
Emeralds and Ashes

The Battle of the Department of Mysteries had far worse consequences than Harry had ever expected, leaving him a completely changed young man. An ambitious plan is proposed by a man emerging out of nowhere, throwing his life off its preordained trajectory. Harry thought he would be the one to end Voldemort, but he could've never imagined he would be traveling to the 1970s to stop him. Post-OOTP Time Travel. Strong!HarryxNarcissaxBellatrix.

TheBlackEarl · หนังสือและวรรณกรรม
6 Chs

Chapter 5

Harry stood in front of the mirror as he finished getting ready for the dinner he had been invited to at #12 Grimmauld Place.

This would be his first time visiting the house and meeting the rest of the Blacks, and he could not help but wonder how this meeting would turn out.

He tried to recall what the family's condition was like at the moment. Andromeda had run away, having married Ted Tonks and already given birth to Tonks 2 years ago. Furthermore, if he recalled correctly, Sirius would be leaving his family in the summer of 1975 as well. That had either happened already or it would happen in the coming days.

Harry would bet on the latter. There was no way Arcturus and Charlus would be so cordial if Sirius had already been cast out.

Bellatrix and Narcissa – the twin sisters would both start their sixth year at Hogwarts, and he wondered whether he could sway the former away from the clutches of the dark. Loathsome as he found her to be, he had to admit that she was a very capable witch and would be a huge asset for his side.

Narcissa, on the other hand, had been nothing but a trophy wife for Lucius Malfoy and he did not know anything else about her. He would have to see what happened with her.

That left the adults, and honestly, he didn't feel like saving anyone. There were two male adults apart from Arcturus – Orion Black and Cygnus Black. Orion was a timid man and the oldest son of Arcturus while Cygnus was the caring father of Andromeda, Narcissa, and Bellatrix, who was the son of Arcturus' late brother Pollux.

Then came the women. First, there was Melania Black who was married to Arcturus and was a feeble woman who was expected to pass away in a couple of years. Her death had affected Arcturus severely. The man had taken it hard and had isolated himself in the property Harry had stayed in before making this time jump, and that was when things had gone south for the House of Black. That left Walburga and Druella. Thinking about the former made him seethe. She had wasted no time in taking charge of the family in Arcturus' absence after Melania's death and had brought about the destruction of the house. Druella was Cygnus' wife and a kind woman who had been devastated after the incident with Andromeda. Harry didn't think there was much he would need to concern himself with when it came to her.

All the adults apart from Arcturus and unfortunately Walburga had died in the initial stages of the war, and he had to somehow save as many of them as possible. No pressure.

Nodding to himself as he got ready, Harry decided against using the Floo and twisted on the spot. The familiar park outside #12 Grimmauld Place came into view and Harry crossed the road before knocking on the door.

A familiar face opened the door and Harry had to hold himself back from cursing the little shit.

"My lord," Kreacher rasped as he stepped aside, and Harry entered. The door closed behind him and the elf vanished. He took a few steps forward when someone turned the corner and walked toward him.

Harry could not help but stare at the young woman who approached him. Unlike the blacks, she had long, light blonde hair that came down to the middle of her back. A couple of strands framed her beautiful heart-shaped face with high cheekbones and a pair of grey orbs underneath thick eyelashes and delicate eyebrows that stared at him in interest.

Harry had seen Narcissa Malfoy once in passing, but Narcissa Black was an entirely different person. He could easily admit that he had never seen someone as beautiful as her. Not even the veela he had seen at the Quidditch World Cup or Fleur Delacour, the Beauxbatons Champion could compare, not in terms of the natural charm Narcissa exuded.

He didn't miss the way she had reacted to him, and couldn't help but feel thrilled at having evoked such a reaction from a beautiful woman like her. They smiled at each other, however, their eyes told different stories altogether. Attraction, at first sight, was a very common phenomenon, and it seemed the attraction was mutual. At least he wouldn't make an utter fool of himself if he approached her at a later date.

"Lord Peverell, I am Narcissa Black, the granddaughter of Lord Black. I humbly welcome you to the Black townhouse."

Harry took her hand and dropped a delicate kiss on the knuckle, relishing the soft smile on her face, before he straightened and looked her in the eyes.

