
EMBERS Of DESIRE : A CEO and Secretary Fiery Romance

"Embers of Desire: A CEO and Secretary's Fiery Romance unfolds, revealing a captivating tale of ambition, love, and the battles fought in both the boardroom and the heart. Rachel Carpenter, a driven and determined secretary, finds herself thrust into the whirlwind world of high-stakes corporate endeavors when she is appointed to assist the enigmatic and powerful CEO, Matthew Parker known for his cold demeanor and uptight attitude. Their professional relationship begins as a tempest of clashing wills and ideals, but hidden beneath the surface, a magnetic attraction sizzles, threatening to ignite a blaze neither can control. As they navigate the tumultuous waters of their careers, Rachel and Matthew are drawn into a dance of desire and power. But just as their love begins to take root, a shadowy adversary emerges, seeking to exploit the budding romance and unravel their lives. Amidst late-night strategy sessions and stolen glances, shocking revelations surface, shaking the foundation of their love and testing their loyalty to each other. In a world where success is measured in ambition and love is seen as a weakness, they must decide whether to fight for their love or succumb to the pressures surrounding them. In "Embers of Desire," passions flare, loyalties are tested, and secrets threaten to shatter the fragile bond between Rachel and Matthew. Will they emerge unscathed, rising from the ashes of their trials, or will the fires of their desire consume them and everything they've worked for? Only time will tell as they navigate a world where love is the riskiest gamble of

Hajara_Tajudeen · สมัยใหม่
2 Chs

Chapter 2

Monroe Enterprises stands tall, its glass façade reflecting the vibrant lights that adorn the urban landscape. Inside, the office floors were a hive of activity; each cubicle and corner, which always buzzed with relentless energy, now looks dull and gloomy. What could be happening?

Rachel quickly sent a broadcast message to everyone, and in a few minutes, they had all assembled in the conference room.

"How did this happen? "Why are they canceling their contract with us?"

Apparently Richline Holdings,one of the top clients of the Monroe Enterprise, just called off their contract.

Everybody in the room became restless and murmured within themselves.

"I need answers! Not murmuring,he thundered.

"Mr. Parker, from what we've gathered, Broadway Corporation offered them a 60% return proposal."

"What?! How is that even possible? Now I need all hands on deck to do everything possible to get that deal back. Dismissed."

He stormed out of the conference room, and Rachel quickly followed behind him.


Matthew was restless; he couldn't concentrate on anything. He really needed this deal. The enterprise is having a little financial problem as it is,and if he loses this deal as well, things will get really tough for him and the enterprise. The silver-silver corporate merger is his only hope now.

sat at her desk, her fingers dancing across the keyboard as she diligently continued with her work on the project proposal. The merger with SilvercrestCorp was a few days away, and the entire team was racing against time to ensure every detail was impeccably curated.

As the clock neared noon, Rachel finally leaned back in her chair, a sense of accomplishment washing over her. The proposal was ready for Matthew's review, the culmination of long hours and meticulous effort.

Rachel picked up her phone and dialed Matthew's office number. "Mr. Parker, I have the proposal for the Silvercrest Corp. merger. Would you like me to bring it in now?"

Matthew's voice came through the line, authoritative and composed. "Yes, Ms. Carpenter. Bring it in."

Rachel gathered the proposal, her heart beating a little faster. This was her chance to showcase her dedication and competence and prove to Matthew that she was an indispensable asset to the company.

As she approached his office,her heart was a blend of excitement and nervousness. She stepped into his office.

"Mr. Parker, here is the proposal, he said, dropping the file on his table.

Matthew picked it up. He kept glancing at her every now and then as he read through the proposal.

"Great work, Ms. Carpenter. At least one thing is right today,he said, smiling at her."

What did she just witness? Matthew Parker is smiling at an employee. OMG!!

"Thank you, Mr. Parker."

"Now we just need to fix the agreement part and get everything prepared for the presentation. I'm hoping you can pull that off well too."

"Yes, of course, Mr. Parker. Now, if you'll excuse me, I need to confirm your next meeting, sir."

"Oh, about that. Clear out every schedule I have for the rest of the day."

"Sir? she questioned, raising one of her eyebrows.

"Do you have any problems with that? He asked, his face back to the grumpy Mr. Parker she was familiar with.

"Absolutely not, sir, she replied.

"Good. Now get out, he commanded.

Gosh!! Is this man bipolar? She thought to herself as she hurried out of his office.


It was break hour, and Rachel really needed her escape.

"Mr. Parker,do you need me to do anything? I'm stepping out for a break." Rachel informed Matthew over the receiver.

"Break? Are you serious right now? Who said any of you could have a break? I thought I made it clear that I needed all hands on deck."

"No, sir, I just."

"You just what? He cut her off. So because you got a little compliment, now you think you can slack off? Send a message across all departments: I want to see meaningful proposals submitted by the end of the day, and you'd better join your colleagues," he ordered.

This was Rachel's wake-up call. He's definitely the man they said he was—cold and brutal.

"Yes sir. Rachel responded and hurriedly sent out messages to every head of department."


"What's all this? I wonder what kind of demon possessed him this time." Veronica, one of Matthew's closest friends and now an employee, said

She hissed, pushed back her chair, and left her position.

Veronica has always been envious of Matthew. Working for him? That's what she detested the most. She works at the Monroe Enterprise for one sole purpose. destroying Matthew's hard work.

Unknown to Matthew, he trusted her so much that he did whatever she said. She's popularly called "The Boss Handler."

She quickly sent a text to her ally.

Today's meeting is cancelled. I can't leave the office. I'll text you when the time is right.

She took the elevator, and soon she had arrived at the top floor.

She found her way to Matthew's office.

Rachel quickly stood up to greet her.

"Good afternoon, ma'am. How may I help you?"

"Help me? really?. Well, I'm here to see your boss. Tell him Vee is here." She said it sarcastically.

Rachel put a call through to Matthew.

"I'm not seeing anybody today. Tell her I'm unavailable." He said.

"Ma'am, I'm afraid he's unavailable right now. You can check back later." Rachel said

Nonsense! Veronica said she was pushing her way into his office.

"Just let her in." Matthew said to stop Rachel, who was trying to block Veronica from going in.

"Okay, sir," Rachel said, accepting defeat.

"I hate her already,Veronica said while glaring at Rachel.

Rachel left them both alone and went back to her post.

"What do you want, Vee?" Matthew asked with annoyance written all over his face.

"Really Matthew? You're asking me?

What's with the fact that no one should leave for the break order we received? she asked.

"Oh,since you received my message to you all, why are you here?"

Urh, she scuffed. "Matthew, I know that deal was important to you. But we've lost it. Why not just let it go and ease everyone of this sudden burden you placed on us?"

"Vee, you just said you knew it was important,and you want me to let it go? Are you serious? Where am I supposed to get funding from?"

"Why are you getting upset? I'm just stating the obvious."

"Just get out." Matthew said

"You can't just throw me out." Veronica tried to protest.

"I said get out!" Matthew yelled.

"Okay, I'm leaving."

Just as she opened the door, Rachel, who was eavesdropping on their conversation, fell inward into the office.

Raising her head in shame to face Veronica and then Matthew,the disapproval on his face made her almost crawl into her skin.

"What on earth were you doing there?" Matthew asked.

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