
Trying to make you see Risryn...

Once on the bridge Reima heads up the stairs that lead towards the tower, he reaches the alter that Talem was previously resting at and continues until he reaches the shimmering door. The glowing map shows no remaining yellow or red dots meaning that the Marked ones have been defeated and the doors is able to be open. Reima make sure he is prepared for the ascension up the mines and eventually the tower, due to it's huge structure it might take a couple days to reach Risryn depending on how the paths are.

The door folds away from his touch to reveal a long hallway lit by Essence, Reima decides to store a relatively large amount of Essence just incase he can make use of it... It is an energy source after all.

The hall opens out into a mine absolutely chock full of Prospects, a door on his left that probably leads downwards deeper into the mines and on the right a steep incline that leads upwards.

Reima starts fighting multiple Prospects at once, they seem weaker than the ones outside... They lack the nomal cognitive decision making that made them hard to beat, this has caused them to act on instinct. Most are just sitting beside the Essence deposits trying to get as close as possible to them... The addictive properties of it have probably scrambled their minds.

Reima doesn't forget to search for treasure as he ascends, he finds an interesting mask from the game, the Folded mask. It's made from a number of seperate stone shards that have eyes painted on them... In the game is shrouded your face with mist or smoke and the eyes blinked, perhaps it increases the range of vision? Either way, it's nothing more than a souvenir for Reima since he doesn't trust the other Dimensional beings intentions.

As he gets closer to the top of the mine and into the tower the Prospects start decreasing in number, Reima guesses because most of them kept falling to their deaths... They aren't the most cautious individuals he had noticed.

Reima climbs the last steps in the mine and comes to a gold gilded hallway with more steps leading upwards.

He continues forward past a large gold library and some kind of indoor garden? He looks down the hallway and spots the large gold fence gates that Risryn resides in. Walking to observe inside he spots Risyn, a rather tall female with black hair and the same mask Silan from the tutorial area wore, she wears all black ragged boots, pants and loose robes with what looks like stone or rough metal shoulder pads. Shes fighting a Prospect when Reima looks over, the Prospect seems very skilful but with a well timed Forsaken parry Risryn brutally strikes them in the face. It seems to disorient them but Risryn is just getting started... She picks the Prospect up by their neck with surprising strength and hangs them over the huge drop to the bottom of the tower, grabbing their mask she uses Kuretz technique and removes the mask before dropping them in the hole, permanently killing them.

After a moment of watching the Prospects body roll and flail down the large pit she turns to face Reima, she twitches slightly in surprise?

Risryn "You're a long way from home traveller, what is your purpose here?"

Reima grins "To stick it to the Guides and save the Prospects from being used as tools of war... A good reason right?"

Risryn "Foolish, they will send their army of Absolvers against you.. You won't last."

Reima "Enough of that, I want to know what you're purpose of being here is."

She brushes the dust off of her black robes before replying, "Same as you traveller, to "Stick it to the Guides" As you said... Anyone wishing to become an Absolver will end their permanent end at my hands."

Reima "I don't want to question your resolve but isn't that counter intuitive?"

Her head turns to the side in a rare expression of emotion, "How so?"

Reima "You remaining here and killing Prospects is just training the exceptional ones, if you ever get beat the Guides will have a powerful Absolver capable of beating the best... Considering that with immortal soldiers, numbers are rather irrelevant, you're doing the world a disservice."

She seems to ponder his words carefully before asking him a question, "What would you do in my stead?"

Reima "I would do what I'm doing now, removing Prospects from this sick immoral training ground... I could use your help to protect the ones who don't wish to put their masks back on when the Absolvers eventually attack. Your skill is known far past this ruined city and it will provide force behind our cause."

Risryn "The Absolvers are immortal too, you forget..."

Reima laughs "Are you silly? I just watched you kill an "Immortal" five seconds ago." Risryn looks slightly embarrassed at her mistake.

Risryn straitens up as she makes her decision, "I will join you, but first you will have to show me your own resolve." She drops into a low Forsaken stance and her whole body starts radiating white Fold particles.

Reima "shit" he manages to get out as she materialises her sword and almost teleports to his location while trying to stab him.

Risryn is supposed to be an exalted fighter who's almost unbeatable, in the game you just kite her round and feint attacks and eventually whittle her down... Here, that is not the case. #SuperSaiyanRisryn

Also, this is the best pun I could come up with for Risryn... You guys try better ;(

As always, if I missed anything please let me know.

Niggrosscreators' thoughts