
Eighteen Again: The CEO's Wife was a Delinquent

In order to be loved, she changed her whole personality, but all she got in return was a cold husband and her unrequited feelings. Now that she lost her memories and went back to her old self, she's determined to never love again. She wouldn't let anyone trample on her anymore. But then, why is her husband coming back around again - turning over a new leaf and wanting to take her back so desperately? "You should know well by now, my beloved wife. Didn't you change yourself for love...?" he muttered vehemently, voice low and smoky. His unwavering eyes are blazing with passion and a deep sense of endearment that she'd never seen before. This isn't her husband at all - instead of cold, his gaze appears to be on fire. "The same goes for me... So, love me, love me not - you're going to take responsibility." --- Impassive, strait-laced, stiff and very compliant - that's how everyone sees Cassidy Eleanor. She's an underdog wife who's desperate to gain her husband's affection and would even sacrifice her own freedom. Coming from an unknown background, she was neglected by her spouse, persecuted by his family, and misjudged in her workplace. That's all until it came to a point when she already had enough. In an effort to flee from the clutches of a loveless marriage and all the obligations that were forced on her, she got herself a ticket and boarded a plane. Little did she know that a bombing incident would ultimately ruin her plan to start anew. Then, before she knew it, she woke up to find herself with a type of amnesia that caused her to forget everything that happened to her when she's past the age of eighteen-years-old. To be exact, Cassidy had gone back to her old self - right before she met her husband, Adrian Millicent. --- Cold, distant, steely and iron-willed - that's how everyone sees the owner of the country's richest conglomerate. Adrian is known to be a prodigious figure in a variety of fields and commerce, a prestigious individual with billions of assets, and a man of outstanding achievements overall. He used to be the most-sought-after bachelor of the country, but only to get in an arranged marriage by his grandparent - with a woman of unknown origin, to boot. He really couldn't care less, though. After all, he never needed love to begin with. That's all until Adrian found this reserved and amenable wife of his acting like a wild and boisterous teenage girl one day. -- WFP #23 Gold Tier Winner -- [Warning: Mature Content] (Cover Photo Not Mine: Credits to the original artist) - Follow me on Instagram (acieetin) - DM me on Discord (Aciee#1841)

Aciee_GelaTin · สมัยใหม่
305 Chs

One Hot Road Trip

Adrian finds himself losing words to say the moment Cassidy makes this genuine display of mirth.

As she just continues guffawing at his face for the next seconds to come, her round of hearty laughter flows through the air like a solacing tune, which somehow makes their present situation a little bit more bearable for him. Though he really doesn't want to admit it, he can't help but think that his wife's vivacious grin and light-hearted giggles can probably make anyone's day brighten up almost instantly.

What's more, this is the first time Adrian has ever seen Cassidy act so loose and unwary of him - at least, her eighteen-year-old version, that is.

"What's so funny?" he then asked as he shot her a pointed gaze, feigning annoyance.

"W-Well... I-It's just... Pffttt...!" she stammered out before laughing even more, her figure already shaking with mirth.

"You just look hilarious right now, bossman."

As soon as she said that with a greatly amused expression, he only blinked at her in puzzlement for a moment, even looking somewhat dumbfounded. He then hurried back to the car and took a look at himself through its tinted window. That's when he finally found out what she meant. 

"It seemed like the ever perfectionist President didn't only forget his things like a ditz, but he also didn't have enough time to groom himself this morning," Cassidy teased to which he only returned an unamused look in reply. 

"You have no right to make fun of me. This is all your fault," Adrian sharply pointed out before proceeding to comb over his hair with his fingers. 

"Oh, what a compliment~ I didn't know I can bring out the unknown in you."

"The what?"

"I was just thinking that I didn't know you had this side of you. You just appeared like you're in control of everything all the time. Right now, though, I realize that it isn't always the case... Oh, but that's a good thing, I think."

Dropping that remark, Cassidy then spares Adrian one last glance and smile before turning around to make her way to the driver. He only stands there in silence right after, struck speechless all over again. 

Adrian isn't sure what's so special about what his wife just said. But knowing that those words came from the very person that served as the one and only entity he didn't have any control over, the dramatic irony caught on him quite a bit. 