"A pleasure to meet you, Miss Black," he replied. Narcissa smiled and together, they walked through the corridor to where Harry knew the living room was situated.

As they walked, he looked around, trying to observe how much the house had changed over the years. It looked like an entirely different place, with richly decorated walls and portraits adorned over them. Small chandeliers hung every few steps, casting the corridor in a golden glow. There was no troll leg for someone to fall over. The house was still richly decorated with snake motifs though, something Harry could not help but notice.

Shortly, they walked through the door to the living room, and Harry observed everyone gathered. He noted, to his surprise, that the Potters had already arrived and were sitting on the couch, with Charlus and Dorea sitting to Arcturus' right and his father sitting right beside them and talking to Sirius.

Harry stifled a pang in his heart as he laid his eyes on them for the first time. His Occlumency kept his emotions off his face.

"Lord Peverell, I'm glad you could make it," Arcturus said politely. Harry shook the man's hand and smiled.

"Please allow me to introduce my family. This is my wife Melania."

Harry took the woman's hand and dropped a soft kiss on her knuckle.

"My son Orion, his wife Walburga and their sons Sirius and Regulus."

Harry nodded as the four bowed, ignoring the arrogant sneer on Walburga's face. It seemed he was not the only one who noticed, as he saw Arcturus glare at her out of the corner of his eye.

Although Sirius was a fifth-year and looked like it, Regulus was nothing more than a child of twelve who would start his second year. Harry resolved to at least save the little kid.

He was also amused at seeing Sirius visibly frowning at having to bow to him. His godfather had never been a fan of pureblood etiquette.

Walburga bowing to him filled him with mirth. He knew how much she prided herself on being one of the highest stock, as she believed. He was looking forward to seeing her reaction when he told them that he was not a pureblood.

"My late brother's son Cygnus, his wife Druella and their twin daughters Narcissa and Bellatrix."

Harry had to control his raging emotions when he looked at Bellatrix. Even though she looked entirely different from when she had killed Sirius, he couldn't help but think of her like that. Her gothic attire and that maniacal gleam in her eyes were missing, and instead, she was dressed elegantly.

He chided himself for judging her based on the future. He was here to prevent it, and he knew he wanted Bellatrix on his side rather than on Voldemort's.

Harry smiled and nodded at the four as they bowed respectfully, and he was surprised to see how utterly similar Sirius and Bellatrix were in their reluctance to bow to him. Although he believed Bellatrix was more reluctant because of her pride.

"It is a pleasure to meet you all," he intoned sincerely, smiling.

"You have already met Charlus," Arcturus said as he looked at the Potter lord with a smile. Harry nodded as Charlus stepped forward.

"A pleasure to meet you again, Lord Peverell. Allow me to introduce my wife Dorea and my heir James."

Somehow, Harry managed to keep himself composed as he greeted the pair. His eyes took in everything they could about them. His grandmother was a Black through and through. Her long dark hair was tied in an intricate braid and swept over her left shoulder, and she had the same grey eyes that almost all the members of the House of Black shared. Standing straight and as prim as one could, she radiated utter confidence. Harry did not doubt that she was a very capable witch who could hold her own in a fight.

"A pleasure to meet you all," he smiled.

Dorea smiled at him while James looked bored. Harry chuckled to himself. It seemed his father and Sirius were cut from the same cloth.

"I believe we should take this to the dining room. If you would follow, Lord Peverell," Arcturus said. Harry nodded and together, they walked to the dining room. Harry saw Arcturus take a seat at the head of the table.

He was asked to sit on his right, with Charlus taking the seat opposite him, followed by Dorea and James. Despite his mother's glare, Sirius walked over and sat on his father's other side. Harry had to stifle a smirk at the older woman's ire. What else did she expect after abusing her son for years?

Orion Black sat beside him, followed by his wife and Regulus, who had been giving Harry looks of interest ever since he had seen him. Regulus was joined by Cygnus Black and his wife while his daughters sat opposite them beside Sirius. Melania Black took the other end of the table.

"I am sure I am not the only one who is curious about the main line of the House of Peverell surviving," Arcturus began. Beside him, Charlus nodded.

