
Enchanting Magic (Dropped For Rewriting)

In A World With Dungeons And Monsters, Where Your Worth Is Determined By Your Class, Amelia Windsvelt Takes Part In The Awakening Ceremony To Determine Her Profession, But Something Goes Wrong That Changes The Course Of Her Life.

BrolyJamesWilliams · วัยรุ่น
16 Chs

Chapter Three:A new light


[Identifying Proffession...]

[Calculating Mana Points...]

The tablet began to speak, a blue ray was scanning the back of the girl's hand.



Deol was in shock, the girl's mana capacity broke the tablet "I-im sorry, i didn't mean to-" before the girl could finish apologizing Deol burst out laughing, wiping the tears from his eyes he spoke: " I should've used stronger equipment, you really are a special one aren't you?" Deol moved to the back of the mobile and returned with a new tablet, this one having a gold outline. "Place your hand on the tablet again." The girl nodded and did what was told.


[Identifying Profession....]

[Calculating Mana Points...]

[Analysis Complete..]

[Showing Results]

[Profession : Archer]

[Mana Points : 62000]

[B- Class Hunter Identified]


"Woah!, B- Class Hunter!"

"God is truly smiling on our village"

All the villagers began happily chatting among themselves, the village chief wore a proud smug face, he balled his hand into a fist and held it on his puffed chest, clearly proud of his Awakeners. The golden haired girl stood there in disbelief, she couldn't have thought that she'd awaken a B class profession" Hey child, What's your name?" Deol asked. "Regina Warden" the girl replied, " Alright Regina, I'll be sure to remember you." Regina made her way back towards the other Awakeners.

"Things are looking promising, aren't they?" The village elder said playfully

"Indeed..." Replied Deol with a Satisfied smile.

Amelia clutched her chest, she could feel her heart race, this was it! The moment that will decide everything! "Next!" Deol called. Amelia walked foward with a determined expression, her head high and her spirit unbreakable, she placed her hand on the crystal ball....


But nothing happened

'No....no this can't be happening, there's no way that i...' Amelia's eyes widened in shock, she stood there in disbelief *Sigh* A small sigh escaped Deol's lips, he placed a hand on Amelia's shoulder "Look kid, you don't possess any Mana Points, you're not qualified to be a hunter, I'm going to have to ask you...to leave!" Amelia with tears in her eyes, Accepted her fate, she tried to pull her hand away...But she couldn't, it was stuck! It felt like her hand was glued down. The other Awakeners were getting impatient and began shouting for her to leave, the villagers soon joined in too.

"Hey! What's the holdup!?"

"Get off stage you professionless Bastard!!"

Amelia tried desperately to pull her hand away, but no matter how much she tried it wouldn't budge "I-i can't!" She desperately pleaded. The villagers grew angry and started throwing things at her 'Why...' Amelia started to question herself 'What have i done to deserve this....' She looked at the angry villagers their once kind smiles replaced with hatred and malice.




These foul words began to replay in her mind, a small tear drop escaped Amelia's eye and fell onto the crystal ball.

[Chosen Host Identified]

Amelia heard a voice in her head, she began looking around frantically trying to identify the voice.

[System Binding...]


A blue majestic aura began forming around Amelia "What the..." Deol muttered to himself, all the Awakeners and Villagers were speechless as they saw Amelia being covered in this majestic light 'What's happening!? Something isn't-'


A large magical explossion blew everyone away,leaving them all unconscious. The blue majestic aura burned fierce and pierced the heavens. Deol was unconscious for a few seconds before quickly springing back to life "IS EVERYONE...okay..." Deol looked around in horror, setting his eyes on Amelia, he was rendered speechless, her body began levitating mid-air. 'What the fuck is going on?!!' Deol thought to himself.

'It...hurts..my body hurts...so much' Amelia cried, cracks started to form underneath her eyes as if her body was breaking apart.

[System Binding Complete!]

[Congratulations Chosen One..]


Amelia's body fell to the ground unconscious.

I'll be posting another three chapters tommorow >W<

BrolyJamesWilliamscreators' thoughts