
Empire of Winter

I don't own GOT, ASOIAF or anything related to it. First time writer Not a native English speaker North wank self insert with system

Worst_Writer69 · หนังสือและวรรณกรรม
10 Chs

Chapter 3: King's Landing

 You know when they talk about how bad King's Landing smell in books, tv series or even fanfics i read i always thought as they were exaggerating, considering city built right by to mouth of Blackwater Rush they should at the very least have some sort of sewege system that can make sure better parts of the city is somewhat stays clean. But that is not the case in reality at all because i woke up with a headache thanks to the hellish smell that invaded my newborn nose and we are not even docked yet.

 You know maybe, and this is just me, Dany might be right to burn this to ground because it actually feels like a lost cause and if Mad King blew it all up to kingdom come he might have done an actual service to the realm. Like how did this even get this bad. other than Dance of the Dragons and Sack by Tywin this city should've been relatively safe to my knowledge. When Tywin was Hand to Aerys he was very good at his job, so much so Robert must've gotten a full treasury. That means funds are not a problem so why centre of a continent smells like this? If i was a Targaryen i would've been insulted by this state of the city considering this is where it all began.


 It only gets worse as we dock but i endure because one of the targets on my list is has come to greet us. Lord Jon Arryn waits his foster son. When i see him first action i take is to observe him with my power as to get a idea of what to expect of him. It is somewhat unexpected and nothing concerning to honest.

[Name: Jon Arryn

Loyalty:House Arryn, Crown, Faith of the Seven

His Thoughts About You: He is mildly annoyed because Ned won't be Lord Paramount and Hoster Tully's protest has been annoying for him, he does not care about you becoming Lord Paramount as long as Ned is you regent and you are loyal in future. He hopes Ned and Robert will force Hoster to give in without risking newly achieved peace.] 

 That is better than i expected, much better, i thought he might push for Ned Stark as Lord Paramount but he is more concerned about peace than anything else. But Hoster protesting i was not expecting this soon, i guess Ned has send news before our arrival and now realm knows about my existence. I think he is in capital or was in capital to push his agenda.


 I will hold of on subjugation of Jon Arryn right now because Ned might show me to Robert or if i see Hoster i might just subjugate him and get rid of this problem before it becomes a headache. 


"Welcome back Ned, my condolences for your sister. Hoster has been waiting for you. Understandably he is pissed of with your actions. He want you to take up the lord paramount title." Jon Arryn says with a tired voice.

"He can be displeased but like i said in my letter i am not usurping my nephew just to please him. Cregan will be lord paramount and that is final." Ned says resolutely. While holding me in his hands.

"I understand, you are doing honorable thing and i am proud of you, but we still should at least try to placate Hoster. Perhaps a betrothal between young Cregan and and any daughter you will have in the future?" Jon Arryn asks.

That is not happening for one thing Robert will want a marriage with Ned's daughter and i am not marrying Sansa the Lemoncake or Arya for that matter both of them will be hilariously unfit to be Lady of Winterfell. I don't want to be burdened by a weak wife who can't support me in my ambitions. Sansa will be even stupider version of Catelyn and if i marry Sansa her mother will try to rule using her as a puppet. Arya might just stab me in my sleep or runaway with a random guy like Lyanna and i don't want to chase after her or deal with humiliation she will cause. Not to mention both of them will lack any useful education thanks to Catelyn and i am not wasting my subjugation charge just to make sure Catelyn is a capable mother. I can always use Ned to reign her in but that will strain relations with House Tully considering she most likely complain to her father about raising her children as tree huggers.

Besides there is a bride with dragonrider potential and a claim to entire Westeros. Sure Sansa might give me claim to Riverlands but House Tully is not exactly powerful within their domain and Robb Stark has his uses in future as a capable military commander. If i usurp him it will look like he is weak and i am a dishonorable man. He can be Lord Paramount of Riverlands while i deal with centralizing my power in the North then i will annex Riverlands and slowly chip away political power of him as the Lord Paramount.

