

A little girl goes on a first adventure to seek revenge for her grandfather and to discover her true identity in a world filled with supernatural beings and many dangerous things awaiting her journey.

hazalali · แฟนตาซี
7 Chs


They kept running until they entered a small workshop, a man appeared and guided them to the back where he opened a secret passage. The passage was long and dark but as they kept walking in, voices could be heard. As they got closer it got brighter and when they got out of the passage there was a huge room filled with children of all ages.

"Every kid here is an orphan or a runaway, hence were all family, we take care of each other", the red-haired boy explained the kids all played around together. "By the way my name is Chester, and this is Maya and Shin", he said pointing at the twins, Suddenly a door opened reveling a tall man, everyone lined up and kneeled down to greet him. He looked around and spotted flora.

"You boy over there, who are you?", he asked rudely, Chester immediately stood up, "he is a newcomer and I brought him here today sir", he said.

"Is that so, why don't you introduce yourself", the man said. Flora looked around as everyone was waiting for her answer, "My name is Flora, I lived in the mountains on the west side of this village, she said.

"So, she's from the mountains", one of the kids said as they all started gossiping, the tall man nodded at the workshop owner and left. The owner stood up yelled, "let's throw a party to welcome our new friend here. everyone cheered and flora was escorted to a table as a feast began.

Everything felt exciting for flora as she started making friends with the children, all the children were kind to her.