
Embracing Desires (HP)

A soul reincarnates as Harry Potter. . . . . . . Warning! (incest, netori, smut, dark)

castormed378 · หนังสือและวรรณกรรม
13 Chs

Hogwarts Express (2)

( Flashback - 3 years ago)

In the prestigious corridors of the renowned hospital, I stood as a figure of authority, my presence commanding the attention of all who crossed my path. As an esteemed guest, my reputation as a prodigy in the field of medicine preceded me, and I wielded my power with a calculated precision that left no room for doubt.

It was amidst this backdrop of privilege and influence that I encountered Emma Granger—a woman whose beauty and intellect matched her grace. From the moment our eyes met, I could sense the undercurrent of desire that pulsed between us, a magnetic attraction that drew us inexorably closer.

With a subtle gesture, I ensnared Emma in my web of darkness, my desires igniting a fire within her that burned with a fierce intensity. Our encounter was brief but intense, the passion between us a tempest of longing and lust that threatened to consume us both.

In the aftermath of our tryst, I marked Emma as my own, her body bearing the imprint of my dominance for all to see. But my desires did not end with Emma—no, they extended to her daughter, Hermione Granger, a young girl whose innocence and naivety called out to me like a siren's song.

With a charm and manipulation honed over years of practice, I befriended Hermione, weaving a web of deceit and desire that ensnared her completely. In her presence, I found a kindred spirit—a soul ripe for corruption and conquest.

In the quiet of Hermione's bedroom, I claimed her as mine, her virginity a prize to be savored. With each touch, each caress, I stoked the flames of her desire, binding her to me in body and soul. And as the years passed, Hermione's love for me only deepened, her devotion unwavering in the face of the darkness that consumed us both.

**Reestablishing the Empire**

Beyond the corridors of Hogwarts and the whispers of dark desire, my influence extended into the mundane world of the muggles. Armed with the knowledge and expertise acquired in my previous life, I embarked on a mission to reestablish my medical empire in the mortal realm.

Through a careful blend of innovation and manipulation, I navigated the intricate webs of bureaucracy and commerce, laying the foundations for a new era of medical advancement. With each new venture, I expanded my influence, drawing upon the wealth and resources at my disposal to propel my empire to even greater heights.

From cutting-edge research laboratories to state-of-the-art clinics, my presence loomed large in the world of muggle medicine, a silent architect shaping the course of human health with a meticulous hand.

And as I stood at the pinnacle of my achievement, I knew that my empire would serve as a testament to my power and ambition—a legacy that would endure long after the whispers of dark desire had faded into memory.

**Back to Present**

The rhythmic clatter of the Hogwarts Express echoed through the compartments, a steady cadence that mirrored the pulsating excitement coursing through my veins. As I reclined in my seat, the plush velvet cushions offering a modicum of comfort, I allowed my mind to wander, tracing the contours of the path that lay ahead.

In the dimly lit confines of the train, shadows danced across the walls, casting an eerie glow that seemed to beckon me towards the depths of my own desires. With each passing moment, I felt the weight of anticipation settle upon me like a heavy cloak, the promise of darkness and debauchery tantalizingly close at hand.

But even amidst the intoxicating allure of my own depravity, a sense of caution gnawed at the edges of my consciousness. Dumbledore's watchful gaze lingered in the recesses of my mind, a reminder of the delicate dance I must perform to maintain the facade of innocence that shrouded my true intentions.

As the train barreled forward, hurtling towards the hallowed halls of Hogwarts, I knew that the coming days would bring new challenges and opportunities for conquest. But for now, I allowed myself to revel in the anticipation of the darkness that awaited me, knowing that with each passing moment, my influence would continue to grow, casting a long shadow over all who dared to stand in my way.

**Unexpected Encounter with Draco Malfoy**

As the Hogwarts Express trundled along the tracks, the compartment door slid open with a soft click, revealing the figure of Draco Malfoy standing in the threshold. His sleek, silver-blond hair fell in perfect waves around his face, and his steely gray eyes held a curious glint as they surveyed the occupants of the compartment.

I, in the body of an eleven-year-old but with the mind of a man twice my age, regarded Draco with a mixture of wariness and curiosity. Beside me, Daphne Greengrass and Hermione Granger—both also eleven and meeting for the first time—watched Draco with a combination of interest and uncertainty.

Draco's gaze lingered on me for a moment longer than necessary, his lips curving into a faint smirk as he took in my appearance. "Potter," he said, his tone polite but tinged with an underlying challenge.

