
Good bye.

ARE YOU GUYS ALIVE???? Yeah what do you mean luffy me and gpku cam looking for you but I thought I hear ypu guys screaming no we heard you screaming. Okay whatever let just go back to the tent and chill guys alright let go (the next day) alright guys let go find more thing YA guys were are we going now I don't know that why it an adventure your right anyways what do you guys think well find on are way there hopefully the gems and diamonds I won't to find I hope i get stronger. (2 week later) guys come let go we have to pass by this canyon let go coming guys let guys just run or the bridge well fall with us okay luffy go first ok 3 2 1 I MADE IT naruto your turn ok go go go go I MADE IT Goku come on coming come on your almost there guys I made i- GUYS HELPPPP GOKUUUUU No No No No this can't be goku no please no you can't die luffy let me tell you something what Goku may be dead but it doesn't matter along as we got to meet him and had fun we all met someone special some day and sometimes we do or don't know it but at least we got to meet them in the end so let at least be grateful that we go to meet Goku. your right thanks for that quote.( now Goku has died what most became a pond Luffy and naruto when one of the friends had died)