

"I love you, " He whispered, his eye glued to mine. I believed him when he said that. I was naive no I still am maybe that could be my stupid reason. "What is love?" I asked him,my voice was equally as strong and unyielding as his. Its true , I don't know what love is. I know what its supposed to look like. I have it from my parents, in movies and books. But I don't know what it is. "I can't tell what love is but I can show you" he smirked, his eyes shifting from my eyes to my lips.

Unnotice000 · แฟนตาซี
2 Chs

○Chapter 2

It was cold down here. The lights were not as bright as they should be. I could see but barely. For wolves, this was nothing. They could still see anything and everything clearly with their heightened sense of sight. Wonderful. I walked further into the room until. I thought I was far away enough from the door.

I sat down near one the cages, bringing my knees closer to my chest. To keep myself warm. I rested my back against the cold metal bars. Exhaling a huge pile of smoke,I looked up to the ceiling. I began to count the huge dots that visibly randomly dispersed on it. How many dots could I count till the guards would find me?  Maybe 30 dots  or more. I could try to escape through the windows. This room looks like a dungeon  or prison so its probably located underneath the palace. So there's no way, I could escape because there are no windows in this room. 

I was stuck in a room filled with rotting corpses, wounded chained up wolves and unconscious ones too. Lucky me.

A small smile climbed its way onto my face,back to counting .

"One, two, three, four, five ,six,sev- what the hell!" I screeched, jumping in the process from where I sat. I had felt a small hand touch my back. I turned around quickly. I saw a pup not more than the age of 10.

Silent tears falling down effortlessly on his innocent face. His eye were pleading for me to do something. My heart ached to see the condition he is in. His face that is stained with tears had bruises colouring it, shaping ever lump that was visible even in this dark room. His clothes were torn and bloodied. I shut my eyes briefly for a second.

Who ever put these wolves in here is a monster.  Someone like that who is willing to hurt this wolves like this can not be considered a wolf. I know wolves tend to be violent and animalistic. There has to be limit to this. If they are prisoners that have committed some sort of crime. I know they must be punished but even so they deserve some humanity shown towards, some sort of respect to atleast bury their bodies and proper sanitation can't burden them that much.

I bent down on my knees. "What have they done to you?"I whispered out, cautiously stretching out my arms  inbetween the bars towards him. I wiped away his tears as gently as I possibly could. Those bruises must hurt. I can't imagine how much pain he must be going through.

"Its okay.  Its okay, its going to be okay." I whispered again. I hope my words would calm him down. I hope they can numb some of his pain. I want them to give him some kind of comfort. I looked around his little prison. Atleast they did not chain him up like most of the wolves in here.

I stood up . I heard a whimper escape his mouth. "Shhh, I'm not going anywhere. I promise" I told him. It was a lie. I don't think I should have lied to him. Guilt swirled inside my stomach or maybe its because I'm hungry either way I felt bad for lying to this pup.  What am I saying he is probably starving. I don't think they feed any of the wolves here.

I walked towards the metallic bar door. Removing one of the bobby pins in my hair, I picked the lock. With a bit more effort and time. The lock that had locked this door  had been unlocked. I opened the door.

I hastily walked towards the pup and sat down beside him. On the concrete wet floor. Its probably wet  from his own urine. Poor pup. No pup should experience something like this. I pulled him closer to me. I wiped his tears and layed his head on my lap. "Its okay,  I'm sorry" I spoke up louder. This time it was directed to the other wolves locked down here.

I sat there for what felt like hours.

"He grabbed her arm and called out her name Kristi.  The desperation had latched onto him"  I spoke out loud in the dark room for the wolves in here to hear me. 

"Nate. Please... please stop this. I'm tired.  Kristi begged him as she tried remove his grip on her arm" I spoke once more again.

"I know, guys this may sound a bit cheesy and dramatic but thats how most teen fiction books are like. Well the ones, I have read atleast" I chuckled.  This is embarrassing but its something.

"Luna??" I heard someone call out softly. Her voice was hoarse but it stil had this delicate softness to it. I hummed in response. The wolves in here called ne Luna. I was not a luna.

She spoke again,"Please continue with the story.  I would love to hear more about it. What happens to Kristi and Nate afterwards? I hope they end up together."  Her words encouraged me to continue  with the story. Plus several murmurs  echoed in the room agreeing with her for me to continue with the story.

I grinning "Alright. Aright," I held out one of my free arm  out in the air. 

Its not even that good. I wanted to grumble out   but I kept quiet. They need the distraction.

"You guys need to be quiet to hear the rest of the story. You won't be able to hear me tell you the rest of story, if I have to fight along side voices to be heard," I said annoyed at them.

I heard multiple of apologies, I smiled softly again. "I'm sorry, Nate breathed out. I'm sorry, I hurt you. He continued.  What about the promise we had made."  This sounds a bit hectic right?

"Please continue Luna," I heard the same woman speak again.

I heard  the door open.

Revealing  a smirking gaurd accompanied by three more guards. "Luna?" The way he said that that title so condescendingly. It disgusted me. I knew they would find me.  I wanted to stay abit longer.

I rolled my eyes, I swallowed whatever fear I had within me. I gently laid the sleeping pup on the floor. I stood up and looked around the room. With that. I allowed the guards to drag me away.

"His majesty, has had enough of your tantrums, " he laughed as if its the most funniest thing in the world for to anger his highness. I bit the inside of my cheek and kept my eyes on the ground. My head slightly tilted to the side.
