

Short Story! A Love found and ended in a day.

RosyKosy · LGBT+
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4 Chs


I lay naked on his bed. I watch him strip to his underwear, exposing his exotic body built.

He is heavenly. Jason his perfectly created and properly maintained. I dehydrate at the sight of him. And when he joined me in the oversized bed, i entirely dried up.

"You are so cute, Rays." He whispered to me. "I am sorry if I am unable to go easy on you."

When did we get to this? I only remember kissing him int he living room. I can't narrate when and how I got in his bed, naked and have him talking about taking me.

He stretched to the side table, took out a condom and when I thought he was done, he brought out a bottle of lubricant.

He is prepared. He is ready to devour me and someone, I am anticipating the pleasure.

He lowered his underwear, tore a sachet of condom and shielded himself.

He pour much quantity of the lubricant on his palm and slowly, he began to grease my butt hole.

The sensation was savouring that I shut my eyes to absorb it all.

"Mmm," I went again with my shameless moaning. "It feels so good."

"Do you like it?"


I was moaning and absorbing that I didn't see his rod reaching my hole until he pierced me.


I bolted in pains and took to a sitting position, surprising him and pulling him out.

"It is," I shuttered. "It is painful."

"Are you a...Is this your first time?"

"I am sorry," my face dropped below the mattress. "I should have done it long time ago."

He smiled at my stup*d talk.

"You are telling on me, Rays. I don't want you to but you're so unbelievable. I can't help it."

He lifted me by the jaw and kissed me lightly on the lips.

"Do you want me to stop?" He asked.


"Me too. I want to have you so badly."

'Okay. But go easy."

He spread legs wider. He applied more oil and slowly massage my hole. He initiated another kiss and as we went on, he slid a finger in my hole.

"Ohhh!" I felt the the push in.

"Does that hurt?"

"A little."

"Don't tense up, Rays. Relax and you will enjoy this."

I relaxed. I let go of my stiffened body and true to his words, his fingers gave me sweet tingling and sensation.

"How is it? Still hurt?"


"I will add another finger. Can you take it?" He husked.

I could feel the effect in his voice. He is not holding in better.

"Yes...I want to. It feels so good."

Another finger came in and gradually, I expanded to contain his two fingers.

He lowered to my body for a kiss. While at it, he thrusted in and out of me and there, I understand why people make intimacy a big deal.

It is a different kind of feelings and I am about to explode.

"Oh God, Jason...It is so good."

He ravaged in faster and deeper and when I began to reach the wall, he stopped.

His face as determined as his rod, he widened my legs and set to push in without saying a word.


He called to my surprise and before I could answer, he pushed in and dominate my paradise.

"Jason..." I breathed in both pains and pleasure.

"Yeahs, I needed to hear you call me like that."

"Mmm, fvck!"

"Now, let me own you all."