

Imagine if it took just one thing to happen to disrupt the peace and balance of both worlds. Well that’s exactly what happened. While the main character was powerless and tried to reason with them although it seemed hopeless she then tries to regain something that will help restore balance and punish those who are at fault. While doing so she’ll also meet someone on the way who will change her view on the situation and help her along the way.

diamanteeeee · แฟนตาซี
1 Chs

Centuries Ago..

We all lived peacefully and were all content with one another and ourselves. But of course that didn't last forever. You may be wondering what had occurred for this to be the outcome of all those years we lived amongst one another peacefully. Well, the simple answer was deception. We all had made an oath to never lie to one another but alas someone disregarded the oath and started deceiving everyone and those lies led to everyone being misinformed without even realizing and everything they thought they knew was all but a lie. Then one day someone had finally came to the realization that nothing was adding up and he then brought it to everyone's attention that what they had been told didn't make any sense. It was the messenger he had been lying to us all for centuries. He had been deceiving us for centuries and not one soul knew. Naturally after hearing such news no one wanted to take the fault but deep down they all knew. They knew that they had trusted one another too much. They also thought about how foolish they had been to forget that in every soul lies greed. Something no soul doesn't have. Then suddenly they all snapped and fury overcame all of them.