"It did surprise me as well. All available records state that the house was absorbed into mine when Iolanthe Peverell married Hardwin Potter," the lord of the House of Potter intoned with a curious gaze directed at him.

Harry smiled. He had expected people to be inquisitive, and he repeated the answer he had given to Dumbledore. It was a very easily believable story indeed, and he smirked to himself when no one even batted an eye. Arcturus had indeed been right. The ring on his finger was proof enough.

"Truly goes to show how much might be forgotten or left undiscovered," Charlus said before he smiled at him. "That does make us family though."

Harry could not help but smile back.

"Indeed, Lord Potter. To be honest, I was looking forward to meeting you when I took up the lordship. As you said, we are family. I do not have mine, so I would like to cherish whatever I might have left."

Beside him, Dorea smiled. "Family doesn't bother with honorifics. You may call us by our names."

"Then it's fair if you do the same with me as well."

The Blacks stared at this little development with either a sneer or surprise. However, Harry saw Arcturus chuckle.

"Well, good for you, I believe. Although that doesn't explain why you came out of secrecy now, Lord Peverell. If I'm not wrong, you claimed the lordship under the Doctrine of Ultima Linea."

Harry sighed.

"That should tell you enough, Lord Black. Indeed, I am the last of the direct line of House Peverell, and as such, it made sense for me to claim my lordship. There are a few other matters which I need to deal with, and it required me to bring the House of Peverell out of secrecy."

Frowns spread across the table at his statement, and Harry saw a few eyes looking at him inquisitively.

Arcturus nodded. "It must be something serious if you decided to come out after centuries."

Harry sighed. "I would love to discuss more at a later date if you are open to it."

He saw Arcturus exchange a look with Charlus, who nodded. A few minutes of silence followed as they indulged in the delicious dinner, and the only sound echoing around the dining hall was that of cutlery.

"I heard you took your OWLs the other day," Charlus remarked after almost everyone was done. Finished with his dinner, Harry put the knife and fork on his plate and nodded.

"I've been homeschooled, but I have decided to attend Hogwarts for my NEWTs."

"Indeed? That is good. James and Sirius here will be taking their OWLs in a year, and Cygnus' girls took their OWLs a few months ago," the man replied.

Harry nodded, looking over at the pair of girls who were looking at him in interest. His eyes rested on Narcissa for a moment and he gave a small smile.

"It's good to know that I'll have a few familiar faces to share classes with," he remarked, keeping his eyes on Narcissa, and he smiled to himself when the young woman looked down at her plate with a small smile on her face. He didn't miss the smirk on Bellatrix's face either.

"I doubt homeschooling would've aided you much," a snide voice spoke up suddenly, and Harry felt the mood around the dining room plummet. He turned to the side and saw Walburga looking at him with a sneer, and couldn't help but wonder if she had a few screws loose. Who tried to antagonize a guest without any reason and one from a prominent house at that?

He chuckled, and even though he didn't like to brag, he couldn't stop himself this one time. "Believe me, my instructors were quite thorough. Eight Outstandings and two Exceeds Expectations should be enough proof."

Eyes shot open around the table, and he saw everyone looking at him with interest.

"Merlin's tits, ten OWLs!" Sirius blurted out.

"Mind your foul tongue, you little bastard," Walburga hissed.

"Walburga!" Lord Black snarled. "You should mind your tongue before lecturing others. And Sirius, steady with the language."

Sirius glared at his mother with utter loathing and Harry saw James mirror his look.

Walburga scowled at Arcturus before glaring at her eldest.

"Apologies, Lord Peverell," Orion Black said from beside him. Harry waved it away. He truly couldn't help but feel sorry for the man.

"Ten OWLs are indeed impressive. Which electives did you take?" Dorea asked after giving Walburga another glare. Harry smiled.

"Arithmancy, Care of Magical Creatures and Ancient Runes."

James whistled softly.

"Beyond impressive. Congratulations, Lord Peverell. I assume you will continue all ten subjects?" Charlus asked with a small smile.

Harry shook his head. "I've never had much interest in History or Astronomy, so I will drop those two and continue with the eight I got the best grades in."

Arcturus nodded.

"Well, I wish you the best for your NEWTs. With results of pureblood students falling in the recent years, Merlin knows we need them doing well. Perhaps you could serve as an example to some."

