
Research Zone (4)

"Insula: Receive information about the body's physiological state and then generate subjective experiences. For example, using hunger to drive people to eat, or driving people to get more cigarettes and cocaine.

"The insula receives signals from visceral and skin receptors, including heat and cold, itchiness, pain, taste, hunger, thirst, muscle pain, visceral sensations, and air sensations…

"The insula is pertinent when processing events that haven't happened. When you decide to go out in cold weather, your body is prepared before you are exposed to the cold weather. For example, raising your blood pressure to enhance your metabolism. This is the role of your insula.

"Suppression of insula activity must be done with extreme caution, because people might lose interest in sex, food, and work after losing their cravings for smoking, drinking, and consuming drugs…"