
Battle begins!

The sound is almost deafening as a huge projectile zips past Imlerith's head, causing the man to dodge to the side in an attempt to avoid anymore that may come... Unfortunately for him, his movement had put him into the travel path of another, substantially more powerful one.




Imlerith's shield was struck directly by the huge arrow, the speed and weight of it actually managing to pierce his shield... Well, pierce is the polite term. His shield as well as his arm were both obliterated from existence, the large man falling to the floor while screaming in agony.

A few troops quickly get up him and start moving him towards the back line where Eredin and Caranthir are. The latter conjuring a magic shield to block any projectiles hitting him or their king.

Imlerith "Ahhhh! Arrrgghh!" he continues to writh around in extreme pain as blood spurts from where his left arm used to be.

Eredin "What was that?" he growls out, wondering what could be strong enough to do that to Imlerith. No one says anything but a soldier runs over carrying a huge... Spear?

Eredin grabs it and is surprised by it's weight, he knew this was the one that struck his General due to the blood covering it, though he found the lack of any damage on it intriguing. He knew not was this metal was but he needed to know what kind of weapon they were using to shoot them, it must be some kind of new siege weapon that he hadn't heard of as a regular ballista could not shoot something like this.

A Imlerith's second hand addresses Eredin to see what their next action was, the king looks at the man and points towards Kaer Morhen.

Eredin "The battle isn't over yet, keep advancing!" he shouts. Causing the men to immediately turn and continue towards the keep.

With Reima :

He could hear his arrow impacting something and hoped it was Eredin's smug face, he gave a smug look to Priscilla who knew her arrow had missed everything and continued on. They keep knocking and firing arrows into the forest, the only indication that they'd hit anything the sound of splintering and cracking steel.

However they could only do this for so long before soldiers start leaving the tree line and running towards the keep. Some are carrying metal ladders while others seem to be carrying small spheres with runes carved on them. As soon as they're visible Yennefer creates a huge shield that envelopes the keep and it's walls. Just in time too as a portal open up a few meters off the ground and starts blowing the White Frost at them, instantly freezing plant life and anything else it touches, though it's luckily stopped by Yennefer's shield.

The Navigator's seeing that their usual tactic of freezing and smashing wasn't working and so stopped the White Frost to conserve energy to bring more troops in.

However the next phase of the battle had finally begun with the Wild Hunt troops revealing themselves. Reima gives Risryn a slap on her ass as her and the rest of the Prospects get ready to leap off of the walls and into battle. She looks at him and he could feel her gaze on him from under her mask.

Kuretz "Let's go boyysss!" he shouts as he and a stream of Prospects jump from the walls, all of them rolling to relieve the impact and then charging at the Wild Hunt soldiers.

Kuretz crosses his hands before dramatically pulling them back as a pair of bladed gauntlets materialise on his hands. He leaps in the air and delivers a kick to the helmeted face of a Wild Hunt soldier, the large elf toppling over backwards as Kuretz uses his momentum to crush their head with his gauntlets through many brutal blows.

Talem approaches two soldiers while traces his hands in the air and materialising a spear with a jagged bladed edge. It looked more like a Glaive than a traditional spear due to it's slight curve. The two soldiers wielding long swords approach fearlessly and try to swing and stab at Talem, he ducks under a swing and parries the stab with his Glaives handle, using the momentum to bring the spears blade into the unprotected joint near the groin, severing a vital artery and kicking him away to get some distance from the first soldier who's still swinging at him.

Talem then reaches forward and grabs the air before pulling as if gripping something, the Wild Hunt soldier is incredibly confused when his weapon is torn from his grip. Talem takes the moment of in-attention to perform a spinning hell kick at their helmeted head, throwing them to the ground where he finishes them with a their own blade to the throat.

Kalini who's definitely the youngest and less experience of the leading Prospects summons two stiletto daggers and follows a group of Prospects trying to break through a formation of shielded soldiers, she sprints and uses a Prospects back as a springboard and flies over the shields, jamming her daggers into the eye sockets of the unfortunate soldier she ends up landing on.

The few maintaining the formation notice her but they do not release their defensive position as they'd be overrun, a few reinforcing soldiers try to intercept her as she stabs through the neck of another soldier. A stab grazes her stomach as she avoids it, she manages to cripple her attacker by piercing his eye but a stab from behind finally pierces her chest. She looks at the blade sprouting from where her heart had used to be and sighs as she bursts into particles and disappears, confusing the surrounding troops even more than they had been before.

Yeah, bet you guys were all expecting someone to get rekt by Reima's arrow lol. It was expected, I mean I doubt even huge tree's could stop those massive arrows!

As always, if I missed anything please let me know.

Niggrosscreators' thoughts