

Eredin watches as his forces are being utterly decimated, those on the walls were providing an incredible defence, not allowing a single ladder to go up for a moment. Not to mention the duo throwing lightning and dark fire respectively. If this kept up they'd have to give up on the siege!

Eredin "Caranthir! Gather a few Navigators and smash the gates." he states, referring to something that was already in the minds of those present.

Caranthir nods and takes a few Navigator's from portal duty, along with a large amount of Hounds and a few heavy shield warriors.

On the wall the defenders continued to kill the shield wall trying to raise ladders, though the reinforcements were becoming incredibly wary of him, thus making the formation weaker. A few Navigators in the tree's had managed to injure the Flame Guards but with Anastacia and Rhea present they were healed quicker than any normal spell in this world would traditionally allow.

Suddenly the shield wall begins to back up as Reima senses a large group of people in the tree-line, though they were not yet visible. Only a quarter of the formation actually made it out alive, the charred and smoking bodies of their companions having been left in the rush to escape.

Reima and the rest of the magically sensitive sense a large spell being cast from the tree-line, he gets ready to cast a huge shield but finds that won't be necessary as the spell wasn't an offensive one.

From the tree's walks a huge Golem, it's 11 foot tall and seems to be made from earth, it's arms end in hammer-like clubs and it looks incredibly sturdy.

Triss "They're trying to breach the gate!" she shouts, remembering having read about Golem's being used as makeshift siege devices.

Logan and the other Pyromancers don't halt their attacks and begin casting high power spells at the Golem, Quelaag conjures a spell that looks suspiciously like the Forbidden sun spell and throws it. It spins violently as it approaches the Golem but all those watching are confused when a Wild Hunt soldier with a heavy shield runs in-front of it and attempts to block the spell. He's instantly burned to death but the power in the spell was all used and did almost nothing against the Golem.

Logan waves his staff and fires two Crystal Soul Spears and two Wild Hunt Hounds jump into their path.

Reima "They're trying to get the Golem to the gate no-matter what!" he shouts as he knocks an arrow and fires it at the Golem which is mimicked by Priscilla.

The heavy great arrows zip towards it but the Navigators in the back conjure small powerful shields that don't block them, but instead slow their speed enough to not cause any damage.

Solaire unsheathes his sword, the fractured golden blade glowing brightly and drawing attention from everyone nearby and even the enemies. He raises it to the sky and after a moment, a rain of lightning begins to fall on the area the Wild Hunt are currently at.

The spell begins to kill large amounts of people but Caranthir grabs a Navigator by the shoulder and pushes him forward, the unfortunate man being chosen to sacrifice himself for the "Good of their race. He glows blue for a moment before a large shield expands to protect against the lightning. Bolts of electricity pound against the shield and decrease it's size the longer it goes on, however eventually the barrage ends and the man who'd cast the shield bursts into flames, his use apparently having been over.

The Golem is around halfway to the wall and the spells shot at it are all blocked by the hounds and the soldiers who use their own bodies as shields.

Reima begins shooting his own spells at it, Pyromancies that incinerate those stupid enough to get in the way and char the Golem, though it seems that burning it doesn't affect it's functionality.

A couple Navigators run ahead and cast some kind of frozen projectile at the gates which causes them to be frozen solid, this would usually provide more protection against outsiders but in this instance the brittle gates would likely be shattered by a single punch of the Golem, which is probably their plan.

Reima retrieves the Staff of Manus and charges up another slash he'd used previously on their ship. He brings the staff down which unleashes a vicious wave of dark red fire at the Golem which bisects it and a few Navigators behind it...

The people on the wall cheer at finally bringing it down however as half of the Golem falls over the ground underneath it swells and quickly repairs the damage made to it, though Reima notices yet another Navigator burst into flames in the distance.

He uses the same spell a couple more times but the result is always the same, a Navigator in the backline exploding into fire while the Golem repairs itself. He tries to raise a wall of stone in-front of it but the wall is only integrated into the Golem, making it stronger and more durable.

Solaire "What is this abomination!" he shouts in disbelief as it constantly repairs itself.

Reima "It's the Mages in the back constantly repairing it, kill them and it'll stop!"

His words echo throughout the keep and those present turn their attention from the Golem to the tree-line, the amount of spells being cast in the moment instantly causing a forest fire that is only quelled by the White Frost, though those caught in the crossfire were brutally annihilated.

Eventually however the Golem makes it to the wall, Reima who's had enough of this jumps down and delivers the strongest kick he can muster at it, the kick connects with it's shoulder and obliterates half of it's body. Reima had miscalculated though, the strength of his kick being so much that half of the Golem was instantly destroyed without the other half being affected by it.

Hope you guys enjoy the chapter, if I missed anything please let me know.

Niggrosscreators' thoughts