

Lucia Ortega, the billionaire's daughter, spoiled from birth, the princess of the family, her family is the wealthiest in the city and she is the most desired beautiful girl with a kind heart, however her life took a huge turn when on her wedding day, the day she was marrying the man her dad had arranged for her, she had to face her greatest fear of seeing the man she fell in love with, the man her family had wronged standing at the altar taking her hand and married her. Her marriage to him wasn't of love but of revenge, his revenge which she had feared in the past and his love she denied in the past but Mario De Leon took everything her family had, their legacy, their power, their wealth was now his. He became the KING that everyone feared and she turned into his SLAVE I whimpered under him as I tried to keep my breathing stable. my body cold and trembling as sweat trickled down my naked body. I have cried and begged him to stop but he kept on thrusting in me, destroying me until i couldn't feel myself but there was nothing i could do when i was married to him, I was his lawful wife the woman he once loved but now hated and used at his will and for his pleasure "I hate you more than anything!"he growled out as he dragged my sore body against the hard cold floor, I was in pain and nothing moved him, his hatred for me had over shadowed the love he once had for me and all that was left was his revenge his heart was filled with but only him felt the pain and made him question if loving her was wrong when she trampled on his love and set out to marry another man. A MUST read story full of drama, revenge, betrayal, violence, forced marriage, torture and slow burning romance.

♥Fairylove♥ · สมัยใหม่
10 Chs

Attempting to escape

I quickly packed everything I needed, I didn't want to stay in a place where no one cared about my feelings. They didn't consider my happiness at all hence leaving was the best idea. I was tired of begging my brother and father not to give me away unfortunately they weren't ready to listen. As Ariel suggested, the only way to be happy was to run away but how on earth was I going to do that when my house was surrounded by many guards. My father never allowed anyone to leave at night not even my brother

The mansion was surrounded by so many of my father's men. They were armed and ordered to shoot at the sight and if I happened to leave at night then there was a chance I would get caught

"Oh no...what should I do now?"I uttered in frustration, scratching my head awkwardly while looking out my window. The night was a dark one, I knew taking up a decision of running away was risky but I had to do it if I wanted to avoid being tied to a man I didn't want. I was already wearing black jeans with a black hoodie on top. I wanted to be unseen hence going all black was the idea

"I should go" the night was quiet, I glanced at my watch and it was past midnight. Everyone was already sleeping, earlier I asked my aunt not to disturb me and after what happened I knew she wouldn't come to my room like she normally did hence I quickly took my small backpack full of all the necessary things I would need along the way. I had cash stuffed in my purse because I might need to pay for something. I didn't forget to put my passport visa if there would be any need of getting out of the country

Without further delay, I slowly opened my bedroom door careful enough not to alert anyone. The hallway was dark and quiet, my room was on the left-wing of the mansion while my dad's room was on another, my brother's room was on the third floor hence to my relief I quickly passed by my aunt's room, it was slightly open so I stopped to see if she was sleeping and yes she was sleeping I could see her bed from the little space the door made and I exhaled silently thanking my stars that I was good to go. If I managed to pass all the rooms and get downstairs I knew leaving wouldn't be so difficult 

I was happy that at least everyone was sleeping and once I rushed down the stairs, I know getting the keys to the main entrance door would be tricky that was why I kept spare ones

"Who's there?"Surprisingly, I heard my brother's voice immediately. I stopped and hid behind the large couch lowering my head so that Mateo wouldn't see me. I cursed mentally not sure why he was there. I thought he was already sleeping but now thinking about it, I facepalmed myself realizing that my brother liked doing workouts late at night and after that, he came downstairs to get some water. It took time for him to leave from the living which was my exit to the main entrance whole. The way I hated houses built like this. It would have been better if we didn't have to pass through the living to get to the entrance door from outside. If I made any sound then I was done for. My brother will catch me escaping 

I sucked in my breath as I lowered, even more, I couldn't breathe even though my heart was thumping loudly to the point where I thought I'd get caught, I heard footsteps coming my way and my heart pounded even more than I was sure to pass out

"Someone there?"My brother asked me to stop in his tracks and I went silent. I had to leave because Eddie was on the way to pick me up. I already informed him what I wanted to do and he had refused the first time I told him but with a lot of conviction, he agreed to help me escape. It didn't take a while before I couldn't hear anything, I guessed my brother already left hence when I peeked out to see, no one was there

"Thank goodness" I muttered and rushed away heading to the entrance hall. The place was dark since the lights were turned off. I had to run, which meant it was a bad idea to use the main gate. Everyone knew the gate was only opened by the chief security guard. He had the remote controls to everything hence like a mischievous girl I was, I smiled knowing the south gate was at my disposal. I quickly unlocked the door to the mansion and slipped out when the men patrolling around didn't notice anything. Sweat dripped down my forehead as I ran in the opposite direction

I was happy to know I was a minute away from leaving the hell hole I lived in. Tears of sadness and joy rained down my face as I ignored the coldness of the night brushing on my face as I rushed to the small gate. It was isolated and far from the mansion. It was an emergency gate my father put in but no one used it. Although it was isolated countless times I used it as my secret passage which led straight to the main road 

"What now?"I asked when I tried to open with my keys unfortunately it wasn't opening. I scanned the lock not sure if it was jammed but to my realization, it wasn't the same lock. I was devastated as I turned to scan the lock not sure if I was seeing the right thing but yes, someone changed the lock which meant they knew I would try to leave through this gate

"Step away from there Lucia"I immediately froze when I heard my father's voice. I didn't know what to do or how he found me but I was caught. Heavy footsteps approached me and I knew it was a trap. They knew I would leave and when I slowly turned around it was my angry brother and my father standing before me and two armed men standing behind them

"I thought you would listen...I thought you would finally see what good I'm trying to do for you!" as expected my dad yelled as he strode to me and grabbed my hair

"Ahh!"I screamed as pain rushed through me, he didn't waste time as he dragged me away mercilessly, tears fell down my face. It was painful but my dad was too angry and aggressive to see that


"How dare you!"I was throwing on the cold tiled floor immediately when we reached inside and my body crashed down with a heavy thud. I was crying nonstop as I sat up and hugged my knees to my chest, the lights were on and my backpack was thrown to my side. My aunt came running to me as if shielding me from further beatings

"Aunt, not now this girl is ungrateful...how dare she try to escape!" it was Mateo who added yelling with rage but my aunt was standing in front of me

"Leave her alone...I'm sure that wasn't the case...Ramon, please stop this now"aunt Greta tried to reason with them. It was enough I was tired of them and their impossible rules, I wanted to be free from them even if I had to run away for good I was willing to do something

"If she thinks she can do what she wants then fine...come here" my dad pushed my aunt away and grabbed my hand and pulled me up "I'll lock you up" he added and prepared to take me away but I had enough, I couldn't stay still hence I struggled out of his grip and slowly moved away from him

"I won't go...I won't stay with a monster like you...you don't love me...you've never loved me...you just want to sell me off!"

"Lucia!" he growled out raising his hand on me as if to slap me but stopped midway, seeing this my eyes watered everything more. He was about to slap me despite being my father all because I wanted to be happy

"Really? your daughter?"I stammered to say knowing my father nearly raised his hand on me "What can I expect from a father who is a damn murderer!"I added with a loud yell that echoed throughout the room that my father was enraged and a tight slap flew across my face so much that I stumbled back and fell hitting my head on the hard floor, the impact was too much that I held my face which was burning from the hot slap

"Ramon, how could you!" my aunt yelled and rushed to my aid, my father slapped me.