
Embracing Desires (HP)

A soul reincarnates as Harry Potter. . . . . . . Warning! (incest, netori, smut, dark)

castormed378 · หนังสือและวรรณกรรม
13 Chs

Dominance in Privet Drive

As the days pass and the sun rises and sets over Privet Drive, a palpable darkness descends upon the household of the Dursleys. With Harry's revelation and the absence of Dumbledore, the once orderly and mundane existence of the family is shattered, replaced by a week of unrelenting darkness and unease.

Petunia Dursley, ever the epitome of primness and propriety, finds herself wracked with a sense of foreboding she cannot shake. The presence of her infant nephew, now revealed to be far more than he seems, looms over the house like a specter, casting a shadow that grows longer with each passing day.

Vernon Dursley, normally brimming with bluster and bravado, retreats into a sullen silence, his usual bluster replaced by a sense of palpable fear. Though he would never admit it aloud, the knowledge that his own flesh and blood harbors such darkness fills him with a sense of unease that gnaws at the edges of his consciousness.

And Dudley Dursley, the spoiled and indulged son of the household, finds himself caught in the crossfire of forces beyond his comprehension. Though he lacks the insight to understand the true nature of the darkness that surrounds him, he senses its presence like a storm brewing on the horizon, threatening to engulf him in its wake.

But amidst the darkness that pervades Privet Drive, Harry remains a silent observer, his mind calculating and methodical as he lays the groundwork for his ascent to power. With Emily and Lily at his side, he orchestrates a symphony of manipulation and deceit, his every move designed to further his own agenda and tighten his grip on those who dare to oppose him.

And as the week draws to a close and the shadows deepen, Harry knows that the stage is set for the next act in his dark and twisted drama. For the darkness that now permeates the Dursley household is but a prelude to the chaos and destruction that lies ahead, and he is determined to emerge victorious, no matter the cost.

As the weeks stretch into a month, the darkness that envelops Privet Drive deepens, reaching its zenith in a series of tragic events that leave the Dursley household shattered and broken.

It begins with Vernon Dursley, the blustering patriarch of the family, whose once formidable presence is reduced to a mere shadow of its former self. Consumed by fear and paranoia, he meets his demise in a tragic accident, his life snuffed out in a cruel twist of fate that leaves the household reeling.

Dudley Dursley, the spoiled and indulged son, fares no better, his life cut short in a senseless act of violence that rocks the very foundations of the family. Though his fate is sealed by forces beyond his control, his death serves as a grim reminder of the darkness that lurks within the heart of Privet Drive.

And then there is Petunia Dursley, the once proud matriarch of the household, who finds herself cast adrift in a sea of grief and despair. With her husband and son taken from her in quick succession, she is left vulnerable and alone, her spirit broken by the weight of her losses.

It is in this moment of weakness that Harry seizes his opportunity, his dark and twisted desires simmering beneath the surface as he sets his sights on Petunia. With a cunning charm and a calculated manipulation, he worms his way into her vulnerable heart, exploiting her grief and loneliness for his own perverse pleasure.

As the days pass, Petunia becomes increasingly isolated, her once strong will weakened by the relentless onslaught of Harry's manipulation. Under his dark influence, she submits to his every whim, her grief-sickened mind unable to resist the allure of his depravity.

And as Privet Drive descends further into darkness, Harry revels in his newfound power, his grip on the household tightening with each passing day. For he knows that in the midst of tragedy, there lies opportunity, and he is determined to seize it with both hands, no matter the cost.

**Time skip (5 years)***


As five years pass, Privet Drive remains under the oppressive rule of Harry Potter, with Emily Riddle as his enslaved puppet and Lily Potter, his devoted follower, by his side. Petunia Dursley, once resistant to Harry's darkness, has succumbed entirely to his dominance, finding a perverse sense of pleasure in her submission to his will.

In this twisted household, there is no room for rebellion. Harry's power is absolute, his every command obeyed without question. Emily, bound to him by dark magic, carries out his bidding with unwavering obedience, while Lily serves as his ever-loyal companion, her devotion to her son unwavering in the face of his growing darkness.

Within the walls of Privet Drive, a sense of eerie calm prevails, the silence broken only by the occasional whimper of submission from Petunia or the chilling laughter of Harry as he revels in his newfound authority.

And as the years stretch on, Harry's lust for power and control only grows stronger. With Emily and Lily at his side, he orchestrates a reign of terror that leaves no room for dissent.

For in this dark and twisted world, Harry Potter reigns supreme, his dominance unchallenged and his will absolute. And as the shadows deepen and the darkness threatens to consume them all, there is no one left to stand in his way.

2 years later:-

Two more years trickle by, each passing day marked by the unyielding dominance of Harry's darkness over Privet Drive. Amidst the twisted corridors of the Dursley household, a new chapter unfolds as Harry, now a young man trapped in the body of a child, exercises his absolute control over Petunia and Lily in more ways than one.

Driven by his insatiable lust and desire for progeny to perpetuate his bloodline, Harry turns his attention to his submissive companions. With a calculated precision befitting his manipulative nature, he fathers daughters to both Petunia and Lily, ensuring that his lineage will endure long after he is gone.

For Petunia, the act is both a twisted form of punishment and a perverse reward for her submission to Harry's dominance. Though she harbors no love for her nephew, she finds herself strangely drawn to his power, relishing in the dark pleasures he offers her and eagerly embracing her pregnancy as a testament to his control.

Lily, on the other hand, embraces her role as Harry's devoted follower, welcoming the chance to bear his offspring with unwavering loyalty and devotion. She sees it as an honor, a way to further solidify her bond with her beloved son and ensure his legacy lives on for generations to come.

And so, in the dimly lit confines of Privet Drive, two more daughters are born into the darkness that surrounds Harry Potter. They are raised in the shadow of their father's tyranny, their upbringing marked by fear and submission to his will.

But as they grow older, there is no rebellion to be found. Emily remains bound to Harry as his enslaved puppet, her will subsumed by the dark magic that binds her to him. Lily, too, continues to serve her son with unwavering devotion, her love for him eclipsing all else.

And Petunia, now with child once more, revels in the twisted pleasures of her submission to Harry's dominance, eagerly awaiting the arrival of her offspring as a testament to the power he holds over her.

In the heart of Privet Drive, the darkness reigns supreme, unchallenged and unyielding. And as the years stretch on, there is no one left to oppose the absolute authority of Harry Potter, the master of his domain and the architect of his own dark destiny.