
Ember’s Hidden Identity

At a school for all races, dwarves, elves, demons, and angels, a human is introduced to the mix. Follow Ember in the hardships of her new life, and follow Blade as he overcomes his obstacles. If I am using your art for my cover, and you want me to take it down, message me and I will

meganbcatgirl · แฟนตาซี
4 Chs

A New Enemy

Ember stood outside her dorm room, sighing. She had gotten through her classes without much incident, and had eaten dinner with Blade. He was her only friend. Now it was 8:30, and Blade had invited her to go swimming with him.

And so here she was, to get ready. Ember desperately hoped her roommate, if she had one, wasn't home. Taking a deep breath, she opened the door and entered the room.

Thankfully, no one was in the main room. Her dorm was small, with a livingroom. There was a couple of chairs and a small t.v. There were three doors; two on her left, one on her right. The one on the right was probably her bathroom. That meant the two other rooms were the bedrooms.

One door was closed, with light spilling out underneath. Ember quietly entered her room and shut and locked the door. Her bags were on the floor in front of her bed, which was small. There was a mirror opposite the bed, and a chair next to it.

Ember opened one of her bags and pulled out her swimsuit, which was a white one piece with a golden flower on her left waist, golden vines curling up towards her right shoulder. She pulled that on, then put on her zip up yellow dress. She could easily take it off once she got in the pool.

She pulled her hair up into a high ponytail and left, heading towards the pool, towel in hand. The pool was inside, yet there were few others there. Ember was thankful for that. "Ember!" A voice called from the pool. Blade was treading water, wearing red swim trunks. "Over here!"

"I'll be there in a sec," Ember said, setting her towel down on an empty pool chair. She took off the dress, revealing her swimsuit, and laid it on top of the towel. She didn't notice the group of girls watching her, malicious grins on their faces.

"You coming?" Blade asked from the pool.

"How cold is the water?" Ember asked, smiling.

"The wat-" Blade broke off as Ember splashed into the pool next to him. He sputtered as the water hit his face.

"Seems fine," Ember laughed.


McKayla seethed as she watched that… that human swim with Blade. He was supposed to be hers! He was the cutest guy in the entire school, and McKayla was the prettiest girl. They were the perfect match. And yet, there he was. Swimming with the low born. She would have her revenge, in more ways than one. "Girls, gather 'round." She said, waving her friends over. "Here's the plan."


Ember laughed as Blade splashed her, laughing along. She swam away, kicking water at him as she moved. He responded with another splash. She giggled as the water splashed over her.

They continued playing in the water for the next two hours, laughing and splashing. But finally, as all fun things must end, they decided to be done. Ember climbed out of the pool, grabbed her dress and towel, and locked herself in one of the shower stalls.

She hung her dress and towel over the door, then took off her swimsuit and hung it there as well. Closing her eyes and smiling, she turned the shower on and began to rub herself down with the lukewarm water. She would take a real shower once she got back to her dorm room.

Ember opened her eyes as she heard a giggle from the outside of her stall. She turned around just in time to see her clothes and towel being whisked off the door! "Hey!" She shouted. "Those are mine!"

"Not anymore!" A sassy female voice called back from outside. "See ya, loser!"

"Now what am I supposed to do?" Ember muttered, sitting down on the floor, pulling her knees to her chest. "I'm so stupid. I shouldn't have hung my things where others could take them." She turned off the shower, sighing.

"Ember?" A voice asked from outside. "Are you in there?"

"Yeah," she said.

"What's the matter?" Blade asked. She couldn't see him, the door was shut, obviously.

"Some girl stole my clothes."

"Wrap yourself in a towel, we can take you back to your dorm."

"She took the towel too." She sighed again. "So I'm stuck here."

"Not necessarily," Blade said. "Give me a sec." she heard him walk away, so she waited. He came back a minute later. Blade tossed his red sweatshirt over the door. "That should cover you well enough," he said.

"Thank you so much!" Ember exclaimed, pulling the hoodie on. She was quite small, so the hoodie covered her all the way to the center of her thighs. She opened the door and stepped out, the sleeves hanging past her hands.

"Let's get you back to your room," Blade said, pulling the hood up. "Maybe we can get you there without any confrontations." He led her back through the school, avoiding any students that were still wandering around at 11:00 at night.

They stopped outside her room, number 456. "Thank you," she whispered to Blade.

"It's nothing," he said, scratching the back of his head, a goofy smile on his face. Ember hugged him, she couldn't control it. Blade seemed surprised, but returned the hug. They stood there a few moments, then Ember pulled back.

"I'm so sorry!" She exclaimed, berating herself. They barely even knew each other! She hurried into her room, shutting the door behind her.


Blade stood there a moment longer, smiling to himself. She really was quite pretty. With that, he turned and walked away

Here is another chapter, readers! I’m sorry I can’t update more often, I have a lot of work that needs to get done each day. I will continue with this story, though!

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