
Elysian Invasion: Awaken of the Hunters

There are countless calamities around the world and every year few hundred thousand people die . But that calamity was the one calamity that changed everything. Kei Nakamura obtains the Book Of Shadows and gains the knowledge of something that others aren't aware of .

30 Chs


'Now, He is not even trying to hide it.' Kei thought and then says in a serious tone"I would accept your offer but I only have one question and after I get a proper response then I will have some conditions when I join your guild that you must agree on."

"Do you think you're in a position to demand anything?" Vector asked agitatedly and it looked like his eyes would pop out of his head. "If you don't agree with what I am saying then sorry the deal is off. If I join you then I would be bound and threatened by you'll and would have to obey your every single command whereas when you report to Hunters Association that I am a fake ranker then they would start to investigate and there is a chance that they find out the truth that I am not a fake ranker." Kei says this in a nonchalant voice and thinks 'Honestly, it might be better to go with the second option but I think it is a golden opportunity for me to get more things out of this deal than they do but if they refuse then also it is fine for me. Now Vector, What will you do?' Kei stares at Vector who was gritting his teeth and contemplating what to do.

After some moments of contemplating, he suddenly hit a wall with his bare fists which shook the whole corridor that they were

standing in "DAMMIT!" Vector shouts and looks towards Kei who is thinking 'That is why he's soon to be an S-rank hunter.' Vector then says in an angry tone"Okay ask me your question and I will answer to the best of my capabilities, you said that you would only have one question so better keep your word. As for accepting your conditions, that will be up to the guild master and only if guild masters accept your conditions then only your conditions would be valid."

At first Vector thought that Kei would gratefully accept his offer as Celestial Vanguard is a guild which is within the top 5 guilds in their country and there is no reason to refuse his offer. Still, then also he had prepared an Ace up his sleeves just in case but what he didn't expect was that the Ace would also go to waste and he would be at a disadvantage rather than in a position where he has an advantage.

Kei nods at what Vector said and asks"What will you do when I join your guild and the other guild like Starlight Sentinels approach me and threaten me like you did?" Vector laughs at it and says "This was your question? Well, I am glad that you didn't ask for anything else. First of all no guild even Starlight Sentinels would dare to do that. The second thing is that you are pretty much useless for now and only Guild Leader could bring out your potential. Still, if you insist then we will wipe your record clean as we have a good relationship with the Hunters Association so we will easily do it." Vector says the last line smugly and Kei sighs at it.

'I would have never expected to be pinned for a crime that I didn't even commit. I have to start getting more serious now otherwise like today, people would try to take advantage of me.'

"If you're done with your questioning then let's go. The guild leader must be waiting for us." as they were about to go Vector got a phone call. Kei didn't know who called Vector but they must be someone who is in a higher rank than him, judging by his shocked face.

Vector was shocked that the guild leader was calling but he instantly picked up the call and went to a corner and greeted in a respectful tone "Good Evening Guild Leader." and they continue to talk.

Kei could neither hear Vector as he was whispering and a little far away nor read his lips as he was far away. Kei then gets an idea and he sends his Mana to his cranial nerves which in turn enhances all of his senses. He could feel the sensitivity of his skin increasing. He could see further distance with a crystal clear vision and hear clearly too.

He tries to hear the conversation but it seemed that he was too late as he could only hear one line before the call ended. " Okay, I will bring him over tomorrow. Have a good day guild leader."

Then Vector walks back to Kei and says "Tomorrow right at 1 pm come to the Celestial Vanguard building. The guild leader will meet you tomorrow so DON'T MAKE THE GUILD MASTER WAIT FOR YOU!" then he walks away.

"Phew" Kei breathes a sigh of relief and takes a cab back to his home. He looks out of the window and sees a beautiful sight of his city covered in a symphony of vibrant colours and radiant lights that dance across its skyline, creating a breathtaking panorama visible from miles away.

The architecture of the city is a fusion of sleek lines and organic forms, with buildings that seem to blend seamlessly into the surrounding environment. The cityscape is dominated by towering skyscrapers. There surfaces are embedded with thousands of tiny, energy-efficient LED lights that can shift and morph, giving the impression that the entire city is in a constant state of motion. These dynamic buildings also serve functional purposes, acting as information hubs and interactive displays. Bridges and walkways crisscross above the bustling streets, forming a network of illuminated pathways that guide pedestrians through the city.

Kei thinks 'All in all the world went through many changes after Elysian invaded us. Some maybe for better and some maybe for worst.' as he remembers Zen dying for the last part.