
EMINENCE IN POWER: 10000X Multiplication

[Ding! You have fused with the orb of darkness and your orb of darkness has been enhanced to Heart of darkness.] [Ding! You have acquired the throne of technology and has been enhanced to Divine throne of technology.] [Ding! Your inferno dragon bloodline has been enhanced to Supreme dragon bloodline.] [Ding! Your skill inferno blaze has been enhanced to crimson blaze.] [Ding! Your Twin Swords of Doom have been upgraded to Twin Swords of Ending.] When Adrian was reincarnated to the Agni planet, he activated the 10000x multiplication system and supreme dragon bloodline. Later on he accidentally obtained the power of a dark lord. From items to equipment to skills and abilities, he could receive 10000x multiplication. A few months later he had the power of the supreme Lord of Technology, a Supreme Dragon and the power of a dark lord. From this moment on the entire world starts to run amok... ________________________________________________ ________________________________________________

Blackstar_101 · ไซไฟ
16 Chs

Confrontation at Rose Manor

One hour later.

The Inner Ring.

Rose Manor loomed ahead, an imposing imperial structure draped in crimson banners that fluttered softly in the morning breeze. Its intricate architecture seemed to pulse with energy, the air around it thick with an aura of power. Adrian, carrying the unconscious girl in his arms, approached the manor with a steady, unhurried pace. As he neared the grand double doors, he felt a gaze fixated on him, a pressure that seemed to emanate from the very walls of the manor.

The massive doors, adorned with majestic crimson dragons, groaned as they began to swing open, the sound reverberating through the vast entrance hall like the growl of an awakening beast. The dark wood, etched with ancient symbols and carvings of serpentine dragons, caught the flickering light of the torches that lined the walls. A rush of cool air swept out, carrying the faint, sweet scent of roses mixed with a lingering note of something far more potent.

Adrian paused at the threshold, taking in the grandeur of Rose Manor. Crimson banners hung from the ceiling, their deep red hues reflecting in the polished marble floors that gleamed like a mirror. Every detail of the manor screamed of power, yet there was an underlying tension that made the air feel heavy.

Sebastian, the butler, stepped forward. His black attire  immaculate, and his white hair was meticulously combed, a stark contrast to the deep shadows that filled the hall. He bowed slightly, his voice smooth and practiced. "Master Adrian, we've been expecting you. The Lord is waiting in the study."

Adrian nodded, his gaze lingering on the imposing doors for a moment longer. "Lead the way," he said, his voice steady as he followed Sebastian inside, the sound of their footsteps echoing in the cavernous space.


The study was a large room, its walls lined with towering bookshelves filled with tomes that looked as ancient as the manor itself. Artifacts of unknown origin were scattered about, giving the space a museum-like atmosphere. Minnie, now dressed in a black secretary's attire, stood silently beside the desk, her posture stiff and her eyes downcast.

By the large window, her silhouette outlined by the dim light filtering through the curtains, stood an imposing figure, a woman with an aura that commanded attention. Rose Crimson, the city lord of Crimson Imperial City, waited with her back turned to the room.

The door opened, and Adrian entered, still holding the unconscious girl. Sebastian followed him in and took his place by the side, standing silently like a statue, as did Minnie.

"So, you survived," Rose said, her voice calm, with just a hint of something unknown beneath it. She didn't turn around.

Adrian adjusted the girl in his arms slightly, his expression unreadable. "It takes more than poison to get rid of me. Where are Anna and Williams?"

Rose finally turned to face him. Her appearance was striking, she looked to be in her mid-twenties, with a slender figure, an ample bosom, and a waist that was perfectly defined. Her waist-length hair was a captivating shade of wine red, cascading down her back like a river of blood. Her eyes, a brilliant red, sparkled with both charm and authority, their draconic nature subtly hinted at by the way they seemed to glow in the dim light.

Her attire was a unique blend of elegance and power. The top half of her dress was a pristine white, perfectly outlining her figure, while the lower half was a deep crimson, curled at both sides, adding an air of regality to her presence. Despite her human form, the subtle presence of her draconic heritage made her seem all the more formidable.

She locked her piercing gaze onto Adrian. "Straight to the point, as expected of you. They were taken by those who thought you would die. Unfortunately, I don't think they're still within the city."

Adrian's expression hardened, his gaze never leaving Rose's. "Who took them? And where were they taken?"

"It was never part of the plan to take them... well, not that I know of," she said, the latter part came out almost a whisper, her eyes briefly flickering away from his.

Rose let out a soft sigh, turning her gaze back to him but avoiding direct eye contact. "As for who took them, I'm sorry, I can't say."

A heavy silence fell over the room as Adrian continued to study Rose. The tension between them seemed to thicken, the air almost crackling with unspoken words.

'Knowing her personality, she wouldn't get herself involved willingly. There are few who could make her to act against her will. The royal family? The council? Or... those wives of mine?' Adrian thought, his mind racing to connect the dots. 'There's too little information to draw a conclusion, but... someone is definitely pulling the strings in the dark.'

Adrian's voice was deep, devoid of emotion. "And what do you gain from all this, Rose? I know you were involved."

His words, calm yet cutting, seemed to startle not just Rose but her servants as well. The casual way he addressed her by name was a clear sign of his diminishing respect, a detail not missed on anyone in the room. The atmosphere grew even more tense, the weight of his words pressing down on them like a vice.

Rose smirked, though it didn't reach her eyes. "Oh, Adrian, quick to jump to conclusions. I may have known about the plot, but I had no part in carrying it out, believe it or not."

Adrian's tone was skeptical. "Can you prove it? Your servant, Minnie, was at the scene. The moment she saw me, she tried to kill me."

Rose frowned, her expression darkening. "I have no obligation to explain myself to you. I was just doing my job."

'Her job… So it's the royal family or the council. The former Adrian had no real conflict with the council, so that leaves the royal family. But who in the family has the power to command Rose? My father? The queens? My siblings?' Adrian pondered silently, his mind racing. 'If it's my siblings, they would need father's permission, which is unlikely. They must have had someone with authority backing them. Someone who could command Rose and stand up to my father. Someone in... the council. This is a power struggle, and I'm just a pawn in their game. Tsk, these people must have a death wish...'

Adrian's eyes narrowed slightly as he reached a conclusion. "I see," he said, his lips curling into a strange smile, one that made him seem to be both smiling and not smiling at the same time. He looked directly at Rose. "Thank you for your time and cooperation. Excuse me."

As Adrian turned to leave, Minnie caught a glimpse of his expression, and a chill ran down her spine. The image of Adrian smiling the same way when he broke a certain idiot's arm for trying to teach him a lesson flashed through her mind. She instinctively shrank back, her heart racing.

Rose, too, froze for a moment as she saw that smile. Confusion and a flicker of unknown fear passed through her mind. She had been about to ask him something, but the sight of his back turned to her made her swallow the words.

"Hold on," Rose called out, her voice breaking the heavy silence. Adrian paused, turning his head slightly to look at her.

"What?" he asked, his voice low.

Rose studied him for a moment, her gaze trailing over him from head to toe before meeting his eyes. "You've changed, Adrian... How did you survive the assassination?" she asked, her tone tinged with curiosity.

Adrian opened his mouth to respond but stopped, a frown creasing his forehead as something caught his attention.

Rose's sharp eyes caught the shift in his demeanor. "What's wrong?" she asked, her tone laced with concern.

Adrian's eyes locked onto hers, and for a brief moment, Rose had the thought she saw a flash of golden hue flicker in his gaze.