More than that, though, Adrian realized that Cassidy just claimed his agitated state as a fresh, new side of him that she's witnessing - much like how he saw her genuine display of mirth earlier as a first for him either. 

But then again, in a trip like this, unprecedented turns can happen. At the same time, said turns may also bring forth an unexpected change between them - in the way they perceive each other, for one. 

"Why does it sound like I'm against whatever image she has of me? I really don't care," Adrian then found himself flatly muttering, straight-faced. 

"Hey, bossman...!" Cassidy called out of nowhere from a distance, making him turn to her and the driver in surprise.

"Stop daydreaming! It's time to stir our stumps!"

At that, he only scowled. Now, he knew what part of her perception of him that he isn't really pleased with. 

"Perhaps, if there's anything I want to change here, it'll be the way she keeps calling me. Just what the heck is up with this 'bossman' nickname? Is she a toddler? And I'm her husband for goodness's sake," he grumbled underneath his breath, feeling all miffed again.


It's expected that the temperature would hit around thirty nine degree celsius minimum that day, which is considered as typical for this season, so both know that the heat wave they're experiencing right now falls around that range.

It just happened that the driver relayed yet another bad news a moment ago - or more like, he only confirmed that they're indeed in trouble. He said that back-up would come around in a few hours, much to their dismay. But because the heat was already getting too unbearable, he suggested that they should seek shelter in a nearby building for the meantime.

Since they're in the middle of a deserted road, however, searching for one ends up to be very grueling. 

Right at this very moment, not only did the two find themselves already walking for more than half an hour, but they're also suffering underneath the scorching sun. They walked for miles now, but nothing ever came into view.

Cassidy didn't really bring an umbrella or a hat, so she only used one of her spare shirts to cover her head with. Adrian, on the other hand, makes use of his suit jacket to shield himself from the direct sunlight as well. 

"Don't tell me..." he started again, a deep scowl marring his frame.

"We'll be really spending an hour here under the deadly heat of the sun."

"Come on, let's try to enjoy the scenery, at least! Especially those empty green fields that you normally see in the countryside..." Cassidy trailed off sarcastically, already giving up her usual optimism.

"Wild animals on the side, fresh air billowing on our faces..."

"Add a cowboy theme music in our background and everything really feels like we're in the middle of nowhere."

Both then sighed at this, suddenly seeing themselves on the same page for the first time. It's not only their situation that miffs Adrian, though. The fact that both of them are completely unprepared and empty-handed irks him as well.

It just turned out that even Cassidy's cellphone ran out of battery. She even proudly reasoned earlier that she wasn't really fond of using gadgets so she didn't take time to charge it back at home. 

With that, they have one more reason why they need to find a building no matter what. They have to recharge their phones, freshen up and buy something to eat while they're at it.

"Okay, that's it! I can't take it anymore!" Cassidy bolted out exasperatedly all of the sudden, taking him aback.

"Hey, what do you think you're doing?!" Adrian then exclaimed in surprise and incredulity the moment he saw her stripping.

Unable to stand the heat any longer, she went ahead and took off her blouse without any prior notice. At this, he's thrown both off guard and in panic, his eyes growing wider in flummox as the scene before him carried on.

The way Cassidy pulls the fabric up to her head is show-stopping. Her hips move side to side for a bit as she squirms out of her blouse. It's all somewhat absorbing - even more so when her smooth porcelain skin starts to peek out from her clothes before eventually revealing itself.

Now, Adrian is struck astonished, unable to peel his gaze off of her anymore.

It's just that Cassidy appears so hot in his eyes right now. 

She's actually wearing a plain black sleeveless undershirt the whole time, but it looks so fitted that it shapes her delicate, fine body perfectly. A few beads of sweat are streaming down her arms and neck, making her look really sexy.

"What are you looking at...?" she asked pointedly with a brow lifted.

"You know how hot it is. Just leave me be, or better yet, you ought to strip either."

While Cassidy simply offered that idea as a way to help Adrian out for a little, he ends up taking it in a way he knows he shouldn't have - and with that, he finds himself feeling hot as well all of the sudden. 

"Now, she only made the heat worse... Ughhh..."