
Chu Chen’s Personal Calamity

บรรณาธิการ: EndlessFantasy Translation

Upon having returned to Crystal Spring Sect, Chu Chen immediately headed to the Elixir Refining Hall at the Hidden Frost Valley and reported the recent events to Elder Ling Xin.

Once they arrived at Hidden Frost Valley, Qing Yue immediately took out her storage ring and displayed all the snow scaled dragon's materials.

"It's really a snow python that transformed!"

When Elder Ling Xin saw the stacks of flesh that resembled ice sculptures, she could not have helped but lamented, "You guys are rather lucky. If this snow python successfully transformed into a scaled dragon, then even the elders above the Spiritual Droplets Stage would be no match for it. However, it was impatient and attempted the transformation too soon, resulting in half its body melding into the ground. That was why you guys could take advantage of that. Next time, don't take this kind of risk."

"Yes, Elder," both of them replied quickly.

"You didn't eat the snow scaled dragon's internal organs, right?" Elder Ling Xin approached Chu Chen's side and examined him carefully with her clear eyes. "Although the snow scaled dragon's meat is precious, its spiritual essence is wild and needs to be mellowed out with other spiritual herbs before consumption. Otherwise, it would be troublesome if the overbearing spiritual energy entered your bodies. Moreover, some of the snow scaled dragon's internal organs function as an aphrodisiac. After consumption, your lust might go wild."


Hearing that, Chu Chen had been shocked. He only knew the flesh of the snow scaled dragon had been strong stuff and had been prepared for it. 

However, before they left, they made a pot of snow scaled dragon soup. Within it were some of its internal organs, and he had even added a portion of the scaled dragon's penis. Qing Yue felt that it had been indecent and refused to consume the soup.

No wonder ever since he drank the soup his stomach felt especially warm. That had been something major that shocked Chu Chen. How would a virgin like him have dealt with his growing lust?

Chu Chen scratched his head. "Elder, we made a soup with the scaled dragon's penis and drank it...will that cause us any trouble?" Since the matter would have affected his cultivation, he dared not let his guard down and quickly asked for advice. Only after asking did he realize that it had been a bad idea as Elder Ling Xin was a woman after all. It did not seem right to ask her such a question.

"Junior Brother! What nonsense are you talking about?!" Elder Ling Xin was known for her bad temper. Qing Yue had been afraid that Chu Chen's words might have offended her. 

"It's fine." Elder Ling Xin waved casually. After all, she was an elder in the sect that experienced many things in life. Unlike what Qing Yue imagined, Elder Ling Xin had not been offended, but smiled instead. "That scaled dragon's penis is a force of extreme heat born from an extreme cold source. It had the natural ability to merge the forces of heat and cold. As for the lust that you boys will experience, go figure it out yourself."

"Understood." Chu Chen's face turned red instantly. Having been told to figure out a way to settle his own lust by the pretty elder had been an extremely awkward experience!

"Did you find the frost black soul?" Elder Ling Xin asked.

"I got it." Chu Chen quickly took out that black frost soul crystal from his pocket and passed it to Elder Ling Xin.

"Mm. It's spiritual energy is pure and well-tempered. It's a good material to refine the frost crystal elixir with." Elder Ling Xin considered for a moment, then said with a slight frown, "How's the preparation of the other ingredients needed to refine the frost crystal elixir?"

"The preparation is almost complete." Chu Chen nodded. At that moment, he had yet to check with the sect's elixir store. However, he reckoned the store owner should have prepared them already.

"Okay. You must be tired after these few days. Go home and rest for a few days. Come again after you're well rested. These ingredients of yours contain strong ice spiritual energy. I need to use some special methods to hold in their spiritual energy and also help you with the pre-refining preparations. I'll officially teach you how to refine the elixir when you come over next time."

"R-r-refining elixir?" Chu Chen had been stunned and immediately overwhelmed by happiness. To be honest, ever since he witnessed Elder Ling Xin's brilliant elixir refining methods, Chu Chen had always wondered when he would have been able to officially learn those techniques from her. However, Elder Ling Xin had only told him to focus on the fundamentals of refining medicine, but never allowed him to get involved with the actual elixir refining process.