"I don't want to decide my daughters fate before she is even born. In the future if Cregan and her is in good terms i might consent but i will not force them." Uncle Ned helps me out once again. Seriously if he keeps behaving like this i might even feel a bit bad about whole subjugation thing. Just a little bit though.

"I undestand, Robert supports your decision and i will try to reason with Hoster. He might throw a tantrum but i don't think he can take any action. He barely has control of half his bannerman and rest actually fought against him. He doesn't have political capital to force us. Robert is set to marry Cersei Lannister and with that Hoster won't try to start anything. There is also the matter of--" Jon stops mid sentence and looks towards behind us. First i don't realize why he stopped it's just my mother and the wetnurse of Jon Snow coming from the ship. Oh wait looks like Ned didn't mention everything in his raven.

"Lady Ashara welcome to the King's Landing" Says Jon and then turns to wetnurse "Is he twin of Cregan, i thought Brandon had only one child?" Asks with curiousty.

"No he is actually my baseborn son Jon Snow. His mother died he will live with me." He says while looks down appear to be fascinated by the ground he stands on.

"Oh Ned, you might want to not mention that to Hoster while he is in the capital or he might throw an actual tantrum in throne room. Also did you name your bastard after me? Are you try to insult me or honor me?" Jon Arryn jokes with a almost playful voice unexpected of a man his age but then again this is his foster son, they are bound to be close enough to joke.

"No of course not!" Ned almost shouts.

"That was not my intention-" He starts to apologize but cut off by Old Falcon.

"Oh calm down Ned i do know you have no bad intentions, besides he is your son Snow or Stark i am sure a fine men he will become." Jon says with a chuckle.

"When we will meet with Hoster? " Ned asks after calming down.

"We will have a small council meeting this afternoon. But before that Robert wants to see you he was gonna come to welcome you but i convinced him to stay with the lords and establish relations. Not everyone happy with a new dynasty. I also will need to go Dorne right after Robert's wedding in order to fix Tywin's mess. " He says.

Oh right Elia and her children was a particular mistake that you wouldn't expect from Tywin, they worth much more alive. Aegon might've been forced to give up claims and Rhaenys could've been a Queen to Robert's heir. That would've bound not just Dorne to crown but also would've made a Targaryen restoration almost impossible. Nobody would want Mad King's son as king. And if the whole Varys is a Blackfyre thing is true that will come back to bite them in the ass.

"Then let's go see Robert." Ned says and hands me to my mother. We move towards a carriage while Ned and Jon takes horses.

I wonder what should i do about Dorne. They might be poor region but very stubborn considering they manage to fought of a Targaryen invasion with dragons. They will be neutral towards me or if i manage establish good relationship with them they might become an ally when i go for my plans. But eventually i will need to fight with them. The terms of their joining to Seven Kingdoms are simply too generous and they don't have a particularly important contribution to the crown in anyway. Daeron the Good was simply too generous and i won't be.

They might resist Dragons with a primitive guerilla warfare but i have the knowledge of a whole worlds history of advanced warfare. I can always go from forcing them to surrender to instead full scale genocidal destruction. That might even be more logical considering they have a very independent mentality. Martells really don't have place in my vision of future. As a half dornish thanks to my mother i can establish trade relationship for exploiting their location or any resources they have and sell them cheap goods for coin. But that will only stay until Doran dies.

Arianne wants to rule Dorne and Doran wants her as a queen to Viserys. When Doran dies Arianne will try to claim his right and if Oberyn does not get his skull crushed like a watermelon before that he will support her. But Oberyn has terrible reputation and i can exploit that to portray Arianne as his puppet to cause a civil war between Arianne and her brothers. If i am lucky they will be too busy fighting each other that i can launch an invasion in order to destroy the entire noble class of Dorne.

