
Ugh.. Why do i feel that i was more suited to become their mom, rather than their master?

George arrived at Zhenqiu city in the evening. The sky was already darkened when they arrived. George reclutantly stored his car when they were almost arrived. He didn't want to make another scene in this world just because of a car.

"We need to become more low-key! It'd be bad if there's another imperial family that see this thing and they wanted to confiscate the car.. Even though it's kinda cheap, but it hurts my heart to see my items got stolen just like that.."

The mouth of his self proclaimed disciples twitched uncontrollably. With what George was saying and the whole car fiasco a few days ago, they summarized it as "Our master is.. kinda stingy and he loved money so much.." Because, usually if someone invented some useful things, they'll give it to the emperor first. But.. this guy..

All of them walked inside the city to the direction of George's shop, the house of potions. When George realized that all of them followed him, he frowned "Uhh.. what are you following me for?"

Su Ling immediately answered "Master! We'll follow you until the end of world. So, we of course have to go with you!"

George coughed "Ah.. Nope, you don't have to do that.. And who the hell is your master?!"

The three of them smiled awkwardly. "Uhh.. master, to be honest, we already swore to the heaven, that if we was saved by someone, we'll become their disciples.. So, please! If we don't become your disciples, we'll struck by a lightning!!"

George frowned "That's why you can't just vow to anything that easily! Just do it if you think that you can clearly do it.."

The three of them lowered their heads and said "Yes, master!"

George still can't believe them completely. "But, i still don't want to be your master tho.." he mumbled.

When they heard that, Sun Zhou and Su Ling looked at each other and said "Fine! If master don't want us, we'll camp in front of your shop and we will kneel in the front of your shop until you accept us as your disciples!"

George felt that an headache will come if they do that. But he just got an idea. He smiled creepily to their directions. "Okay.. i'll let you stay in my store."

All of them narrowed their eyes in shock. They were excited that their plan was really successfully done. And George added "But.. you have to help me in regarding of my shop! In other words.. i'll let you stay here and i'll also give you foods to eat, while you work for me! How's that?"

They nodded in agreement. It was better than living on a street, furthermore with this, they could have a lot more chance to convince George to make them his disciples!

George smiled when they agreed. "I won't go to a jail will i? Hopefully there would be no rights regarding child labourers in here.." Even so if there was, he won't be going to a jail, as the three of them was like fifteen years old, so as they are barely adult, they could have a job too.


"Here! Welcome to my shop!" George welcomed them inside of his shop. They shop were still empty and devoid of potions, moreover costumers.

Because he left the shop for a few days, a lot of dust that accumulated was kinda a lot. George immediately ordered his "disciples" to clean the shop.

George was really happy with them becoming his flunkies. It exactly felt like when your parents went out, the eldest brother could command their siblings to do anything that he want.

When George saw how hardworking they were, he smiled in satisfaction. "Good! All of you cleaned it very fast and you didn't left any speck of dust laying around. If you guys kept this hardworking attitude, i might help you out in regards of cultivation!"

All of them rejoiced in their heart. "Yes, master!"

After they cleaned the store, George brings them to the second floor to make them clean it up too. Then, he brings them to the room they will stay. Unfortunately.. this house only had two rooms, so he must sleep with Sun Zhou, it would be bad if he slept with the girls. "Mmn.. you girls have that room, while Sun Zhou and i will have this one." He then looked at the youth before him and sternly said "Don't you think about wetting my bed! If you do that... I'll get really mad, you know?!"

Sun Zhou and the two girls laughed awkwardly, because of that disguise, George thought that Sun Zhou often peed on his pants.

"Uhh.. don't worry, master! I promise that i won't do that!" Said Sun Zhou while his mouth twitching.

George nodded "Un.. Then you guys can sleep now. The store will be opened tomorrow morning." He then added "Before coming to bed, don't forget to take a bath and brush your teeth!"

His three "disciples" was confused by him "Uhh.. brushing our teeth? Master, your disciple didn't know how to brush our teeth. Could master gave us some pointers?"

George's face twitched.. But, he just decided to teach them how to do it. He also bought three more tooth brush with a different colors for them. "My toothbrush is the blue colored one, pick one for yourself!"

Sun Zhou picked the green one, Mu Yifei picked the red one, while Su Ling picked the yellow one. George nodded when he saw that all of them picked their toothbrush. "Uhh.. squeeze some of this toothpaste and just scrub your teeth with the toothbrush like this!"

"Yes, Master!" All of them copied how George used the toothbrush. Because of this, George couldn't help but to think "Ugh.. why do i feel that i was more suited to become their mom, rather than their master?"