
104. A Rival

Shiro stared at the crowd of Senshi who is chatting and joking along with their friends. "I think they are the same as me. This world is the world we always dreamed of. No matter if life will be at stake, as long as we can be free to adventure, that is more than enough. Don't you compare those who are here with the Senshi who are always hiding behind the capital fortress. Because those who are here are dreamers who are ostracized and have no clear purpose in life. It's pathetic, but it's not fair to put aside people like them."

"Mhmm... I don't understand at all." said Princess Cindy, frowning.

"Me too, princess." said Yin.

"If you don't understand, that's fine. It's not an important thing anyway. What's more important right now is to prepare yourself to be the Goblin's prey." Shiro teased them and smiled faintly.

"Those are evil words! Shiro-san, words are prayers!" cried Princess Cindy, lecturing Shiro.