That was Aegon's and Young Dragon's mistake they thought Dorne can be conquered by burning castles and forcing lords to bend to knee. I am not that naive i can see their culture has deep hatred for outsiders, they won't bend to me as a dragonrider. Even with a dornish mother they will see me as an outsider. But that is just fine if they don't bend i can always just melt them in dragonfire and raise new lords.

While we travel through streets of the city i can see the signs of trauma on peoples faces. Corpses might be gathered and fires put out but it is clear as day wounds will not be healed as easily as building back burned buildings. Now that i see this city first hand i can confidently say i need to spend years before it will turn it into something that can be acceptable as capital of Seven Kingdoms.

This city was already overgrown like a tumor and will only get worst now that war over it will fill with refugees fleeing hunger after lords burned fields and overtaxed -stole- their food supplies. If i can make a move on flesh trade and other business opportunities before Littlefinger i can make use of this city at the expense of the smallfolk other than my own.

I started making use of my library function thankfully it doesn't just drop books from air i can use system window to read and learn. I started with books on agriculture and civil engineering. If i have my way the North will experience a substantial increase in population thanks to migration and people not starving. This increase will be mainly focused on direct Stark territories and Wintertown at first and i don't want a shithole as capital.

One thing of note i think either ROB tweaked my mind a bit or being a baby maked learning things very easy. I already devoured many books and i can retain most if not all information after reading 1 or maybe 2 times for hard books.

When i hit 1 year old and start speaking and actually using my limbs i will start draining any corpse that can be accessible to me without drawing attention. If it were learned a baby gathering corpses people might actually burn me at stake. Besides i want to see if draining can accelerate growth of my body when i am at a healthy state.

If i manage to grow quicker and get stronger by the time Greyjoy's rebel i can earn some glory. Timeline of this world is a bit weird. Rebellion was during 281 AC but i remember as 283 AC in the show if i am not wrong Greyjoy's should rebel at 289 AC. That gives me 8 years at best if my existence or any other variable changes things it might be 6 years. That means just enough time to fortify west coast. I won't build before rebellion because i don't think it can become a substantial force before rebellion and there is no need for such risk.

I also decided how much uplifting will be done and i am definitely not opening metaphorical Pandora's Box called gunpowder. If i get my way with dragons and my long life coupled with system can give me absolute rule for thousands of years and i am not risking all that by overprogress. Other areas i will be generous but i can't allow things like military technology, ideology or religion to grow enough to challenge me.

While i thought about this we arrived at famous Red Keep. It looks good enough but not really my color. Goldcloaks or whatever left of them and rebel soldiers, now crown soldiers, guarding everywhere. Robert is not here. Ned told Jon Arryn about Lyanna that means Robert now literally trying to drown his sorrows in alcohol. But he is not drunken whoremonger yet or atleast not known as such. He is Demon of the Trident and if i have my way will be my pet demon.

While my uncle, Jon Arryn, my mother and me in his arms start walking towards throne room, wetnurse takes Jon Snow away to our designated rooms. No need to show Robert the baby if he somehow uses his 2 braincells to figure out the truth. I wonder if the throne is like the one in the show or as described in the books. I hooe it is latter because i want a big ass cool throne of swords in the future.

We arrive at a massive gate and herald announces us.

"Lord Jon Arryn of House Arryn, Hand of the King, Lord Paramount of the Vale and Warden of East. Lord Cregan Stark of House Stark, Lord Paramount of the North. Lord Eddard Stark of House Stark, Lord Regent of the North, Warden of the North. Lady Ashara Stark of House Stark, Lady of Winterfell. "

After the announcement whispers begin at the massive and i mean truly massive throne room. Is this people dumb enough to not realize their whispers echo in here? Looks like higher ups haven't announced my existence to everyone yet. I am assuming just rebel leaders knew up until this point. Before i can ponder on this anymore Robert shouts from a giant ass throne shuts up everyone.