Harry guessed it was as good a time as any, and with a small smirk at James and Sirius who looked at him in confusion, he said with a straight face.

"Oh, I'm not a pureblood."

The dining room went utterly silent as everyone apart from a certain few stared at him in shock. He noticed the reactions, and to his surprise, Narcissa and Bellatrix gave him a nod and a shrug respectively before going back to their dinner. He had certainly not expected it. Sirius and James were looking at him with wide eyes, and Harry chuckled to himself. He knew they didn't give a fuck about the purity of blood and were simply shocked that he had said it knowing what he was doing. Unbeknownst to him, that earned him a few well-deserved points in their books.

Dorea and Charlus smiled at him, totally uncaring of his blood status. Melania and Druella simply nodded, almost as if they couldn't concern themselves with this little tidbit. However, the other members of the House of Black were not so accepting. Arcturus, Orion, and Cygnus had similar frowns on their faces. He sighed to himself. Arcturus had been an advocate of the purity of blood and truly believed that their bloodlines should be kept pure. However, he had never been a fanatic who discriminated against those of lesser blood, as the half-bloods and muggleborns were generally considered.

The frown on the man's face seemed to be stemmed from his disappointment that he was not a pureblood, as he had believed him to be. Nothing more than that.

However, it was Walburga whose reaction Harry was looking forward to the most. He was not surprised to see the woman on the verge of exploding.

"You are not a pureblood?" Arcturus asked. Harry shook his head.

"My mother was a muggleborn. I'm a half-blood."

"Filth!" Walburga suddenly stood up and shouted as she glared at Harry before she pointed an accusing finger at Arcturus, who looked at her in surprise. "You brought filth into this house! What kind of lord are you!? And you!" She rounded on Harry again with a furious glare. "How dare you sully the House of Black with your filthy blood! Begone! Begone at the instant!"

Harry stared at her disinterestedly. Now he understood where her portrait had got its charming personality from.

"Walburga!" Arcturus roared as he stood up. "Apologize to Lord Peverell right this instant!"

Walburga glared back. "I refuse to even acknowledge filth, let alone apologize."

Orion Black grabbed his wife's hand to stop her. However, she shook it off with a glare. The man sat back with a sigh. Harry frowned. The man didn't even bother with his wife anymore.

"I thought I told you to go away," she glared at Harry.

"Enough!" Arcturus seethed. "This is not your house, Walburga. You are not a Black, you are a Burke who married into this family. Never forget that. You don't have any power or command over this family, and let me tell you right now, you never will. Sirius is my heir and he shall take up the lordship. You shall never be the Lady Black."

Walburga glared murderously.

"That little bastard deserves nothing more than death for the shame he had brought upon the House of Black," she hissed, conveniently forgetting that Sirius was already sitting in front of her and looking angrier and angrier with every moment that passed. "If anyone deserves to be your heir, it's my Regulus, not some mudblood-loving fool. Filthy blood traitor."

Everyone watched in shock as the chair clattered to the floor and Sirius stood up, glaring furiously at his mother who stared at him with utter disdain.

"You should have died birthing Regulus, you fucking hag!" He snarled. "Mind my words. The day you do, I'll get smashed as fuck and paint your grave with my piss. That's all you deserve. I've had enough of you. Keep your lordship and shove it up your ass. I don't give a rat's fuck. I hope you die a painful death, Walburga. Andi was right in running away from this accursed house. Bigoted bitch."

"Run away and die then, you swine! That would be the best thing to happen to all of us," Walburga retorted with a malicious snarl.

Sirius glared at the woman. "Maybe I will."

Everyone watched in shock as Sirius turned around and stormed out of the room.

"Padfoot!" James shouted and ran off after him. Dorea and Charlus looked at each other before he nodded and rushed after them, leaving her to look at Arcturus in concern.

The lord of House Black was glaring at the woman, and if looks could kill, she would've dropped dead on the spot already.

"Orion," he gritted out. "Take your wife away to the house in Kent. You will be living there from now on. Your belongings will be sent there shortly. Make sure she never shows her face here again. I don't know what I'll do if I ever see her. She is forbidden from interacting with any other member of House Black apart from you and Regulus, and each member of House Black apart from the two of you is forbidden from ever interacting with her. It is only for young Regulus' sake that I'm not casting her out of the family."

