
Enchanting Magic (Dropped For Rewriting)

In A World With Dungeons And Monsters, Where Your Worth Is Determined By Your Class, Amelia Windsvelt Takes Part In The Awakening Ceremony To Determine Her Profession, But Something Goes Wrong That Changes The Course Of Her Life.

BrolyJamesWilliams · วัยรุ่น
16 Chs

Chapter 14- A Good Recovery and Massive Growth!

[You Have Slain A Monster!]

[EXP Received!]

[You Have Levelled Up!]

[Your Efforts Have Been Evaluated!]

(Intermediate) Dagger Dancing Has Levelled Up To Lv2!

[Your Efforts Have Been Evaluated!]

(Lesser) Clear Cut Has Levelled Up To Lv3!

Tons of Leveling notifications stormed Amelia's mind, hitting her like a train. She was startled for a moment, the amount of EXP accumulated was truly terrifying, but she didn't care about that right now. Her mind was only concerned about Lia's wellbeing.

Eon and Marlin also rushed by her side, Amelia quickly lifted her body in her arms.

"Lia! Lia!" Amelia called frantically as she began to shake her body gently, her heart pounding loud as a drum, her eyes wide, tears prickling for either side.


Somewhere else in a dungeon....

A young girl stood ontop of a monster's corpse, it's body injected with thousands of arrows. The young figure brandished a golden bow on her back, her golden hair stained with monster blood.

"Yes.." she whispered under her breath. In her hands were 2 objects: one a giant Mana Stone and the other a magnificent looking book. This was a Skill Book

That would allow her to learn a skill, they were pretty rare and quite expensive if you sold them on the market. She let out a contented sigh, satisfied with the results of her 3rd hunt today.

"Another one down, what's with my luck today.." She murmured under her breath, looking up to the ceiling of the dungeon. She quickly jumped off the monster's corpse, she then proceeded to take out a storage pouch and dropped the Book in there. She then absorbed the Mana stone, her body burned with a blue magnificent light. She closed her eyes, a psychotic grin appeared on her face, her body surging with power.

Once the light subsided, she began to clench her hands over and over again. Large shockwaves would explode with every clench, blowing dust away, and lifting her hair into the air.

"Hahaha!" She laughed to herself, her face resembling that of a maniacs, her laugh echoed of the walls. She took out her smartphone and began to message the Hunter Association, her fingers moved swiftly, appearing as a blur to the naked eye.


A man sat inside a large building, his legs crossed over his desk, observing the beautiful sight which was Zenmar City. Home of the Elite Hunters of the Empire.

If you ever wanted to visit this place, you would need to be atleast around B Class. The City doesn't have use for the weak, because around these parts the stronger Dungeons are found, Averaging from B- to A Class Dungeons.

A notification buzz rang from the man's pocket, causing him to jump in his chair. He took out his smartphone and observed the message. Upon seeing the message the man's face shined with joy and delight.

"I've got another one!" The message sent read.

"From the B Class Dungeon?" A user replied anonymous

"Yes, so how much for it?"

The man paused for a moment, he began to stroke his chin in contemplation. After a few seconds of thought he quickly made up and offer.

"135 Million?" The anonymous user replied

"Eh? What is this!? This is lower than the last offer!"

"Deal or no deal?" The anonymous replied, chuckling to himself. Knowing how much a 135 Million was she couldn't deny the offer. Even if it was lower than the last one.


The man's face lit up as he let out a satisfied smirk, he quickly deposited the amount to the girl's account. Patiently waiting for her to return with the Skill Book.


After a little while, the young girl entered the man's office. Dressed in a white suit instead of her Hunter gear. The man spun around in his chair to face his visitor.

The girl rolled her eyes in annoyance, she didn't want to be near this man any longer. She took her storage pouch and retrieved the Skill Book from it, it glowed in a blue mystical light. The man looked at the Skill Book, his eyes widening almost immediately.

The girl let out a sigh before tossing the book over. The man's hands leaped into the air like a dog playing fetch and caught the book. His smile was wide and happy, he quickly composed himself and glanced over to the Golden Haired Girl. He spoke with a serious expression

"Well done, Regina. You've certainly done it again."

