
Samiel vs. Ork Horde (2)

Samiel decided to ignore the goblins because they were inconsequential and turned his attention back to the orks, which were still eager to fight even despite the disparity across their strength.

For the orkkind the escape from the battle was as good as death because, in their Kulture, it was the highest sort of taboo...

Escaping from the enemy was unacceptable.

And at the same time, it was pretty ironic because the stronger the orks were, the more they valued their life and especially the Legendary Level greenskins would often commit the taboo, but nobody would be foolish enough to reprimand Legendary Level Ork.

Suddenly several cracks in the space appeared around Samiel as he was conjuring 5th Level Spells Void Bombs which then were shot at the incoming Orks as they blasted them apart.

When the Void Bomb Spells fell onto the incoming ork army or what remained from them, everywhere was the blood and flesh of the orks.