
Embracing Desires (HP)

A soul reincarnates as Harry Potter. . . . . . . Warning! (incest, netori, smut, dark)

castormed378 · หนังสือและวรรณกรรม
13 Chs

The Protagonist's Origin Story:

**1. Birth into Power and Wealth:**

- Born into a wealthy and influential Indian family, the protagonist was destined for greatness from the moment he took his first breath. As the only male heir, expectations weighed heavily upon him, but he reveled in the privilege and power it afforded him.

**2. Early Signs of Brilliance:**

- From a young age, it was evident that the protagonist possessed extraordinary intellect and an uncanny ability to absorb and retain information. His perfect memory and comprehensive powers set him apart from his peers, earning him admiration and envy in equal measure.

**3. A Darker Side Emerges:**

- Alongside his brilliance, there lurked a darker aspect to the protagonist's personality. His intense lust for beautiful females manifested early on, leading to a reputation for being both charming and dangerously seductive.

**4. Pursuit of Knowledge:**

- Despite his lustful tendencies, the protagonist channeled his intelligence into the pursuit of knowledge, particularly in the field of medicine. His ambition knew no bounds, and he set out to build a medical empire that would solidify his legacy.

**5. Influence of 'Harry Potter':**

- The 'Harry Potter' franchise became a refuge for the protagonist, a world where he could escape the confines of his reality and indulge in fantasies. His lustful desires often intertwined with his fascination for the beautiful females within the series, fueling his imagination in ways he could scarcely admit to himself.

**6. Manipulative Machinations:**

- As he grew older, the protagonist honed his manipulative skills, learning to wield his intelligence and charm like weapons. He understood the power of persuasion and manipulation, using them to further his ambitions and secure his place in the world.

**7. Building an Empire:**

- With each passing year, the protagonist's medical empire expanded, fueled by his insatiable hunger for success and recognition. His brilliance in the field was matched only by his ruthlessness in business, earning him both admiration and fear from those who crossed his path.

**8. Conflicted Desires:**

- Despite his outward success, the protagonist grappled with the conflicting desires within him. His lustful fantasies clashed with his ambition and intellect, leaving him torn between the pursuit of power and the pursuit of pleasure.

**9. The Road Ahead:**

- As the protagonist navigates the complexities of his dual nature, he knows that the path ahead will be fraught with challenges and temptations. But armed with his intelligence, charm, and unyielding determination, he is ready to conquer whatever obstacles stand in his way, forging his own destiny in a world where power and desire collide.

### The Protagonist's Complex Desires:

**1. Family Dynamics:**

- Within the opulent confines of his family's estate, the protagonist navigates a delicate dance of power and desire. Surrounded by beautiful family members, he struggles to reconcile his deep-seated lust with the bonds of kinship that bind them together.

**2. Forbidden Temptations:**

- Despite societal taboos and the inherent dangers of familial entanglements, the protagonist finds himself drawn to the allure of his relatives. Their beauty ignites a primal desire within him, one that he knows he should resist but finds himself unable to deny.

**3. Internal Conflict:**

- As he grapples with his forbidden desires, the protagonist battles with conflicting emotions and moral dilemmas. On one hand, he recognizes the inherent wrongness of his lustful inclinations towards his family members, yet on the other, he struggles to suppress the insatiable cravings that consume him.

**4. Dark Fantasies Unleashed:**

- In the quiet solitude of his thoughts, the protagonist indulges in dark fantasies that blur the lines between familial love and carnal desire. His imagination runs wild with scenarios that both tantalize and torment him, leaving him trapped in a web of his own making.

**5. Guilt and Shame:**

- Despite his outward facade of confidence and control, the protagonist is haunted by feelings of guilt and shame. He knows that his lustful desires for his family members are taboo and reprehensible, yet he cannot seem to break free from their grasp.

**6. Manipulative Machinations:**

- To mask his inner turmoil, the protagonist resorts to manipulation and deception, carefully concealing his true desires behind a facade of charm and charisma. He understands the dangers of his forbidden cravings being exposed and goes to great lengths to protect his family's reputation and his own.

**7. A Dangerous Game:**

- In the clandestine world of his family's estate, the protagonist treads a dangerous path, teetering on the edge of oblivion with each step he takes. He knows that indulging in his lustful urges could spell disaster for both himself and those he holds dear, yet the allure of forbidden fruit proves too tempting to resist.

### Delving Deeper into Forbidden Desires:

**1. Surrendering to Temptation:**

- In a moment of weakness and vulnerability, the protagonist succumbs to the allure of his family members, unable to resist the primal urges that course through his veins. His inner turmoil gives way to a flood of desire as he embraces the forbidden fruits of his own longing.

**2. Reciprocal Passion Ignites:**

- To his astonishment, the protagonist discovers that his family members reciprocate his desires with an intensity that matches his own. Their eyes blaze with unbridled passion, mirroring the fire that burns within his own soul. In their arms, he finds solace and belonging, a refuge from the chaos of the outside world.

**3. Secret Trysts in the Shadows:**

- Behind closed doors, away from prying eyes and judgmental gazes, the protagonist and his family members engage in clandestine trysts that leave them breathless and yearning for more. Their bodies become a canvas upon which they paint their deepest desires, each touch and caress a testament to the forbidden love that binds them together.

**4. Devotion Beyond Measure:**

- As their relationship deepens, the protagonist and his family members find themselves consumed by a love that knows no bounds. Their devotion to one another becomes a driving force in their lives, eclipsing all other considerations and propelling them ever closer towards the edge of oblivion.

**5. Guilt and Shame Cast Aside:**

- In the heat of passion, the protagonist and his family members cast aside the shackles of guilt and shame that once weighed heavily upon their hearts. They embrace their desires with a newfound sense of freedom and abandon, reveling in the ecstasy of their forbidden love.

**6. Navigating the Perils of Secrecy:**

- Despite the dangers that lurk in the shadows, the protagonist and his family members are willing to risk everything to be together. They weave a tangled web of lies and deception, obscuring their forbidden love from prying eyes and wagging tongues. Each whispered secret and stolen moment only serves to deepen their bond, binding them together inextricably.

**7. Society's Disapproving Gaze:**

- Outside the safety of their private world, society looks upon their relationship with disdain and condemnation. Rumors swirl like a toxic miasma, threatening to expose their forbidden love and tear them apart. But the protagonist and his family members remain steadfast in their devotion, defiant in the face of societal norms and expectations.

**8. Strengthening Bonds in the Face of Adversity:**

- Despite the challenges they face, the bond between the protagonist and his family members grows stronger with each passing day. Their shared experiences and intimate moments serve as a beacon of hope in the darkness, guiding them through the stormy seas of uncertainty. Together, they are an unstoppable force, united in their determination to defy the odds and carve out their own path to happiness.

**9. A Love That Transcends All Boundaries:**

- In the end, the protagonist and his family members are willing to sacrifice everything for the sake of their forbidden love. Theirs is a bond forged in the fires of passion and tempered by adversity, unyielding and unbreakable in the face of adversity. As they stand together, hand in hand, they know that their love is a force to be reckoned with, capable of overcoming even the greatest of obstacles.

**: one night while indulging in his lust, everything returns to oblivion.