[Name: Regina Warden]

[Profession: Archer]

[Mana Points: 72450]

[Class: B-]

[Passive Skill(s):(Advanced) Hawk Eye Lv5] [(Advanced) Pierce Lv7]

[Active Skill(s):(Advanced) Swift Movement Lv6] [(Intermediate) Shadow Cloak Lv3][(Advanced) Arrow Blaze Lv4] [(Intermediate) Veil Of Light Protection Lv6]


Back at Amelia and her party...

Lia's eyes fluttered open, she noticed her party members next to her. Their expressions filled with worry and anticipation, she glanced at her waist, noticing Amelia's arms wrapped around her tightly. She glanced over her shoulder, which Amelia had burried her face burried in. Eon moved closer and knelt beside Lia, he placed a hand over her shoulder and looked her in the eye. In a soft but worried voice he asked: "Lia, are you okay?" Amelia upon hearing of Lia's recovery quickly lifted her head, her gripped tightened slightly, and tears pricked in the corners of her eyes.

"You're okay.." Amelia said in a trembling voice, her body overcome with emotions. Lia leaned into Amelia's embrace, their body contact acting as a source of comfort to each other. She glanced over to Eon "I'm okay, i just need to rest for a while" Lia said in a reassuring tone.

Marlin let out a sigh of relief, it felt like a mountain was lifted off his shoulders. "Alright then, me and Eon will be waiting for you at the boss room" Marlin said as he placed a hand of his hip. Amelia looked at Lia, the sense of protecting Lia overwhelmed her, she glanced back at Marlin and nodded.

"We'll be with you soon, i just wanna stay with her for a while" Amelia said to Marlin. Eon stood up from beside Lia and walked over to Marlin's side "Alright then, don't take too long okay?" Eon said as he walked off together with Marlin.

Amelia let out a sigh, Marlin's words about a boss room peaked her curiosity, what was a boss? And is it strong? These were the questions she asked herself. She didn't know the answers to these questions, but she had someone with her that might know. Amelia poked Lia's cheek in a playful manner, trying to get her attention.

"Heyy, Lia!" Amelia said as she repetitively poked Lia's cheek. Lia tilted her head to face Amelia, she pouted slightly in annoyance. "What is it?" She asked. Amelia looked up to the ceiling, the eerie atmosphere of the dungeon seemed to desipate with just the two of them around. While still looking up she asked: "What's a boss? And is it strong?"

Lia blinked, her face a bit suprised by her question. She quickly recalled how Amelia was new to Dungeons, this beign her first raid after all. Lia stood still for a bit, contemplating how to explain to Amelia in a way that makes sense. While Lia was still stuck in thought Amelia opened her status window and observed her new growth.

[Status Window]

[Name: Amelia Windsvelt]



[Class: F]

[Divine Skill(s):(Lesser)Enhance Lv4]

[Health Points:3125/3125]

[Mana Points:5000/5000]


[Defense:20(+25.3)(10%)(Enhancement Applied)]


[Passive Skill(s):(Lesser)Cooking Proficiency Lv5][(Intermediate)Dagger Dancing Lv3]

[Active Skill(s):(Lesser) Clear Cut Lv5]

[Stat Point(s): 30]

[Equipment:(E-) Ice Coat,(F) Ice Leggings, (F) Ice Boots]

'Woah! Oh my god! 5000 Mana Points!? 30 Stat Points and I'm F Class now!?!?' Amelia screamed in her mind, her jaw dropped slightly trying to process the information presented to her. A wave of excitement washed over Amelia, her pounding fast, a smile on her face. Unknowingly she hugged Lia tightly while giggling to herself. Lia jumped a bit, suprised by Amelia's weird behaviour, but she shrugged it off and leaned deeper into Amelia's embrace. Lia cleared her throat before speaking, Amelia quickly regained her line of focus and looked down at Lia, prepared to absorb all the knowledge that will be thrust upon her.

"Well Amelia, a dungeon boss is...."

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