Orion Black quickly stood up and grabbed his wife's hand. His other held his younger son's hand who was staring at everything in shock. Harry felt for the boy. He didn't deserve to see it.

"You have also become a Blood Traitor, Arcturus Black. How the mighty House of Black has fallen," she shouted as she was led away. "I hope you also die a painful death!"

Everyone watched as the three vanished in an inferno and Harry turned to look at a seething Arcturus Black who was still glaring at the fireplace.

"My apologies, Lord Black. If I knew this would happen, I wouldn't have said it."

"You have nothing to apologize for, Harry," Dorea said firmly as she glared at the fireplace which they had just vanished from. "It's that terrible woman who should be apologizing to everyone, and most of all to you and Arcturus."

Arcturus slammed his hand on the table.

"I am repeating myself, and you lot better take this seriously. If even one person interacts with that woman, you better pray I don't come to know of it. Walburga will be banished from this family once Regulus takes his OWLs, and I won't hesitate in banishing anyone who defies this command either," Arcturus snarled before he looked at Harry and forced himself to calm down.

"Please accept my sincere apologies, Lord Peverell. I must assure you that her opinions do not represent the stance of House Black even remotely. We do care about the purity of blood and upholding the traditions of our ancestors, but contrary to what has been portrayed here today, our house is not one comprising of fanatics who discriminate against half-blood or muggleborn witches and wizards."

Harry was quick to reassure the man.

"Apology accepted, Lord Black. And I ask you not to worry about it. I've had my fair share of bad relatives and I know their views don't reflect all of us."

Arcturus nodded with a sigh. "I believe we all need some rest after the ordeal. I wish things had not turned out the way they did."

Harry nodded. "I should be going now as well. Despite what happened, please know I hold no ill will toward your family at large, however, I must admit that I won't be having any sympathy for whatever happens to that woman."

Arcturus released a deep breath and nodded. "You don't need to explain, my lord. I am perfectly capable of understanding you. After all, I am the lord of an Ancient and Noble House as well, and I know I would've been much more unforgiving had I been in your shoes."

Harry sighed and gave a small nod as he shook the man's hand before he turned around. He nodded at Cygnus Black and his wife, who nodded back respectfully. Looking at Bellatrix, he had to hold back a chuckle when she rolled her eyes and smirked.

Finally, he exchanged a look with Narcissa who looked at him with an apologetic frown. He nodded with a reassuring smile. The blonde sighed and nodded back.

"Walk with me, Harry."

He turned to the side and saw Dorea looking at him with a gentle smile. Elated at the prospect of spending some time with his grandmother, Harry nodded and held his arm out. She placed her hand on his and they walked out together.

Arcturus sighed and watched as Cygnus and his family left for the fireplace before he looked over at his wife who was staring at the table with a frown. Her illness had worsened over the past year, and he feared she was not long for this world. Orion was a lost cause, and now Sirius had also decided to run away. He knew his grandson well enough to know that there was no changing his mind now, no matter how much anyone tried. Not for the first time, he wondered how he would manage to keep his fragmented family intact.


"Walburga has always been a terrible person, but she crossed the line today," Dorea muttered as they walked upstairs. Harry sighed.

"I feel sorry for her husband and her sons. I'd never thought a mother could feel about her son like that," he replied honestly.

Dorea grimaced. "Sirius has not had a happy childhood. It is a wonder he turned out such a gentle young soul."

Harry had to agree. His godfather might have been an impulsive asshole in his youth, but he was one of the most remarkable men he had ever known.

"It would be another period of hardship for my brother," Dorea continued, and Harry looked at her.

"What do you mean?"

Dorea sighed. "About three years ago, Cygnus' eldest daughter Andromeda ran away from the family to marry the man she loved. The Blacks don't marry anyone apart from another pureblood, and he was a muggleborn. No one agreed to the match, and she eloped with him. Walburga had been frothing at the mouth when it happened, and ever since then, she had been particularly intolerant of those she considers inferior to her.

