

Sophie Wharton was just like any other normal girl who was going to step into her new life that was a college. We all can relate with her, we think college as a chance to escape from our old self and find our new self. But who knew that she will accidentally step into a magical society. The moment she stepped into magical society her life become closer to hell. Her parents were almost get killed because of her. There is something that you all should know that this magical society does not tolerate humans. Little sneak peak from chapter 5- The Invitation card "It is an emergency," Master Wayne said. "This morning a human entered here..." "You mean here, magical realm..." Draven said, looking concerned. "As a matter of fact, yes," Master Wayne said. "How is that even possible?" "She got an invitation card," Master Wayne gave the card to the headmaster. "She must have applied to our human school," Master Wayne suggested. "Even then I have not sent any invitation this year," Draven said, getting worried. "Sir, what do we do," Master Wayne asked. "Kill her," Draven said without hesitation. Find out what happened, Will she be killed even if she died will she will be able to reincarnated. Readers if you want to find out the illustration that I chose to represent my characters then follow me on: Instagram-@ryan_writer6 This will help you to visualize and will make the story interesting for you. Happy reading.

Ryan_Writer · แฟนตาซี
106 Chs

The Training Hall

In the classroom.

Master Wayne ended the class after was announcing the treasure hunt.

"Why a treasure hunt, suddenly?" Dakota said.

Everyone wondered about that sudden decision of Master Wayne. It was not usual for them to do that kind of adventure. Since birth, they were trained for the battle or to defend their community from future unforeseen.

"Let's think that about, later..." Xion said and stood up from the chair. He had all the color linings of his classmates on his suit. A lot of medals like Dakota.

"Let's go, we have training," He said while looking at Sophie.

"What training, he is talking about?" Sophie turned back at Laura and asked.

"You will see," Laura said.

Sophie observed a tattoo on Xion's wrist. They all together descended to the training hall.

The training hall was so big that it could accommodate the whole Venice country. It had a very long roof though the room appeared darkish. Horizontally, the hall looked infinite because the walls did not appear to close enough to touch it. As anyone walked towards it, it looked like they moved backwards.

"Wow...It's so big," Sophie excited.

"It's not that big, my house is bigger than this," Ikaria crushed.

"Poor girl," Ikaria walked away.

"What's her problem?" Sophie asked.

"Nothing, she is royal,"

"So what, Xion is also royal,"

"He is so sweet and... hot..." Sophie expressed, deepening her voice.

"Shut up, Dakota is his girlfriend,"

"If she hears you, she will burn you," Laura warned her.

Sophie sighed. The fact that she could not be Xion's girlfriend made her feel depressed. She leaned over Laura to release her sadness.

"ETIUM," Xion said.

The hall was lightened by the chandeliers, hanging in the air. Fire lights were automatically fired on the walls.

"Why there are chandeliers everywhere?" Sophie thought.

"It's looking more beautiful," Sophie said.

As the hall got brightened, the big windows of the hall could be visible. First, the window looked normal to Sophie but as she approached near it to look outside of it. The windows disappeared.

"What the heck..." Sophie murmured, took a step back with one hand in the air.

"What happened?" Laura asked.

"The window disappeared," Sophie said.

"Take some few more steps back," Laura told. Sophie took some more steps back came stood in the same position. The windows appeared again.

"They are not real windows," Laura informed. "In human terms, it's like a projection of windows."

Ikaria walked near Sophie.

"Why does it seem to me..." Ikaria doubted. "...that you haven't seen this before,"

"Yea, we were introduced to magic when we were children," Abel supported Ikaria.

"Ah...ah...ah," Sophie uttered.

Everyone was intensely watching for her answer. Sophie was sweating.

"We are waiting," Ikaria said, making a magical water ball in her hand. Ikaria's eyes turned into a blue color fireball. Sophie was trembling.

"Enough," Xion shouted. "Inhale it," He ordered Ikaria to get rid of the water ball.

"Do you know how dangerous is that..." Dakota said, showing concern towards Sophie as well as getting angry at Ikaria. "...you could have hit her,"

"So, what," Ikaria said, without any guilty expression.

Dakota was speechless. Xion walked towards Ikaria, pushed Dakato aside.

"Why do you behave like this," Xion asked. "We are a team,"

His emotions were too intense, his action changes from a leader to a fellow team member.

"It is because I hate you," Ikaria said.

Everyone was shocked except Abel. Dakota tried to jump in between them but Xion said no without any further discussion.

"Why do you hate me?" Xion pleaded.

"It is because I deserve to be the leader," The scene was getting intense.

"You are crossing your line," Dakota interrupted. Abel was enjoying too much could conclude from his smirk. Sophie was standing behind Laura. Zale was standing with blank expressions, just a flat face.

Xion could not keep himself calm because of Dakota's continuous efforts to save him. She was trying to prove Ikaria's statement wrong. The fact of not being a beloved leader of his team and the thought of he was undeserving that made Xion to turned into fire, his eyes were flaming and around him, a tornado mixed with all the natural elements started to form. There was a layer of water, fire, air and green leaves as the symbolism of earth element. Xion was angry with Ikaria and himself but he showed his anger on Dakota. She fell straight to the ground when he turned into a human bomb.

Sophie was shivering more of it in shock. She did not picture him as he turned into it that time. Everyone was frightened but Ikaria was still standing on the same spot did not even move the foot. Laura was also scared she knew that Xion is short-tempered but she did know that he could get angry at Dakota, ever.

"Xion, try to calm down," Dakota said while still on the ground. She was crying a little. Out of nowhere, Sophie came running and hugged Xion. She hugged him tightly. Everyone was shocked. Xion's eyes got bigger.

"What the hell are you doing?" Dakota asked.

Xion was still boosted up with his powers, Sophie's head was pressed next to his hearts she could able to hear his trembling heartbeats.

In a low voice, she said," Calm down,"

"I can't," Xion murmured.

"You are afraid," Sophie murmured.

Xion was trying to get rid of Sophie but it was hard for him because she was not letting go of him.

"Sophie, leave him," Laura yelled.

In the moment, Xion blasted up and he released all his powers onto Sophie. Xion fell on his knees but Sophie was blown away fay. She was in the air when she was about to hit the ground Laura saved her by making a small tornado. That tornado landed her on the ground safely.

"Sophie..." Laura screamed. Sophie blew too far.

"Are you okay," Dakota went crawling to Xion. She held her hands, Xion's head was down. Dakota hugged him, she stood on her knees. Her head was above Xian's head while hugging. Xion rested his head on Dakota's shoulder. He was feeling devastated.

"I am but..." Xion came to his senses and realized what he did.

"...where is Sophie?" He looked here and there found her a mile away.

Laura went near to her she saw Sophie's eyes were closed and she was lying on the ground, her hairs had become a mess.

"Sophie, wake up," Laura said, softly slapping her face.

Xion and Dakota went to see Sophie.

"I am sorry, Laura," Xion said. Laura ignored him.

Xion sat on his knee. Zale was there too. Ikaria and Abel were together, was standing far from Sophie.

"Try to wake her with the water," Laura said.

"Do it fast, I think Master Annon is coming," Zale said.

They looked at Zale. Xion ran his hand over her face, a little above her. Suddenly his hand turned into water, he did not make a water balloon. From his hand, small water droplets started to descend. It was like he made a small waterfall from his hand.

"Sophie, wake up," Laura said.

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

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