
Enchanting Magic (Dropped For Rewriting)

In A World With Dungeons And Monsters, Where Your Worth Is Determined By Your Class, Amelia Windsvelt Takes Part In The Awakening Ceremony To Determine Her Profession, But Something Goes Wrong That Changes The Course Of Her Life.

BrolyJamesWilliams · วัยรุ่น
16 Chs

Chapter Five:Test!

Amelia was jumping up and down in excitement, After all how could she not be happy? A Leveling system was something she now possessed. She would think of herself as one of those protagonists who would go from weak to strong in the novels she would read. But only this time it was real. She has a real life Leveling system.


The sounds of knocks on the door brought Amelia back to reality. 'I thought mother said she would be late.' She walked towards the front door and opened it, A scary sight greeted her. A large bald man and the Village elder stood in her doorway,who is this guy? And why is the village elder with him? These thoughts ran through her head as she tried her best to keep herself composed. "May we come in?" The bald man asked, Amelia remained silent and moved away to let the two men enter. The bald man entered the house along with the village elder, once they were inside Amelia closed the door behind them, she could feel a cold shiver run down her spine whenever she would glance at the bald man.

"You're Amelia right?" The bald man asked. Amelia remained silent and only nodded her head. "Let's get to the point shall we?" The bald man took out a futuristic tablet and held it in his hands. "I've come to Analyse your profession and determine your class as a Hunter, so would you please place your hand on this tablet." Amelia felt a bit nervous recalling what happened at the Awakening ceremony but proceeded to place her hand on the tablet. The tablet responded in a mechanical voice.


[Identifying Proffesssion....]

[Calculating Mana Points..]

[Analysis Complete...]

[Showing Results....]

[Profession: Enchanter]

[Mana Points: 10]

[F-Class Hunter Identified]

The Bald man raised an eyebrow, 'Enchanter?' He thought. He had never heard of this profession before meaning the profession this girl had was a newly discovered one, but what a shame it's class was F- it would take this girl a long time to grow stronger. The bald man let out a sigh of disappointment, but then he got an idea. He turned his over to the the Village chief and whispered something in his ear, Amelia couldn't help but grow suspicious of their behaviour. 'They are plotting something.' She thought, the Bald man drew his attention back the white haired girl."Amelia, would you like to take part in a test?" The bald man asked, Amelia couldn't help but wonder what test they were talking about, so she asked "What's the test about?" The bald man let out a small smile "You're going to Hunt monsters In a Dungeon field."

Dungeon fields are fields where Monsters can be found. They form when fluctuation of magical energy escapes a dungeon and creates monsters outside of a dungeon, but there aren't many of these areas as magical energy doesn't escape a dungeon that often.A dungeon field can be dangerous depending on the dungeon it originated from. If an S-class dungeon had a Dungeon field then S-class monsters would be created and that would be problem.

Amelia was hesitant, on one hand she could grow stronger from this experience and on the other hand she could die. F- class hunters have an average of 100 Mana points and above and here she is with only 10, this wasn't really an ideal choice as her life could be lost. But, if she won't start now then when? A hunter could only grow stronger from Mana stones and to get Mana stones you need to kill monsters. Amelia knew what she had to do and with a determined expression accepted the bald man's test as a challenge.

"I accept!." She said in a determined voice

'I know what I'm about to do is dangerous and can be considered reckless even but i don't have a choice! I need to grow stronger somehow!'

"Which Dungeon field are we going to?" Amelia asked

"[Snow Forest]!" The bald man replied

Amelia looked at the bald man with a serious expression "I better get a reward for doing this!" She said in a icy tone. The bald man couldn't help but chuckle at the young girl's icy demenor "Will an E- Class Mana stone suffice?" The bald man asked.

Amelia's face lightened up, an E- class Mana stone would truly give her a big boost in Mana and would make her alot stronger. Amelia grew a cheeky grin on her face "2 E- Class Mana stones!" She demanded. "How dare y-" The Village Elder was about to protest but the bald man stopped him. "Alright! Two E- Class mana stones would be an appropriate reward for you. After all you barely have any Mana Points."

Amelia quickly ran upstairs towards her room, she opened the door and quickly put on her jacket and white leather boots. She reached inside her pocket and took out the weird cloth. 'It's time i unwrap you and see what you're keeping inside!' Amelia unwrapped the cloth and found...a knife? No! rather..A dagger.

The Small sword was made of a silver-like material, it shined quite brightly and had a certain feel to it.

'Woah! What is this!?'

[Item:Silver Fang Dagger]

[Item Class: D-]

[Attack: 64]

[Durability: 125/125]

The system began to show Amelia it's stats. She was still new to the whole system thing so she didn't know whether the item she was holding was good or not. But regardless she didn't care, knowing her father wanted her to have this was enough of a reason for her to treasure this item.

'I'll put this to good use Father! I promise!'

She returned back downstairs and the bald man and village elder were outside waiting for her inside a black mobile. Amelia quickly wrote a note and left it on the breakfast table for her mother to find and got in the mobile with them.


After a few minutes of driving they arrived infront of the [Snow Forest]. It wasn't that far from village and alot of newly Awakened hunters would use this place as a testing ground to test their abilities. The monsters here weren't that strong, this was a F-Class dungeon field afterall. Amelia got out of the mobile and turned to the bald man "So! How many Mana stones should i bring back with me?" She asked. The bald man pondered for a moment before deciding "10 Mana stones!"

The bald man replied.

Amelia began to walk into the [Snow forest] without a second to waste. She was confident that with the dagger she had on her this dungeon field wouldn't be that much of a problem. Soon Amelia encountered her first Enemy it was a cute white rabbit with a little horn on its head.

'Awwww it's so cuuuu-'

Before Amelia could finish her thought the rabbit opened its mouth to reveal an enourmous amount of sharp fangs in it's mouth, saliva drooping from each and every tooth.

'I take it back...not cute!'

[Species: Snow Rabbit] a small window popped right next to the rabbit read.


A small red glow began eminating from the snow rabbit. Amelia took drew her dagger and took a battle stance. This was her first combat experience,but Amelia was confident in her abilities.

'It's just a snow rabbit! How hard could it possibly-'


*Blood splatter*

Cliff hanger >W<

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