I returned his gaze with a steady one of my own, masking the tumult of thoughts swirling within my mind. It was an unexpected encounter, to be sure, and one that held the potential for both opportunity and danger.

Daphne shifted uneasily beside me, her eyes darting between Draco and myself as if unsure of how to proceed. Hermione, ever the bookish intellect, watched the exchange with a keen interest, her mind undoubtedly racing with questions and hypotheses.

"Malfoy," I replied evenly, my voice betraying none of the uncertainty that churned within me. "To what do we owe the pleasure of your company?"

Draco's smirk widened slightly at my words, a glimmer of amusement dancing in his eyes. "Just thought I'd introduce myself to the famous Harry Potter," he said with a nonchalant shrug, though the underlying challenge in his tone was unmistakable.

As the train rumbled onwards towards Hogwarts, I knew that this encounter was only the beginning of a series of challenges and opportunities that awaited us all. And in the unpredictable world of magic and mystery, it paid to keep one's wits sharp and one's allies even sharper.

As Draco Malfoy stood before us, his presence exuding an air of confidence tinged with arrogance, I saw an opportunity to further my own agenda. With the mind of a man twice my age and the cunning to match, I knew that manipulating Draco could prove advantageous in more ways than one.

Leaning forward slightly, I adopted an expression of casual interest, masking the wheels of manipulation turning within my mind. "Draco," I began, my tone carefully neutral, "have you ever had the pleasure of introducing me to your mother, Narcissa Malfoy?"

Draco's eyebrows shot up in surprise at the mention of his mother's name, a flicker of curiosity dancing in his eyes. "My mother?" he repeated, clearly taken aback by the unexpected turn in our conversation.

I smiled inwardly, knowing that I had piqued his interest. "Yes, Narcissa," I replied smoothly, "she must be quite remarkable."

Draco's expression softened slightly at the mention of his mother, a hint of pride crossing his features. "Yes, she is," he conceded, a touch of warmth creeping into his tone.

I seized upon the opportunity, subtly planting the seeds of manipulation in Draco's mind. "I've always admired her from afar," I admitted, my voice laced with just the right amount of wistfulness. "But I've never had the chance to truly get to know her."

Draco's gaze sharpened with understanding, his curiosity now fully piqued. "What are you suggesting?" he asked, though I could see the wheels turning in his mind as he considered the possibilities.

With a small, knowing smile, I leaned back in my seat, allowing the implications of my words to sink in. "Nothing, Draco," I replied casually, though the underlying suggestion hung heavy in the air between us. "Just a passing thought."

As the train continued its journey towards Hogwarts, I knew that my manipulation of Draco Malfoy was only just beginning. And with the prospect of ensnaring Narcissa Malfoy—beautiful, elegant, and ripe for the taking—beckoning on the horizon, I relished the challenge that lay ahead.


As Neville Longbottom burst into our compartment, his eyes wide with panic, I couldn't help but notice the way his toad-shaped anxiety mirrored his own awkward demeanor. He stumbled over his words, frantically searching for his lost pet, Trevor, who had somehow managed to evade his grasp yet again.

Seizing the opportunity presented by Neville's distress, I exchanged a knowing glance with Daphne and Hermione, silently signaling our intention to intervene. "Don't worry, Neville," I reassured him, my voice a soothing balm amid the chaos. "We'll help you find Trevor."

With a shared sense of purpose, we set off in search of the elusive toad, weaving our way through the crowded compartments of the Hogwarts Express. But as we navigated the labyrinthine passageways, I couldn't shake the feeling that this unexpected detour held a greater significance than a mere search for a lost pet.

As we approached the entrance to Goathland Station, where the Hogwarts Express was scheduled to make a brief stop, Neville's expression shifted from one of frantic desperation to one of confusion. "Why are we stopping here?" he asked, his brow furrowed in bewilderment.

I offered him a reassuring smile, masking the true nature of our visit beneath a veneer of camaraderie. "Just a hunch," I replied cryptically, my mind already racing with possibilities.

Stepping onto the platform at Goathland Station, I felt a sense of anticipation building within me. Here, amid the historic charm of the station and the picturesque surroundings of the North York Moors, lay the opportunity to set my plans into motion.

As we made our way through the bustling station, I couldn't shake the feeling that our unexpected stop held a greater significance than a mere pit stop on our journey to Hogwarts. Little did Neville know, our detour would lead to a series of events that would forever alter the course of our time at Hogwarts.

And as the Hogwarts Express pulled away from the station, leaving behind the quaint charm of Goathland, I knew that our journey was far from over. For hidden beneath the surface of this seemingly innocuous stop lay the seeds of a plan that would shape the destiny of us all.