
Emperor's Reckoning

Heaven, hell, and the world themselves have forgotten a prominent figure that once stood at the pinnacle. Alas, the said figure himself forgot who he was. Lyon is a young man who lived a leisurely life on earth. Not much was said except that he enjoyed such a life. However, one fateful night sent him to the world where killing is not a sin, alchemy is a thing, and magic cultivation is not imaginary. Immediately after being sent to this world. He is met with a beautiful woman who rumbled the earth and cracked the very firmament under the mortals' eyes. Selena is her name. She claimed to be his wife, the first one of three. However, their meetings didn't last long due to circumstances that he has yet understood. With one wedding ring on his finger that contained half of his past power, he sets forth to find Cecile, the woman whom Selena said is a queen in Blue Continent, the other wife that he adored then. But, he lacked focus at times, and combined with his whimsical nature, he often finds himself, in unusual situations. His smirk and lazy demeanor brought nothing but trouble for himself and the others around him. His relentless nature of stealing, his rebellious adolescence year, and the capability to smile by the teeth of a gnawing dragon brought his charm to a height that fairies once forget. Though his perverted nature often gets them to scurry away almost immediately, those that stayed long enough to know him better, know the redeeming qualities of Lyon Torga as a whole. Regardless! His arrival in this world has rotated an old cog of fate that those old monsters and old kings in the ages of the ancients, would have never guessed to be working again.

Big_Yellow · แฟนตาซี
1273 Chs

I am Lyon

In a small room with one window, the light illuminated the place and two people were arguing while one more person appeared to be sleeping with his butt upward position. There appeared to be a hole about eight centimeters wide on his left butt cheek and blood was oozing out.

"Lukas, go and use the bandage on the guy's butt," said Zusk

"No sir, this is all your fault in the first place," said Lukas (Would bandage even has any meaning with a wound like that?).

"Hey, how should I know a guy would fall from the balcony, besides, I AM NOT GONNA TOUCH A MAN's BUTT!"

"But you are the captain, sir."

"Well... guess who just become a captain?"


"You, Lukas."

"What? you can't do that sir, you should do it"

"But you are the captain now."



"Alright you win," sighed Lukas as he reached the bandage on the table.

However, his eyes opened wide as he blinked several times. He rubbed them to make sure that his eyes didn't play any trick.

"Sir it's gone"

"What gone?"

"The butt'-"

"The butt?"

"The wound."

"Oh you surprised me there for a sec," said Zusk as he took a closer look at the 'were used to be the wound' located, "That's amazing-"

"OH God that was a crazy dream" A screaming voice comes out from the young man on the bed as he woke up startled.


Black lines cover Lukas's face as he watched the two's positions.

"Hmm..? my butt feel ticklish," said the young man as he rubbed his butt... "uhh...Who are you?"

"You MotherF*cker, Spear Of Crescent Moon!!"


"Ah that's just great captain now he has more holes to cover."


In Sylviana's chamber.

"AAHHHHRRGGGGHHH why, why, why, why did it always happen to me when I give a speech !!" said Sylviana as she kept pounding the pillow on her bed

"Calm down miss you are a queen," said Fei

"B-b-but ... uwahh" as she leaped into Fei's embrace and cried

"There there it's alright now," said Fei as she stroke her hair lightly

"The last time it was bird poop on my head and now it's even worse"

"Miss, do you remember what your father said?"

"Woman's breast is a man's dream?"

"What? No.. the 'A country may be built in a day but a king can only be built through shits and storms' one" said Fei (now that I think about it she got her father's bad manner in her blood).

*knock *knock

"Who is it?" asked Fei.

"It's Lukas, General."

"Reporting to General, the mysterious young man has woken up from its slumber"

"Got it, hmm, I would estimate that he woke up later than now."

"Uh..." (no way I'm telling what happened).

"It's fine, go, I will meet him personally."

"Yes general!" (dodge a stab there).

Looking at the queen of the kingdom she asked, "Miss, the young man has woken up, do you want to see him?"

"Of course I will, I want to hear his explanation!!"


The door opened as it revealed the two men that were inside.

"Good afternoon Queen and general," said Zusk while standing up from his seat.

"Good day to you too captain Zusk," said Sylviana.

"Good work today Zusk," said Fei.

Without further ado, Fei took a seat and sat right in front of the young man. Her graceful movement could even catch awe out of a stone. Of course, she didn't forget about the seat for her majesty.

Fei looked at the young man as if he was the prisoner of war, a barrage of questions soon followed.

"So.. who are you, who send you, what is your cultivation level and why are you getting patched all over your body?" asked Fei (It's weird, I can't sense his cultivation at all).

"My name is Lyon Torga, I don't know who send me here, and what is a 'cultivation level' as for the last question you can ask your 'captain'".

"Hmm?" Fei wondered before she noticed that Zusk already left the room.

"Then where are you from?" asked Sylviana.

"Ah! You're that woman who kicked me out of the building!" said Lyon while pointing at her.

"Well, that's your fault! Just answer the question!" said Sylviana.

"I came from my house, Earth, I was having a happy life actually."

Sylviana pondered as she tried to dig down her memory about 'Earth' but nothing came to mind in the end. "Hmm, I don't think I've ever heard this 'Earth'."

Lyon noticed that they were calm besides the fact that he came from another world.

"Wow, you people seem calm about me being from another world, wait so that means there are others like me?"

"Well yes there are but they always came from the Gate of World, GoW for short," said Fei

"BY THE WAY, you need to repay me for what you made me see Mr. LYON," said Sylviana


"Wh-wh-wh-WHat do you mean no?!"

"No means no, in fact, my butt got more holes than it should because of you."

"Not my fault you appear in front of me naked."

"Okay shut it you two!!" reprimand Fei.

"Miss why not have Lyon take an aptitude test and cultivation level test instead, who knows maybe he is talented," whispered Fei.

"Great idea Fei let's do that instead."

"Oi, don't leave me in the dark what are you guys up to?"

"Oh, nothing hehehe," chuckled Sylviana sinisterly.

"Tell me Lyon have you ever killed someone before?" asked Fei.

Both of the women were seriously looking at his sudden change in expression. They both were convinced that this man was hiding his murderous aura.



(Wow, what kind of question is that?!).



"Hehe I just felt like it," chuckled Lyon.

"Okay that's enough, you can walk, right? oh, you can? well follow me." said Fei as she walked to the door.

(you blind woman I got patched all over my body and you said I can walk? what the f*ck is wrong with-, oh hey I can walk).

I read all of your comments and review, I personally thank you all for the supports and critics alike

the reason why the chapter got delayed 3 months is because I have no motivation whatsoever but after seeing your response I want to give it a try once again

Big_Yellowcreators' thoughts