
Elementalist in a dungeon(Danmachi fanfiction)

Waking up in the world of danmachi with no knowledge of the series and one simply quest 'Clear the dungeon'.MC has no knowledge of the world he was mainly into Monster Hunter in his past life. [Volume 1 is a bit rough but I promise it gets good after it] UPDATES: Monday-Wednesday-Friday(Can change) MC LOOKS LIKE kirikou rung(Soul eater)/Ogun(Fire Force) just taller This will have massive spoilers for ALL danmachi content. Danmachi, the cover art or images linked in the chapters DO NOT belong to me, if you own any of these and want them removed it will be removed.

keanu_eugene · อะนิเมะ&มังงะ
257 Chs

CHAPTER 35(Doubts)

Please read the author's notes. (Examples and explanation of moves and appearance+ Monster Sources)

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For Yang, stepping onto the 27th floor was a moment of exhilaration and anxiety. On one hand, he was finally where he needed to be to have proper gear made, but, on the other hand, his potentially overconfident attitude might have made a cheque his skills can't cash in. His thoughts ranged from 'I got this, all I need to do is stick to my plan and remember that I have Finn's team for backup' all the way to 'Maybe I should sit this one out and just let the experienced people deal with it, just until I have actual gear from this boss and come back.' He truly was a ball of nerves whilst trying to maintain his cool facade walking with the group.

One person who noticed Yang's turmoil clear as day, either from the slumped shoulders or the shaking hands at his side was Bete who of course had to speak up on this.

Bete: "Getting cold feet there newbie?"

Yang: "Uh, what, sorry I was a bit distracted what was that?"

Bete: "You look like your finally realizing how outmatched you are. Well?"

Yang: "Oh, Nah I'm fine just excited hehe."

'OH COME ON STOP DIGGING A DEEPER HOLE FOR YOURSELF YANG!' he screamed internally as his doubts surfaced once more.

Finn: "There's a small cove a bit secluded from the main lake a few minutes away. We can camp there but we need to always have someone on watch, got that Yang?"

Yang: "Yeah, or..."

Finn: "Or what?"

Yang: "I could just make a house to keep us hidden."

Gareth: "What?"

Yang: "Earth is an element, I control it. It's difficult but we've got what maybe an hour or 2 before the crystals ceiling starts to dim."

Finn: "Hmm, alright then let's go. That'll certainly make resting in none safe zone areas easier."

Tione: "Yeah that'd make going past the 34th floor a lot easier since the next safe zone is all the way at floor 50."

Riveria: "Agreed. Let's set up."

As everyone gets to the small cove Bete and the twins proceed to scout the surroundings while the others stand behind Yang to observe his magic once more. Before their eyes he places both his palms onto the ground as he speaks "Move Earth", and nothing happens.

Lefiya: "Uh, Yang?"

Yang: "Just a moment, I need to focus."

A few seconds later a 20ft cube appears in the ground as the stone and dirt within it sinks. Stone walls and floor remain in place on all sides with the top completely exposed. Instead of rising to his feet Yang instead takes one more deep breath before speaking another command "Shape Earth", almost 10 seconds later a lip rising 1ft is erected at the edge of the hole to prevent water from flowing in as a rough staircase is made to walk down at one section before a slab of earth shapes itself as a thin roof with a small fireplace at the far end of the magic made cavity.

Yang: "Well, delicate things take a bit of time but what do you think?"

Finn: "Impressive, this will certainly make sleeping here safer. Let's wait for everyone to get back."

A few minutes later the others return and see Yang's creation.

Bete: "Uh, we sleeping down there?"

Finn: "Yes."

Gareth: "Better than out here, this place is clear, seems like not many creatures outside of the water on this floor so the forest doesn't have much. We should unpack."

The veteran adventurer says as he begins to dig through his small pack.

Yang: "Oh, yeah, hey Lefiya here you go."

Yang quickly summons Lefiya's bag from his inventory and hands it to the now blushing elf girl

Tiona: "Hey not fair! Your boyfriend carried your bags and we had to carry ours," Tiona playfully pouts at him.

Lefiya: "Well, uh..."

Yang: "None of you asked, I assumed it was obvious when you saw she had none."

Tiona: "I just thought it was in Ais's bag or something. Awe man, I could have just given you this stuff to carry, ugh."

Yang: "Well, there's always next time."

Lefiya: "Sorry guys."

Finn: "Let's get set up inside before it gets dark."

Yang: "Yeah I'll go get some firewood."

Ais: "I'll join you."

Yang: "Sure."

As everyone began to set up their tents with the assistance of light from Riveria Yang and Ais made their way to the treeline and casually began collecting firewood for the chimney he made in the structure. Before long when they had almost enough firewood Ais decided to speak to Yang.

Ais: "Do you think you can win?"

Yang: "Hm, against Amphisbaena?"