Meanwhile, Elder Ling Xin's words meant that she had been about to officially teach him how to refine elixirs! How could he not have felt overjoyed?!

"What is it? You don't like it?" Elder Ling Xin shot a glance at him. "It's not just the frost crystal elixir. When you're attempting to reach for the stage above the Spiritual Droplets Stage, you will require even more elixirs to temper your body and break through the cultivation stages. As a disciple under me, it would be laughable if you needed to buy the elixirs you need for your cultivation. These snow scaled dragon meat will by chance be used as materials for your cultivation in the Spiritual Droplets Stage. I'll help you store them."

"Thank you, Elder!" Chu Chen had been overjoyed upon having heard that. With that being said, Elder Ling Xin's intentions had been clear and it brought him great happiness.

"Alright, go back and rest!" Elder Ling Xin waved him off and went back to the Elixir Refining Hall.

After sending each other off, Chu Chen felt greatly relieved. For some reason, his mind had been filled with thoughts about his junior sister. After a quick counting, he had not seen her for quite some days and he missed her dearly.

Without any delay, he went back to his hut. After having taken a shower and changed into fresh clean clothes, he then headed towards Blue Flower Valley.

The door to his junior sister's courtyard had been open and Chu Chen quietly entered. He noticed that Tong Meng had been sitting in the study room and focusing on painting. She was extremely focused and had not noticed Chu Chen's arrival.

He went up behind her quietly and saw his junior sister painting with well trained brush strokes. She had been painting the portrait of an elderly person. She had extremely been talented in painting. Although she had only picked up painting in the past three years, her brush strokes were well trained.

Although her movements seemed casual, the brush strokes had been delicate and smooth. She had managed to portray the elderly person in a life-like manner, to the extent that each strand of hair and wrinkle had been presented in detail. Her art had been even comparable to some famous artistic sages.

However, when Chu Chen carefully studied the elderly person in the painting, he could not have help but frown, wondering where his junior sister ran into this elderly person. His expression had been dull and his eyes sunk with lifeless gaze. He wore a black-colored robe. Somehow, his body seemed feeble. In the portrait, the old man's philtrum, temples, and glabella acupoints seemed to be shriveled and drained. It caused Chu Chen's heart to skip a beat!

Successful cultivators would have supple acupoints filled with vigor under the effects of the flowing spiritual energy. Even if they had wrinkles all over their face, it had been impossible to have covered the vitality in their appearance. The so-called young appearance with white hair referred to cultivators with great achievements in their cultivation.

However, that elderly person's shriveled acupoints made it clear that something had been wrong with his cultivation, causing his spiritual energy to have diverged, having been unable to have harmonized the spiritual energy within him, causing Qi essence leakage. That elderly person had been suffering from Qi deviation!

"Brother Chu!"

When Tong Meng noticed the smiling Chu Chen when she looked around, she was suddenly filled with delight. She then placed the brush on the table and jumped into Chu Chen's embrace. "Brother Chu, why didn't you call out to me after arriving?! This is wonderful. I've not seen you in days. I miss you so much!"

The girl hung onto Chu Chen's body like a koala, forcing him to have opened up his arms, embracing the girl fully. A strong fragrance of a virgin's body wafted through his nostrils, having caused him to have tightened his embrace on the girl in his arms.

"I've missed you too, Meng'er."

"Hehe...Brother Chu, you're the best." The girl burrowed herself in his arms and subconsciously squirmed about, trying to make herself comfortable. Who would have expected that such a twisting motion caused Chu Chen to have suddenly held his breath.

His heart had been missing his junior sister all the while. With him having embraced her tightly, the feeling of love filled his heart. However, he suddenly noticed his body started to fire up…

'Oh no!'

He trembled somewhat pitifully. After he drank that pot of scaled dragon penis soup, his body had felt warm as though he had submerged in a comfortable hot bath. Now that he held onto his junior sister, he suddenly felt the temperature in his body shot up alarmingly. That nice warm feeling he had suddenly cranked up to a scorching heat, having him fired up.

"Eh? What's this? It's making me uncomfortable."

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