"Ned! Welcome back!" He yells from a top of Iron Throne he might sounds boisterous but i can tell a slight sadness and sorrow in his voice and i am sure it is not just me that can see it. Robert spiral into Fat Stag has begun.

"Your Grace," All three people bow. And i use this moment to observe Robert.

[Name: Robert Baratheon

Loyalty: Crown, House Baratheon, Eddard Stark

His Thoughts About You: He sees you as nephew of his beloved Lyanna and best friend Ned. He is annoyed that Hoster Tully tried to have you declared as a bastard. Because of Ned and his now deceased love he will try to make sure your rights are protected.]

This is the first time i see someone's name on Loyalty section. I didn't even see on my mother and uncle but then again i am a baby they can't actually show me loyalty just yet. But this will be useful if i don't take an action against Crown and Baratheons this might mean Robert will ignore largely any problem i will cause with other houses or he even just support me because of Ned.

"No need for that Ned, let me hold Brandon's boy!" He says while coming down from steps of iron throne. While he is coming down i take a look at a tall broud-shouldered man just standing right beside base of the iron throne and observing me with a calculating gaze with a pair of pale green eyes, he is bald but has a beard. I can tell who he is even before observing him thanks to gold and lion symbols on him.

[Name: Tywin Lannister

Loyalty:House Lannister

Hist Thoughts About You: He is wondering how he didn't found out about you before Ned Stark's raven to capital. He is thinking about ways he can control you, manipulate you and use you as his Houses benefit. He will try to marry you to a Lannister in the future.]

He is Tywin fucking Lannister, if i could control my voice and face i would've squealed like a fangirl right now. He actually looks like Charles Dance.

I decided, there is no guarantee i will see Varys, he is not here at the moment and i don't think they will take me to small council meeting. Robert is already has good enough relationship with the North thanks to Ned and Jon Arryn does not care about me as long as i don't threaten peace. I will subjugate Tywin he can influence entire Westeros for me and currently he with Robert and Jon Arryn are 3 most powerful men in westeros. I already have 2 of them out of my way and arguably Tywin is most useful among the 3. He will be of great help.

I use my power the as i look at his eyes. My power activates instinctual and instantly.

[Subject Acquired: Tywin Lannister]

[Name: Tywin Lannister

Loyalty: Cregan Stark, House Stark, House Lannister

His Thoughts About You: He sees you as his God, Master and Lord. He will do anything to help and protect you. He hopes if he serves you well enough and be worthy of your generosity you might help House Lannister build a great legacy. If you don't find House Lannister worthy and you order it he will burn House Lannister to the ground himself if need be but he hopes it doesn't come to that.

His plan right now is to use the 3 dead Starks and contribution of the North to the rebellion to support consessions and rewards for the North in small council. He will use the fact the North never been conquered by Andals to make Jon Arryn think he needs to placate northerners. He will also try to mitigate Hoster Tully and support your claim. He also wonders if he can make trade deals to support the North without people realizing something is wrong with his behavior.]

That's impressive not even 5 seconds he already scheming for me. Also what is with the part he sees me a god? This system is scary and ROB said it is basic. Now that i am sure system doesn't turn people into simple yesmen. Tywin didn't lost his loyalty to his house it is just he is now more loyal to me and my house. But it is nice to know he won't be obstacle if i decide House Lannister 'Unworthy'. I wonder what other would think if they knew what Tywin thought right now. Cersei might actually have an aneurysm if she knew.

This is great with Tywin as my new bestie i can use him to exploit Greyjoy Rebellion to fullest. If i warn him before hand he can save his fleet even strengthen it before rebellion and launch a counter attack while Royal Fleet and Redwyne Fleet occupied at the coast of Reach. He can start massacring ironborn with impunity before Robert and Jon Arryn arrives. Realm would see Tywin behaving as he always did and even if ironborn survive Tywin can kill off few lords and houses and cull their numbers. I can annex islands using Robert, Ned and Tywin after the war. Jon Arryn can't deny this annexation with King's and Tywin's support.