Ais: "Yes."

Yang: "hahaha, man," Sigh, "I've never fought anything stronger than me since the dragon. When Finn punched me earlier that's the first time I've ever even been hit by someone at level 6 and this thing is a 2 headed dragon on that level."

Ais: "5."

Yang: "What?"

Ais: "Amphisbaena is level 5, difficult terrain has it at level 6 in the guild."

Yang: "Oh, thanks. But still, I don't know. I hope I can and I've trained with my water and ice for this fight. But as long as my life isn't about to end then I can't give up, right. I need to get stronger to clear the dungeon so I'd rather fight it alone."

Ais: "Why?"

Yang: "Huh?"

Ais: "Why do you need to clear it, I want to be the strongest, to kill the black dragon. Is that what you want?"

Yang: "Black Dragon, like the world quest?"

Ais: "Yes."

Yang: "I don't care about that, the dungeon might have answers for me, that dragon is all yours. I'm not here to be a hero I just want answers."

Ais: "Hmm, alright," apparently satisfied with his response, the sword princess takes her firewood back to camp.

Yang: "She's kinda weird."

As Yang entered the shelter he quickly put the firewood aside before retrieving his camping gear from his inventory. Setting up his simple tent he took a look around the site before walking over to Finn.

Yang: "Hey Finn I'm all set up do you guys need me for anything?"

Finn: "No just don't go too far from camp."

Yang: "Gotcha, I'm gonna go fishing and see if I can catch some food."

Gareth: "Fishing?"

Yang: "Yeah" Retrieving a simple fishing rod from his inventory, he continues to explain, "A sorta hobby I picked up when training on the 18th floor. I'm heading to the surface."

Lefiya: "I'll come to join you in a bit."

Yang: "Alright I'm heading up."

Heading to the surface Yang quickly walked over to the shore and found a large tree to sit against as he cast his line. As he set his line with the bait and cast it, he dug the rod into the ground and retrieved his journal to plot his strategy for fighting Amphisbaena. Only a few minutes later did Lefiya walk to the shore and sit next to him.

Lefiya: "What are you writing?"

Yang: "Thinking of new ways to fight tomorrow. Have you seen Amphisbaena since the dungeon changed?"

Lefiya: "Uh, we caught a glimpse of it when we passed through here earlier but we avoided it, it was in the deep part of the lake so we couldn't fight it. Also, there were some small Hydras that caused problems for us."

Yang: "Problems?"

Lefiya: "Well, one of them made some waves and I got swept into the lake, Tione had to jump in to get me. Passing through here took a long time the first time because some of the passages changed and the new monsters were annoying."

Yang: "Yeah I can't imagine that was fun."

Lefiya: "Well we also couldn't walk on water so we had to swim through all the parts you let us walk over today."

Yang: "Well bet you're glad I'm here huh."

Lefiya: "Something like that"

As their conversation continued for a few more minutes, eventually the fishing rod got a bite leading to Yang pulling up a large 18 lb fish.

Yang: "Wow, this is better than anything I caught on the 18th floor. Well time to roast it." He says eagerly as he creates a small but forceful flame in his free hand.

Lefiya: "Stop! That's not gonna work."

Yang: "Uh, this is how I always cook fish."

Lefiya: "That's, that's not how you cook this. Can you even cook?"

Yang: "I can make fire."

Lefiya: "So no, let's just take it to Gareth before you ruin it."

Yang: "Ugh fine, roasting would have been fine you know."

Lefiya: "Um, No."

---Meanwhile, Ouranos chamber...

An old man can be seen sitting on a throne-like structure as he speaks to a well-dressed massive individual before him.

Orcus: "I've made my choices, without the executives as you requested, quite boring really."

Ouranos: "When do you intend to mark them."

Orcus: "The process has already begun, things are about to become quite fun."

Ouranos: "I truly wish you had reconsidered this Orcus, but your stubborn ways have no limits as always."

Orcus: "Oh please, we could all use a good show."

Ouranos: "What prize have you selected?"

Orcus: " 'The Blessing of Chaos', what else would I bestow as my final gift to this world."

Ouranos: "Hm, you haven't used that for over 1000 years. The world could always use more first-class adventurers."

Orcus: "The purpose of this challenge is to make the strong that much stronger yes, this is the best option."


How long do you want this story to be?

Do you want it to go into canon?

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

Techniques: Move/Shape earth- Rather self-explanatory moves.

---Talking about doing something is easy but when it's time to act that's a whole other story, Yang finally is on floor 27 and is realizing what he is about to get into.

---His hobby was fishing congrats if you guessed it.

---Yeah he built basically an underground room with a chimney for them to safely camp in.

---Not having to swim allowed them to get through the water palance super quick compared to before + now they know the path and monsters.

keanu_eugenecreators' thoughts