
Embracing Desires (HP)

A soul reincarnates as Harry Potter. . . . . . . Warning! (incest, netori, smut, dark)

castormed378 · หนังสือและวรรณกรรม
13 Chs

First conquest

**31st October, 1981:**

The air is charged with an eerie stillness as the clock strikes midnight, signaling the arrival of Halloween—the night when magic and mystery converge, when the veil between the worlds grows thin, and when destinies are decided beneath the cloak of darkness.

In the tranquil streets of Godric's Hollow, a sense of foreboding hangs heavy in the air, casting a shadow over the once-celebratory atmosphere. The windows of the Potter household glow with the warm flicker of candlelight, a beacon of hope amidst the encroaching darkness.

Within the safety of his nursery, Harry Potter lies sleeping, oblivious to the events unfolding beyond his sanctuary. But even in the depths of his slumber, a sense of unease gnaws at him—a whisper of danger that tugs at the edges of his consciousness.

As the minutes tick by, the night grows colder, the darkness deeper, until at last, a sudden chill sweeps through the air, carrying with it the unmistakable scent of fear and despair.

And then, in an instant, the tranquility is shattered—a thunderous crack rends the silence, followed by a cacophony of shouts and spells that echo through the night like the tolling of a funeral bell.

In the blink of an eye, chaos descends upon Godric's Hollow, as the forces of darkness converge upon the Potter household, their intentions as dark and unfathomable as the night itself.

And amidst the chaos and confusion, Harry Potter awakens to a world forever changed—a world where the line between good and evil blurs into oblivion, and where his destiny as the Boy Who Lived is sealed in blood and sacrifice.

**The Confrontation:**

As the chaos erupts in Godric's Hollow, Harry Potter's consciousness awakens to a nightmare unfolding before his eyes. With a sense of urgency born of instinct, he springs into action, his mind ablaze with newfound power and determination.

Racing through the corridors of his mind, Harry's thoughts converge upon a single purpose—to save his mother, Lily Potter, from the clutches of the dark forces that threaten to consume her soul. Drawing upon the depths of his dark, lustful power, he weaves a complex web of magic, reaching out with tendrils of energy to ensnare her essence before it is lost forever.

With a surge of willpower, Harry wrenches Lily's soul from the brink of oblivion, pulling her back from the brink with a strength he never knew he possessed. As her spirit flickers into existence before him, bathed in the ethereal glow of his magic, Harry feels a sense of triumph unlike any he has ever known.

But even as he revels in his victory, a sense of dread washes over him—a premonition of the battle yet to come. For lurking in the shadows, Emily Riddle, once known as Voldemort, prepares to unleash her fury upon him, her twisted soul fueled by a thirst for vengeance.

With a flick of her wand, Emily unleashes a killing curse, the green light of death hurtling towards Harry with deadly precision. But Harry is ready—he has foreseen this moment, prepared for it with every fiber of his being.

Drawing upon the depths of his dark power, Harry redirects the curse with a mere thought, sending it hurtling back towards its source with a force that echoes through the very fabric of reality. And as the curse strikes true, Emily Riddle's soul is consumed by the same darkness she sought to wield, her essence trapped for eternity within the prison of her own making.

As the dust settles and the echoes of battle fade into silence, Harry Potter stands victorious—a beacon of hope amidst the darkness, his soul forged in the crucible of adversity, destined to shape the fate of the wizarding world for generations to come.

**The Subjugation:**

With Emily Riddle's soul ensnared within the confines of his dark magic, Harry Potter stands over her prone form, a figure of power and authority in the aftermath of battle. His emerald eyes gleam with an otherworldly fervor as he surveys the scene before him, his mind a whirlwind of conflicting emotions.

In the depths of his being, Harry grapples with the enormity of his actions—the weight of his newfound power, the consequences of his choices. But amidst the chaos of his thoughts, one truth remains clear: Emily Riddle, once the feared and infamous Voldemort, now lies at his mercy, her fate inextricably bound to his will.

With a glaze of his eyes, Harry binds Emily's spirit to his own, forging an unbreakable bond that chains her to his command. She is no longer the master of her own destiny, but a mere puppet at the mercy of his whims—a slave to his desires, shackled by the chains of her own making.

As Emily Riddle's consciousness fades into the recesses of Harry's mind, her once formidable spirit reduced to little more than a whisper in the darkness, Harry feels a surge of triumph coursing through him.

**Embracing the Darkness:**

With Emily Riddle's soul now bound to his will, Harry Potter stands over her, a triumphant smirk curling his lips as he revels in the power he now commands. The darkness within him pulses with a newfound intensity, coursing through his veins like liquid fire, fueling his insatiable hunger for dominance and control.

As he gazes down upon his fallen adversary, Harry feels a rush of exhilaration unlike anything he has ever experienced. Gone is the boy who once cowered in the face of his own darkness—now, he stands as a master of his fate, a king among men, unbound by the constraints of morality or conscience.

With a glaze of his eyes, Harry commands Emily to rise, her form obediently obeying his every whim. She is no longer the fearsome Dark Lord who once terrorized the wizarding world, but a mere shadow of her former self—a pawn in his twisted game of power and pleasure.

As he looks upon her with a hunger that borders on obsession, Harry feels a surge of desire coursing through him—a primal need to dominate and possess, to bend her to his will and revel in the depths of her submission.

For Harry Potter, the darkness is not a burden to be borne, but a gift to be embraced—a source of strength and power that sets him apart from the weak and the timid. And as he stands amidst the wreckage of his enemies, he knows that he is destined for greatness—a ruler of worlds, a master of fate, and a slave to his own darkest desires.

**A Dark Resurrection:**

With Emily Riddle now firmly under his control, Harry Potter turns his attention to the fallen figure of his mother, Lily Potter. With a flick of his fingers and a whispered incantation, he summons forth her soul, the essence of her being shimmering with ethereal light.

As Lily's spirit materializes before him, Harry feels a surge of conflicting emotions wash over him—a mixture of love and desire, guilt and longing. But amidst the chaos of his thoughts, one truth remains clear: he will do whatever it takes to bring her back to life, even if it means binding her to him in ways she could never have imagined.

With a wave of his hand, Harry weaves a complex web of magic, drawing upon the darkest depths of his power to resurrect Lily from the brink of death. As her body stirs, her eyes flutter open, filled with a mixture of confusion and awe at the sight of her son standing before her.

But as Lily rises from her makeshift deathbed, a subtle change comes over her—a shift in her demeanor, a glimmer of something darker lurking beneath the surface. For in bringing her back to life, Harry has unwittingly bound her to him in ways he never intended, forging a connection that transcends the boundaries of life and death.

As Lily stands before him, her gaze filled with adoration and devotion, Harry feels a surge of triumph coursing through him. She is his now, body and soul, bound to him in ways that defy explanation—a devotee to his every whim, a slave to his darkest desires.

And as they stand together amidst the wreckage of their past, Harry knows that their journey has only just begun—that together, they will conquer the world and bend it to their will, for they are bound by more than blood or magic—they are bound by the darkness that lurks within them both.