This is good. I thought about annexing iron islands 15 years later but with Tywin as a scapegoat and attack dog i can get those precious resources of islands starting with iron that can feed my industry in future. Not to mention i can focus on south and east without worrying about ironborn in west.

"Look at him, he is a Stark all but his eyes, they are beautiful like yours Lady Ashara." Robert says. He actually said that without hitting on my mother. Must be whores getting his attention currently. Not yet deflowering nobles in Stannis's marriage bed.

"My condolences regards to your husband my lady. I will do anything to make sure young Cregan here gets his rightful place." Robert assures her and turns to Ned after handing me to my mother.

"Ned let's go somewhere more private." Robert says and turns to leave with Ned following him behind. Robert will probably question him about Lyanna.

Before Jon Arryn leaves, Tywin starts approaching us. He first give Jon Arryn a nod then turns to my mother.

"My condolences regards to your husband my lady." Tywin says and turns back to Jon.

"Will Lady Ashara join us in small council meeting? She should be there, we will talk about his son afterall." He says and this kinda shocks Jon Arryn and my mother. What is he trying to do it will look weird if he suddenly this nice i hope he has plan.

"I won't be my lord, i don't want to leave Cregan alone." My mother says after she controls her shock.

"Well you can just bring him then. He is very well behaved from the looks of it. Besides you might need to speak for your son, Hoster Tully will be in the council." Tywin says. Why does he want my mother in council Hoster might speak out against me but Ned and Robert will drown him out. I use observe on him to find out his current thoughts.

[Name:Tywin Lannister

Loyalty:Cregan Stark, House Stark, House Lannister

His Thoughts About you: He is trying to convince Ashara to join so she might talk about what Hoster and other councilmen said while she is with you so you can earsdrop her conversion to learn about it or even bring you so you can listen to council meeting yourself.]

Holy shit. I thought he thinks of me highly but he actually knows i can understand everything going around me. He is trying to inform me. Yes i chosed right man as my first subject. He is already shows how much more useful then Robert or Jon Arryn can he be.

Besides in the council i can observe everyone in there to get a idea on Varys, Pycelle and maybe Stannis if he is here.

"I will be there with Cregan, my lord." My mother Ashara says.

"Excellent, i will see you in council my lord, my lady." Tywin says and leaves Ashara with Jon Arryn.

"That was very unusual." Jon Arryn points out the obvious.

"Do you think he has an agenda?" My mother asks.

"Tywin always has an agenda, but it is not a bad idea for you to be in this meeting, you can explain your marriage and defend Cregan's rights personally." Jon says.

"Then i will see you at meeting my lord." My mother says and starts walking out if throne room. Jon Arryn goes after Ned and Robert i presume.

"Let's go see dragon skulls Cregan i heard they are not yet relocated to bowels of Red Keep. It is hard to carry those massive skulls i suppose. Espically Balerion's." My mother says to me, i think she wants to get her mind of meeting, she ia very tense. Well in any case i don't mind seeing dragon skulls.

We navigate through corridor's into a a another big room not massive like throne room but still very big. Dragon skulls stacked side by side inside.

Tv show didn't make them accurate size at all. I mean Balerion's tower over even others. This beast could have eaten a fucking tank. If Cannibal half as big as Balerion i will crush any army comes to my way.

I wonder if Cannibal spend all his time since Dance as sleeping. And they say Balerion was with Aenar when he run away from doom and Balerion died a century after conquest. This makes it atleast a century old. I hope Cannibal is not too old. I don't even sure dragons can die of old age. Balerion was very weakened after that princess who tried to explore Valyrian Peninsula. I can always hatch eggs thanks to my blessing but a century old dragon is better than a decade old.

I start making baby sounds and point at Balerion so my mother would get me close to Balerion.

