
Let her blood be on your hands

And the ground shifted beneath his feet when Vincent burst in the room exclaiming, "You were right!! She's escaped! THIS ONE HELPED HER ESCAPE!!!"

Edmond was shocked out of his senses for a minute before he recovered himself. He flew with outstanding speed to Aria's side and shrieked, "Where is she?!?! WHERE HAVE YOU HIDDEN HER?!?!?!?!"

Getting no reply, Edmond grabbed Aria's ponytail and pulled. Aria was forced to concentrate on him and and a result, Helen considerably slowed down.

Now that her secret was out, Aria had no plan to indulge in any of them. But she had decided she would use bending here only after Helen was safely back. She made no reply and continued to speed Helen off.

Edmond let go of her hair after screaming a few more times and took a few deep breaths.

"Vincent, has the barrier around the house been broken?" he calmly asked. Edmond was an army man and was used to dealing with uncertain situations. He had quickly analysed and was perfectly calm now.

"No. She hasn't even tried to force it." Vincent replied, shaking her head. Edmond nodded and continued, "If she hasn't escaped out, that girl is probably hidden somewhere around, unless . . . . . . . ." he stopped and turned to stare at Aria in horror before he spoke, "Is it possible for her to have escaped underground?"

Vincent's face went blank as he realized it too. He nodded in horror before suddenly thinking of something, "Even if she escaped, neither of them know the way back to the capital. We made sure they weren't using bending while they were brought."

Edmond nodded and said, "Good. Bring me starlight, black shadow, hawkeye and flame." Vincent nodded and rushed out of the room. Edmond grabbed hold of Aria's face and thundered, "Once I find your friend, and I will find her, whatever happens to her, it will be your fault. Let her blood be on your hands."

He turned to look at the door as Vincent came back with four intimidating looking people with him. Three men and one women.

Edmond looked at the most crazy looking man and said, "Flame, I need to know where the other girl escaped to. Get that information out of her. Starlight, hawkeye, black shadow, we are going to check out the nearby towns. It will not be difficult. It's just past dawn and a blind girl cannot do much on her own anyway. Vincent, stay here and send any information you get from her as quickly as you can."

The night warriors assembled nodded and followed Edmond as he walked to the door. Just as he exited the room, he seemed to think of something.

Edmond walked back and spoke, putting a hand on Flame's shoulder, "Don't break her. I need her after all this."

Flame made a face but nodded all the same.

When everyone else had gone out, Flame turned to look at Aria and let out an insane smile. A shudder passed through Aria's spine as he traced a finger across her cheek and spoke, "It's a pity Edmond asked me not to break you. A face like yours, you would tell me anything to protect it. Anyway, come on."

As soon as he completed his sentence, Aria let out a shriek. Wires of fire had wrapped themselves around her wrists and ankles and were dragging her behind Flame.