

"You shall be blessed with Soul Fire, blessed with a twin aspect of Xandoss our Supreme, we expect the greatest of feats from you!" The angel spoke gracefully, bowing to the young boy who stared at his metallic blue flames playing around in his hands.

Later on, the boy became a dragon, was blessed with a Rune of Armitia and was sent off with the regards of the angel.

He was blessed in all aspects, beloved by the gods. But, that wasn't everyone, most obtained middle of the pack abilities, some got stronger abilities but ultimately it was clear that four individuals were the chosen ones, given overpowered twin-aspect abilities.

Four out of thousands of individuals, none of the the thousands truly knew how they had come here, but most vaguely remembered worlds past.

'So according to the angel, all beings are born with an intrinsic power. Some are lucky, they get powers with many uses or a few extremely powerful abilities. Some get bad powers, it doesn't matter who you are, who your parents are, your power can be strong or weak. And ultimately, those with weak powers are weak' she thought as she was brought to the angel by a golden aura, her body was featureless, a bleach white canvas like a maniquin.

She looked, the angels' face was calm and serene, that meant she was not blessed or cursed. Simply... There.

"You shall be given a nameless power, the ability to etherially slash, pierce or bludgeon. If you meet a blessed one, please do serve them." Said the angel with a nod.

She felt angry, she wasn't about to server some kid! Sure, she didn't see the other ones, but that boy was a child, probably a pumped up 15 year old!

She had read enough of those stupid novels to know she would either be sidelined, sexualized or both. Probably both. No, she wasn't a toy, she wasn't some servant, so what if her ability was middle of the pack? Something so simple could easily be molded into a versatile weapon!

Then again... Soul Fire sounds crazy overpowered, what if he was like that patch-work guy from the one anime, but instead of his hands anything his fire touched would have it's soul manipulated? Both powers alone were incredibly versatile by themselves.

She was snapped out of her thoughts by a brown sphere entering her body and spreading out the color. She felt her blank canvas of a body being morphed, transformed.

And then, she heard a blip and everything went dark.

I will be posting the next chapter soon enough

Devonluicreators' thoughts