
62. The Caretaker of the Funeral

While several others helped Ashley launch supporting attacks to protect Shiro and the others, the Wizards began to cast spells to open the teleportation gates.

Shiro who ran back to save Slayer was blocked by a crowd of Undead. While Slayer is still seen fighting some Headless DurianRuntuh and several other Undead. At the same time, Shiro saw SumantoX, the ruler of Rustic Grave, walking towards Slayer.


Name : SumantoX {Boss}

Monster Type : Undead

Level : 63

Power : 845,000 CP

ATK : 20,000

DEF : 30,000 (+120,000)

HP : 135,000 (+540,000)

Speed : 15 Meters/Second

Skill :

-Splitting Hoe

-Dead Summoner


-Physical Resistance : 40%

-Magic Resistance : 40%

-{Level 4} Threat of Fear

Note : SumantoX is a middle-aged man who is the caretaker of Rustic Grave. Although he is still a human, but thanks to the black magic he has that made him lives eternally, and classified him as an Undead which is an enemy of humanity.

Splitting Hoe deals 200% damage and has a cooldown for 3 minutes. Dead Summoner is a skill to summon Undead troops in Rustic Grave. Cannibalism is a regeneration skill that is done by eating Undead meat. Every 1 bite will regenerate SumantoX's HP by 1%. There is no cooldown or regeneration time for Cannibalism skill.

REWARD : The Undead Calling Stone, X Digger Hoe, Amethyst {Level 3}, Topaz {Level 3}, 10 Red Crystal Essence {Level 7} And 429 Gold Coin.


Unlike other types of Undead which have thousands or even millions number, Sumanto can only be found in Rustic Grave. In other words, in the world of EEWAO, there is only 1 Sumanto.

Each monster marked with (Boss), has an additional Defense and HP of 500% of its basic status.

Shiro ignored the Undead crowd who were surrounding him and hurriedly ran over to Slayer. Right when Sumanto intended to bite Slayer's neck from behind, Shiro pushed Slayer's body to the side. Although he managed to save Slayer from Sumanto's attack, he had to let his body be hit by Sumanto's attack to replace Slayer.

Sumanto bit Shiro's shoulder and didn't let go. The impact of the Threat of Fear was increasingly heavy, making Shiro completely unable to move his body.

Without the slightest panic, Shiro grabbed SumantoX's hair. "I'm not your damn snack!"

With all his strength Shiro tried to release Sumanto's bite and then shouted, "You're dead, old fart!!" He activated his special skill and immediately, thousands of Undead within 200 meters from him collapsed and slowly died.

Sumanto who was also affected by Shiro's skill released his bite from Shiro's shoulder. While Shiro who was still holding Sumanto's hair stabbed SumantoX's body several times with a short knife that was always kept at his waist.

When activating the special Suppression skill, Shiro will not be affected by the Threat of Fear's effects of the Undead, because Shiro's aura of darkness fends off the aura of death released by the Undead.

4 seconds have passed, and the aura of darkness that comes out of his body has disappeared. However, the strong Undead around him still had difficulty standing up.

Shiro kicked SumantoX and then hurried to grab Slayer's hand who looked very surprised by Shiro's desperate actions. "Let's get out of here!" Without being able to say a word, Slayer could only follow Shiro's footstep who was running unsteadily.

Shiro's flesh on the right shoulder was crushed because of SumantoX's bite. If his level did not rise repeatedly, it was certain that Shiro was currently dead due to loss of blood.

The SweetSugar members encouraged the two of them to rush into the teleportation gate. With the help of Sofia and Yin who returned to pick them up, Shiro and Slayer managed to enter the teleportation gate leading to the campsite.



At the SweetSugar alliance camp, several portals emerge which are then seen groups of girls coming out of the dimensional space.

Slayer who had arrived at the campsite along with Sofia hurried over to Yin who had just walked out of the portal carrying Shiro and helping him to walk.

Without saying a word, Slayer immediately slapped Shiro and knocked him down.

"S-Slayer-san ?!" Yin said in surprise.

Those who are around can only be stunned to see the incident. Shiro who was lying on the ground was surprised to see Slayer who suddenly shed tears.

"Do you think sacrificing your life will be able to erase my hatred towards men?!! Why are you so stupid!!" Slayer tried to hit Shiro again, but Sofia stopped him by holding Slayer's hand from behind.

While looking at Shiro's shoulder that kept bleeding, Sofia said, "Calm down. We should treat him first."

"Healer, hurry and treat Shiro's wound!" Ashley said.

Sofia tried to calm Slayer's anger by diverting her thoughts. "Alice, do you intend to return to the cemetery again?"

"Of course." answered Slayer, who was still upset.

"Are you crazy? If only Shiro didn't save you, you would definitely not be here anymore! I know... Even though I can't see your HP bar because of the effects of Hidden Potions, you always look panic when your HP bar is already under 10%. We have known each other for a long time, you can't lie to me. That is why you are so angry at Shiro who was willing to sacrifice himself to save you. "

Not daring to look at Sofia's face, Slayer turned her face to the left, and without saying a word, she then walked away leaving Sofia.

Sofia could only sigh when the selfish Slayer left. She then walked to Shiro who was surrounded by several girls who were worried about his condition.

"How's your wound?" Without the slightest hesitation, Sofia pulled on Shiro's collar and examined the wound on his shoulder.

"Sofia-san! Don't disturb him! I still have to treat him." Nichole exclaimed.

"It's a good thing Sumanto didn't have time to eat your whole shoulder. If he did, then we need to stick the hole in your shoulder with lamb. Hah ha..." Sofia chuckled, trying to increase Shiro's morale.

"Sofia-san... You look so happy." said Shiro who then sighed.

"Then... What will we do after this?" Ashley asked Sofia.

"Like you don't know her... We're going back to the funeral again." Sofia answered.

Hearing their conversation, Shiro said, "I have an idea if you want to listen to it." said Shiro.

Simultaneously they turned towards Shiro.

"What's that? Say it." said Sofia.

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