
Arlo's celebration feast and the forest reavers branch

Gresvin said with pride and joy. 

The recruit stood there staring blankly for a moment before looking towards Arlo. He guessed it was him and saluted before he rushed off as fast as he could. Spreading the news to all in the village, not just the village elders.

Marcus was walking down the main street when he heard the young recruit shout, "Prepare a feast! Lord Gresvin commands. Tonight, we welcome a new rank 2 warrior!"

'It seems he has gotten there before me.' Marcus knew precisely who the young recruit was talking about. He smiled bitterly before his expression turned into one of relief and filled with glee.

Whether it was him or not did not matter; welcoming a new rank 2 warrior was something worth celebrating. 

Soon, the news had spread to the whole village, and every single person knew about it. Even Bran had learned about it before the recruit had even gotten to him.