
Encounter of Gods

In a far far away planet, in a bright morning of a delightful day, in a small jazz cafe shop, a faithful meeting of 4 people happened.

Rezisuren · แฟนตาซี
1 Chs


the busy noise of the street irritate the ears of a demon-like visitor in the jazz cafe shop in central city. The woman in front of him giggle softly, proceed to tease him in a flirtly manner

"Darling, do you not enjoy this view? I'd say this is something to indulge myself in" She looks at the demon-like with adoration, the "demon" blushed, ignoring the noise he reply

"It's..." he stopped, seemingly too occupied with admiring his wife under the sun rays from the window, she was as beautiful as the word can express.

The store bell rings as the store owner cheerfully welcome the new guests

"Welcome! How many i help you?"

A man comes in, dress in all black, with a hood over his head and a crow mask that resemble a skeleton, he quietly says

"Green tea please."

Follow him is another man who dress more elegantly, it seems he was some sort of a magician, he radiates professional vibes.

"Such an exotic pair." The woman compliment the newly arrived men, her focusing her attention to the men didn't sit too well with the husband

"Look at me." he gently turn his wife face back, palm on her cheeks softly moving his fingers.

He turns to look at the man himself, but to his surprise, the men were already staring back at them. Mainly at his wife, the demon man started to count slowly


His wife noticed it, quickly try to calm him down

"Honey! They are just looking at out general direction!"

"2..." The man ignored his wife, so did the men ignore his ever so menacing glare


In a flash, faster than anyone can comprehend, the man lunge forward with killing intentions, his sharp long nails impaled the masked person and the magician... A few moment pass, a few bystander screamed and ran away shouting


He laugh menacingly thinking it was an easy fight like every other time, but before his wife could rush over to help. His nails were grabbed... SNAPPED! it was broken.

"Defy." the masked man slowly taking off his mask, only know does the demon realized he never impaled him, he was phasing through him.

"GAMMA EXPLOSION" He swiftly lit his hand in a blaze and explode the men. He dash back, concerned for his wife, he shout


Before he blinks, the masked man was standing before him, with his mask remove, he was a ordinary looking man, but only now does he realized the terrifying aura of magic.



An explosion identical to his gamma happened right on his face, pushing him to the busy street, hit by several cars. Unfazed, he stand up filled with rage. The man introduced himself.

"My name is Relicta, i'm an emperor and you must be the infamous fire entity, Santana right? or so i heard. I'm interested in this woman, excuse me."

"what the FUCK are you talking about?"

"Oh. This." With a snap of finger, Relicta made San wife's disappeared, leaving only a trace of dust. Shocked, San glare at the man only to be greeted with a spine chilling response

"Uhhhh. Brother i think i vaporized her."

Not missing a heart beat, breaking the sound barrier, exceeding the speed of light. San lunge forward to grab the man by the neck, but again phased through him.

"Defy." He said with a face colder than ice then grab San shoulder

"Well. This isn't the best place isn't it?"

Next second, they were at an open field, one with blue sky and green grass, their surrounding area resemble that of paradise, everything seemed so peaceful, beautiful, nature at its peak.

Moments after they arrived, Santana continue his ferocious attacks to no avail. Being even more infuriated than before, he laughs maniacally then rise his hand.


Relicta feel as if the surrounding area gravitational force got stronger, but his stance does not change even from such sudden force, looking up he see something surreal.


He smirk with confident, then snap his finger.


With no warning, a portal opens up interrupting the gentle breeze that Relicta was enjoying. From the portal, a enormous worm-like entity came out and devour the sun clean off the sky.

"WHAT IN THE FUCK?" San can feel the animal around in the bushes, in the trees, all looking at him and Relicta, Relicta eyes dart around then comment

"Oh my, they all say you're far too weak. And i mean, that isn't all lies. Also about that woman of yours, im quite confident i accidentally log her out of this earth for good. Maybe if i say sorry you'll just go like the good little cuck everyone said you are."

A dark memory triggered in San mind, his life was never the best, a traumatic childhood, a tragic lover, always an outcast.


He started groaning, a large amount of energy slowly fly toward him, colors of the sky start fading, the grass started being set on fire, as San grow more and more powerful, Relicta in response only give out a smirk.

"Heh. I love seeing people baby raging, Teleport."

Faster than one can process, they were both in space and san had explode himself in a solar system scale, Relicta standing there unfazed peacefully admire the explosion then comment

"You could a whole lot more."

The particles of the explosion quickly regroup into San, shortly after, sun-ray like beams start shooting of his body constantly as he fly toward Relicta, this time, his punch lands successfully, but he couldn't budge Relicta face at all.


San jump back out of instinct, just what is he dealing with, who is this? WHAT is this? Is this even real?

"Oh i won't bite, you can start hitting me now, i just felt bad that i keep defying your attacks"

But now San is way more cautious with Relicta than before, he started questioning the menacing man

"What are you trying to do."

Relicta remained quiet, only to say

"No more? Ahaha. Oh i guess i'm done with you too. I was just joking, your wife is safe, also, brace yourself."


FLICK, as if a storm accumulate in one breeze, it crash onto Santana body, he looks around and to his relief, he find his wife sitting with another woman.

"Honey!" Sun quickly runs to her husban and embrace him, tears flowing down

"Are you hurt?" San can feel how scared she is just from her tone, it angers him even more

"EXPLAIN YOURSELF." He shout out to Relicta, who has already settled down and is talking to the other woman he sees in the room.

"Explain what?"

The woman next to him slap him, apologizing

"I sincerely apologize for what you have to go through, my selfish husband was too bored and decided to seek out the most power entity in your universe being you, to challenge to a fight for entertainment purpose. Rest assure your wife is not harm one bit, that i can swear with my name."

Sun quickly confirm

"It's true, i was treated nicely here, please don't worry about me, rather are you hurt at all?"

San takes a moment to think and to look around, he was in a cozy house, very much overdecorated with achievements and trophies, but he also found the wedding pictures of Relicta and his wife.

He holds Sun cheeks gently and reassure her

"No, i'm not hurt, matter of fact, that... THING there, didn't attack even once."

Sun seem surprised

"Really?" Turning back to see Relicta relaxed on Ira's lap in contrast to San exhaustion

"Oh yeah, I didn't felt like attacking, just wanted a dance, beside should i have escalated things any further you would have merge at least 2 planets together to crush me, no?"

San seemed surprise at the accurate prediction: "You knew.."

Relicta giggle in satisfaction, proud of himself

"Future sight son, that's what this third eye is for"

He points down to the big eye constantly moving in his chest. Sun quickly make a request

"Could we stay here for the night? Miss Ira want to compensate the troubles we went through with a nice dinner and magic questions about dark magic and necromancy"

It takes San back a bit because a minute ago he was trying to kill this strange but now his wife wants to stay and spend time as if they already know each other beforehand

"Honey. I don't like this strange guy, i dont feel a single good thing from me. I despise him greatly, if you want we can stay but i cannot guarantee i won't kill him when i have the chance."

"I- i'm so so-"

A new voice laugh out loud, as if mocking San threats

"AHAHAHAHAHHAAHAHAHA... aw man i haven't laugh like that for a long time, feel free to stay. The name's Joshua."

The second man from earlier step out to greet him, San feel a greater magic energy from him than Relicta, San toleration for stranger decays by the second he spend time here.