"So you like this biggest one? That belongs to Balerion the Black Dread. He was the biggest dragon after Doom. They say when he flew over a town he could cast a shadow so big, it would be like night time." My mother starts speaking about Balerion to me.

While i am focused on Balerion, i hear a sound from my system. Telling me to check the status.

[Name: Cregan Stark

Loyalty: Cregan Stark, House Stark

Soul: Low Demi-God

Mind: 120

Body: Newborn Human


Drain Vitality: Allows User to drain fresh corpses to gain increased healing speed, lengthen his lifespan and increase the strength of his body.

Azor Ahai Reborn: User is reincarnation of a legendary figure. This perk allows User to be immune magic and curses of White Walkers and grants increased body strength when fighting against undead and White Walkers. It also grants User potential to create and forge Valyrian steel by using fire and blood magic.

Dragonlord: User has the blood of the dragons in him. This grants ability to bound with dragons and hatching dragon eggs. User has potential to use fire and blood magic. User is immune to fire and heat.

Blood of Kings of Winter: As a descendent of ancient Winter Kings and Brandon the Builder himself User has increased resistance to the cold and ice based weaponry. User has potential for ice magic.

Blood of the Rhoynar: As a descendent of Rhoynar User has increased resistance to desert climate. User can breath underwater and can't be drowned. User has potential to use water magic.

Blood of Daynes: User is descendent of House Dayne with legendary ancestral sword Dawn. He has extreme skill in fighting with bladed weapons.

Warg: User has potential to be a Warg thanks to his heritage as a First Men.

Champion of the Old Gods: This User is blessed by Old Gods themselves. User can plant and grow Weirwood trees over night using only his blood. Any Weirwood planted by User and inside his territory will increase fertility of soil inside and increase crop yield. Grants user increased body strength and healing when around a weirwood tree. Animals of the forest won't attack User if he does not first.

Champion of R'hllor: This User is blessed by Lord of Light. User can get visions of other places by looking at fire(Can not see future due to User's existence in this universe). Increased body strength and healing during the day. Grants immunity to any and all poisons.]

Oh my god. When did i get those perks status screen only showed my name, loyalty, mind and body status up until now. I think system needs triggers to active its full functions. First the morning when Ned Stark arrived at Starfall. Now seeing dragon skulls triggered full Status function.

According to knowledge entering my mind Soul stat represents my magical potential and thanks to being Azor Ahai i am already at demigod level.

But let's focus on the fucking perks a moment. I thought god wanted me to play the Game of Thrones and kingdom building. I thought i was like a King in chess. Looks like i was wrong with this perks i can be unstoppable fighter if train them right. I don't think my magic will be all that powerful considering all the places i can learn either burned by dragonlords or blew up to kingdom come by Doom.

I didn't even know Starks could use ice magic and i seriously doubt if there is any books or something similar left in Winterfell. So magic part will be hard and slow. Also i can always kill myself by making a mistake i suppose. It would be lovely if froze myself inside an ice block.

There is also the fact i am blessed by 2 religions, and that weird because R'hllor is not keen with other religions. I think they just wanted use me so Night King doesn't win also maybe to curry favors with ROB? In anycase i am not oppose to free power.

With Old Gods blessing i can increase food production much more and if i can create Valyrian Steel i can create an armor for myself. Also there is enough rich people in the world that i can sell new Valyrian steel weapons in order to get additional funds for my projects.

"Little Rhaenys had a cat named Balerion" My mother says and stops my internal monologue.

"Rhaenys was the kindest and most adorable girl i met." She says with sobbing voice. Then she starts walking away. This is kinda sad but not really my problem it is better that they're dead or i would've killed them in future. I can't have rival claimants like Viserys or Aegon. I could've use Rhaenys as a bride but she would be an obstacle in future for my plans of Dorne.

"Let's get you fed before your first council meeting." She says with a sad chuckle.

------------End of Chapter----------

- I don't own ASOIAF/GOT or anything related to it.