
Emergence Beyond The End

Fate is an interesting concept. Some believe it, Some become slaves to it. Some try to escape the very shackles of fate. I was a slave to fate. I wanted to create my fate, I wanted to be the one who controlled myself. I died trying to achieve that but I was given a second chance to create my fate. I transmigrated into the body of Sam. An unknown kid with a little mystery of his own. This is the story of Sam, a single soul who died trying to escape his very fate. He was given another chance in an unfamiliar world. Where he has to survive with little to no information. A place where magic and dungeons are real and at every turn something is trying to kill him. Was I given a second chance or this is a big game of fate or am I a pawn for another entity? I didn't know but if I'm given a second chance I will create my fate. Let's go on a rollercoaster ride with Sam, a single soul, who's battling his mind and fate in an unfamiliar world where magic is real and dungeons are alive with secrets. As he tries to find his way through his mental maze. ***************** Hey guys author here. This is my very first story. I took inspiration from many novels. There will be mistakes here and there but I hope you will like it. I will try to create a unique story for you all.

Fallen_Angel_26 · แฟนตาซี
33 Chs

Hunting The Predators [2]

[A/N: R-18 chapter ahead. This includes torture, blood, and violence. If you don't like this then don't read it]

I took off the wolf mask from the masked guy's face and what I saw made me quite a bit surprised.


"You are a woman, crossdressing as a man?"

I was genuinely surprised.

"Now I have some questions I hope you will answer me honestly."

"Fu*k you!" 

That's the only thing she said.

So we will do it the hard way then. I took her and strapped her tightly in a nearby chair and shut down her mouth tightly. Now she can't make any noise.

"You are probably a high-ranking awakener, Seeing how you can still talk something even after having Ttetrodotoxin in your system. Now I'm going enjoy this then ask some questions."


Immediately after that, I cut off her left hand. She let out a guttural roar in pain.

After that, I took the hand saw from my storage ring and started to cut her right arm's fingers. Then I started to cut her into small pieces.

I continuously feed her a healing potion so she won't die. After that, I launch my fist covered with mana towards her stomach. Which pushed her back a few feet.

She threw up blood, food, and bile.

I grabbed her face opened her mouth and started to rip off her teeth with my piler slowly.


Then I ripped off the clothes that she was wearing making her near near-naked state. I was toying with her. I then grabbed her leg and broke it.

"Now tell me what is the information you asked me to bring?"

She didn't answer from the pain.

"Oh well, let's have it your way then," I said and I started to crush the bones that were in the rest of the limbs. The pain made her free from the chair and made her fixated on the ground as blood spread all over.



Her intense pained shouts can make any man afraid.

I brought out the knives and started peeling her skin from her muscles.

I peeled her skin off from her leg to her stomach to her breasts.

I brought out a sharp dagger and then started to cut her muscle from her chest, breast, abdomen and finally her vagina then her thighs.

My sharp dagger left countless cuts on her body. If someone saw her state now they vomit from seeing it.

I then slashed off her broken limbs, amputating them.

After that, I took out high-grade healing potions that I had bought and shoved them down her throat.

She barely kept her consciousness as her body healed back and repeated the same thing again and again until I used up all the potions.

She was broken completely.

"Who and what are you?" I asked her, I wanted to know why they were after me, not exactly me but the previous Sam.

"I'm from the Demonic Cult. We worship the dragon god Azeroth." She answered.

She bearly kept her consciousness she didn't know what was going on anymore. To her eyes she is in front of the devil, no he is worse than the devil himself.

"Now, what is the information you guys asked me to bring?" I asked again.

"Sera Rosefield. We asked you to bring information about Sera Rosefield."

"Wait a minute! Sera Rosefield? Are you talking about the princess of the Rosefield family?"

"Yes. We asked you to bring her and her family's information."

"How the hell I would bring information about the Rosefield family, I don't even know them. Tell me?"

"What! You are childhood friends with Sera Rosefield and you were very close to her and her family in the past that is the reason we approached you, to begin with"

"Sere Rosefield! Huh!"

The information she gave me is quite surprising. So the previous Sam and the princess of the Rosefield family were childhood friends. Now everything makes sense. The Demonic Cult approached Sam because he had contractions with the Rosefield family but since I took over Sam I didn't know about this.

"Why were you looking into Sera Rosefield?" I asked her again. However, I see it doesn't make sense if they wanted Sera Rosefield they would go after someone else who she is always with not me.

"Prophecy! There is a prophecy about her" she said.

"Prophecy? What prophecy tell me?"


Before I could ask her anything else her head exploded leaving me in her blood completely. Is it a safety mechanism?

There were still one or two masked guys left. I checked all of the guys I killed and searched for their storage rings. I found 6 storage rings among the sixteen guys I killed including the woman who was probably their leader.

I found many things from their storage ring from mana crystal to weapons to some grade 2,3 battle arts but the best things I found are from the woman

A grade 4 mana art. Mana arts and battle arts are graded from 1 to 5, 1 being the worst and 5 being the best.

So a grade 4 mana art was good.

I took everything from them at put it on my storage ring.

As I was putting things one thing caught my eye which looked like some kind of bomb.

After inspecting it I found out it was a mana bomb.

In my previous world bombs were made out of dynamite mostly. But here it is useless so they use bombs created from mana known as

'Mana Bombs'

I read about mana bombs it is completely banned in this world. A mana bomb was used during the first monster war and its damage is still can be seen today.

From the looks of it, it is a low-grade mana bomb.


"If I left everything here like this and if the police or any awakener came to investigate it, I might get found and it will cause me trouble."

Suddenly an idea came to my mind. If I arm the mana bomb and leave using the sewage system I can get away easily and it will cover my tracks here...

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