it.

The writing above the button is (RELEASE) making Regnier feel very uncomfortable and alert for what will happen, Regnier observes the battle closely and tries to find something odd or strange due to the button being pressed by Glenn, Regnier's concern started to get strong due to the ground suddenly shaking like an earthquake and the sound of heavy iron like footsteps. Regnier looked back beyond the smoke caused by their battle, a hundreds of strange creatures simultaneously walking with the same perfect rhythm and killing the fighting knights regardless of enemy or friend. Regnier tried to convince himself that what he was seeing were hundreds of human knights wearing full sets of knight armor but he couldn't ignore that the sounds made by the footsteps of those creatures were like piles of solid and strong iron, Regnier gripped his sword tightly and prepared to do battle against these creatures but Regnier was shocked by their words.

'DESTROY.' The creatures spoke in voices that sounded like humans but were a little strange due to voices that were like filtered technological systems to try to imitate human voices, their voices that sounded like systems were so close to human voices that it almost made Regnier think they were humans.