
Enchanting Night (18+)

Collection of every enchanting night! Volume 1 : Assassin x Special Police Officer (√Complete) Main Cp : Colneth x Dalgliesh Side Cp (1) : Colnar x Jose Side Cp (2) : Coliesh x Lieshneth Side Cp (2) : Lyrion x Hector Volume 2 : CEO x Me (√Complete) Main Cp : Halueth x Ethlando Volume 3 : Moneyboy (On Going) Main Cp : Sun Joon Ho x Kangjeon Tae Hyun [ WARNING : BL, MATURE CONTENT, INTERSEX, MPREG!! ]

Peerless_CucumberX · LGBT+
260 Chs

Share A Bed

Colneth slowly laid his body flat, after the climax, he was all wet, as if he had just been pulled out of the water. His fair face also turned rosy, and he didn't pick up the phone right away. After taking a few deep breaths to calm his breathing, he turned on the light, got out of bed, and walked into the bathroom to rinse quickly. Then, he put on a clean bathrobe and came out.

He picked up the ringing phone, and the caller ID displayed "Tristan," who was one of Colneth few friends besides his colleagues, though they mostly contacted each other when there was something important. Before answering the call, he glanced at the time, 9:45. For most young people, it was still early, but Colneth was used to going to bed early.

"Hello? Colneth? Did I wake you up?"


"Oh, I thought you were asleep."

"What's up?"

"Well... I think I found your younger brother!"

"Huh?" Colneth sat up on the bed, and the hand fiddling with the corner of the blanket revealed the nervousness and excitement of this usually calm and cold person.

"Yeah, Colnar, 18 years old, currently living in City A after being adopted, and he's already in college. The name and age match, but I'll do a more detailed investigation and see if we can arrange a DNA test for both of you. In any case, I'm about 80% sure he's your younger brother."

Colneth felt his whole body trembling uncontrollably. Ever since he lost his loved ones one after another and became an orphan, he had forgotten what it felt like to have a family for over a decade... His mind was in chaos, and he finally managed to say just one sentence.

"Okay, if it's confirmed, I'll visit City A next February." Even though he was excited inside, Colneth tone didn't show much emotion.

"Huh? Why wait until next year?"

Colneth remained silent for a moment. With his current condition, meeting his younger brother rashly would surely frighten him... So, he'd better wait until the child is born, although he really didn't want to wait any longer.

"It's close to the New Year, and there a lot of work in the team."

"Oh... okay, no problem. I'll investigate thoroughly and call you later."


After Tristan hung up the phone, Colneth couldn't sleep all night.

Colneth carefully put the last piece of clothing into the suitcase, but when Colneth tried to get up, he felt uncomfortable due to his bound stomach and couldn't help but rub it. He glanced at the time; it was already four o'clock in the afternoon. He had originally planned to leave at eight in the morning, but yesterday, because of something inexplicable that Dalgliesh said, he ended up waiting until now, which was quite amusing. He had planned to take a leave at the end of the year two months ago, and had already contacted a private resort villa about 30 kilometers away from the city center, where he intended to rest for a few months until the baby was born. However, he didn't expect his body to be unable to hold on until this month, so he moved his plan forward. No one knew about this matter, so Colneth didn't speculate much about the meaning behind Dalgliesh words of "remember to wait for me tomorrow." Now, thinking about it, he probably just wanted to tease him. Dalgliesh attitude towards him in the team was never good, so the words yesterday were most likely spoken casually, and even if there was something urgent, it could be conveyed over the phone. With these thoughts, Colneth decided not to wait any longer.

He went to the garage of the residential complex, took his car, and placed the luggage in the trunk. Colneth didn't carry much with him, just a first-aid kit and a few sets of clothes. Just as he was about to open the car door, he saw Dalgliesh walking towards him. Dalgliesh wasn't wearing a police uniform and had a black suitcase in his hand, which surprised Colneth.

"Captain Etherton, didn't you say you would wait for me?" Dalgliesh tone was light, and there was no hint of accusation. However, the imposing aura emanating from Dalgliesh made Colneth feel a bit breathless.

"You still have work to do, don't you?"

"Only Captain Etherton is allowed to take leave due to injury. Can't we, the young members, also take a break? Besides, I got injured yesterday too." Dalgliesh approached and leaned close to Colneth ear, then opened the car door. "Alright, it's getting late. Let's go."

"Wait. You..." Colneth expression turned cold. Even if Dalgliesh was on leave, what did that have to do with him?

"What's wrong, Captain Etherton? Don't you want me to join you on vacation? Are you not welcoming me?"

Sure enough...

"Yesterday, I got injured because of Captain Etherton. Just think, if that shot had hit you here... what would have happened..." Dalgliesh hand suddenly moved towards Colneth lower abdomen, causing Colneth to step back in fear. He didn't know if Dalgliesh did it intentionally or not, but his mind went blank for a moment. He didn't notice that he had stiffened, and only when he sat in the passenger seat did he realize that he was no longer in control.

"Considering your condition, it's better if I drive."

Unusually, Dalgliesh didn't put on a tough act this time. Colneth hadn't rested all night yesterday, and he was indeed very tired. In the end, he became muddled, and the car keys ended up in Dalgliesh hand.

As the car drove onto the highway, Dalgliesh held the steering wheel with one hand and adjusted the navigation with the other, selecting music from the playlist. He found only one song and pressed play.

"Want me to be glamorous, but still want me to be licentious and humble."

"Love me purely, but still love me naked and unrestrained."

"Want me to be beautiful, but still want me to kill without blinking."

"Run away with me, but still make me your only confidant."

As the song played, Colneth felt a burning sensation rise to his cheeks, making them hotter and his expression colder.

He raised his hand to turn off the music but was stopped by Dalgliesh. "No need, it's quite enjoyable."

Dalgliesh then gave Colneth a slightly familiar, somewhat mischievous smile.

Colneth coldly withdrew his hand, and the car journey proceeded in silence, with only the same song playing on loop.

Glancing out the window, Colneth bit his lip several times, cursing himself for not deleting the song. The lyrics... in this atmosphere... it all felt strange... and he had a feeling that Dalgliesh might see through something.

Just as he glanced at Dalgliesh driving, Dalgliesh turned to look at him, causing Colneth to panic a little. Unconsciously, he shifted in his seat, and to his surprise, he felt moisture on his lower body, soaking through his underwear. Fortunately, he had worn a long coat outside to avoid the embarrassment of wetting his clothes with breast milk, so it could still conceal the wetness both above and below. He didn't know why his body had become so sensitive, even reacting like this in such a situation.

The car entered the resort, and someone came out to greet them.

"Are you Mr. Etherton?"


"Okay, this way, please."

Led to the room he had reserved in advance, Colneth found it larger than he had imagined. From the floor-to-ceiling windows, he could directly see the green hills and the lake. The environment was excellent and suitable for recuperating. However, what bothered Colneth the most was the presence of Dalgliesh behind him. There was only one bed... Although he could sleep on the sofa in the living room, it wouldn't be possible to untie his stomach there because he might be discovered at any moment. Even though he had no idea if Dalgliesh had figured anything out...

Before Colneth could think further, Dalgliesh voice sounded in his ear.

"We're both grown men. It shouldn't be a problem to share a bed, right, Captain Etherton?"