"When Andromeda left, Arcturus had no choice but to cast her out. The honor of the family name compelled him to do it. He believed if he bowed to the whims of a young girl, the name of the Blacks would be dragged down into the mud. I know how much it had pained him to do it. No one in the family is allowed to interact with her, and I hope he doesn't do the same to Sirius. The boy is impulsive, but he is still the heir to the family. And I firmly believe that he would make an excellent Lord Black."

"Will he take the lordship though?" Harry asked tentatively. "He seems determined to run away and forego any right he has to the House of Black."

Dorea sighed.

"He is angry right now. Once his anger has cooled down and he starts to think with a clear mind, he will come around. Underneath that exterior, he is an intelligent young boy."

Harry didn't have too much hope of that happening, but he didn't voice his thoughts out loud. Even after escaping Azkaban, Sirius had nothing but utter disdain for his family and his mother in particular. The only reason Sirius had even lived in #12 Grimmauld Place after escaping Azkaban was because of the protection the house provided to him. Harry didn't think he would be very accepting of the lordship anytime soon.

"Well, for the sake of House Black, I hope he does come around," he replied, sighing.

They stepped off the stairs once they reached the third floor and walked over to Sirius' room. Dorea knocked on the door softly. A familiar face pulled it open and they entered together.

Sirius was in the middle of packing everything he owned into his Hogwarts trunk, and he quickly stopped once he saw who had come in.

"Are you done?"

Sirius nodded and quickly shoved everything inside before he tapped his wand against the rune inscribed on the trunk. Picking up the shrunken trunk, he put it in his pocket. Dorea looked at him critically and nodded.

"Come on then."

They walked out of the room and quickly went downstairs, where Lord Black was waiting for them at the fireplace. Sirius saw his grandfather looking at him sternly and he grimaced.

"Look me in the eye, young man," Arcturus instructed. Sirius looked up.

"You are a Black, Sirius. No matter how much you might deny it, the truth won't change. Your blood won't change. You may go now, but you must never run away from your responsibilities. The lordship of the Ancient and Noble House of Black will fall to you after me. No one can do anything to change it, least of all that vapid woman. She has no power over anything. I would have cast her out of the family had Regulus been a few years older. Alas, I cannot do it right now."

Sirius stared at his grandfather with an expressionless face, who nodded and looked toward his sister.

"Take care of this one, Dorea. I'll be in your debt."

Dorea shook her head.

"You tell me you owe me, and I inform you that you owe me nothing. You know I'll do it regardless. How many have you granted me? Sixteen? No, eighteen, including this one. And it's the eighteenth time I'm telling you that you owe me nothing."

Arcturus smiled at his sister as he returned her hug. "That is why I grant them to you. I know you'll never ask for anything. Goodnight, and Lord Peverell, I hope our next meeting will end much pleasantly."

Harry smiled. "I look forward to it, my lord."

The man looked around and nodded at everyone before he walked away.

"He is a good man," Harry remarked once Arcturus was gone. Charlus sighed as he clapped him on the shoulder.

"I would like it very much to get to know you better, Harry. Perhaps you could come visit us at Potter Manor every so often until Hogwarts starts? You could also socialize with James and Sirius here. I know they are a year younger, but I'm sure that won't be any problem."

Harry smiled gently. He would be a fool to refuse an opportunity to spend quality time with his family.

"I'll be there," he replied. "I'm also looking forward to getting to know my remaining family better."

He was surprised when Dorea gave him a soft hug, and he shakingly hugged her back.

"You don't need to hide your pain, my boy. Your eyes scream it out," she said as she pulled back and stroked his cheek softly. Harry stared at her with wide eyes.

Dorea smiled. "You'll have a family with us for as long as you want, Harry. Come over whenever you feel like it. After all, you are a Potter as well."

Harry could only nod shakily as she smiled and walked inside the floo. He continued to stare ahead as James and Sirius nodded at him before they were gone as well.

"Anytime tomorrow, Harry," Charlus said with a smile as he clapped him on the back and Harry watched as he vanished inside the emerald fire of the floo.

Overwhelmed with emotions, Harry quickly walked out of the Black townhouse and apparated away with a faint pop. His feet found the floor of his bedroom in Peverell Manor and he quickly discarded his robes before getting under the covers.

Try as he might, he couldn't stop the tears that broke free as he went to sleep.

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