
23) Yachty


To say I was nervous about meeting Edwards friends and family would be an understatement. It was damn frightening. He was friends with great people and compared to them what I did as a profession was nothing. Arsenio, Marcos second brother was running for district attorney in Los Angeles, Leonardo, Marcos third brother, was a giant tech genius who worked with the leading technical company's around the world. 

Pablo much to my disappointment was one of the leading artists in the world. He was one of the first artists to reach billionaire status which was remarkable. He opened up a branch of art and dance schools around the world. If it was not for my jealousy I felt him and I would have gotten along tremendously. Then came Sasha who Edward had no idea what he really did, but from what I understood he was into financing. 

Each of them excelled in their own separate career paths and it was amazing. All their net worths exceeded seven hundred million ponds and my small twenty million seemed like a drop in their endless wells. I would be on a yacht for a week with three billionaires and two almost billionaires. That surely seemed to be everyones dream, but it reminded me of my high school days. I did not particularly fit in with rich people and it had me nervous. Although I reminded myself that Edward was far from snobby so I figured everyone else would not be either. 

He had sent a driver to come and pick me up in an hour to take me to the harbor where we would board his yacht. I had packed most of my bags last night, but decided to only add a few toiletries and gadgets this morning. You never knew when you needed a face massager on a yacht, it could come in handy. After packing I had received the call that the driver was downstairs. Before I knew it I was in the luxurious Rolls Royce on my way to harbor. 

Edward would have picked me up, but he had to be at the harbor ridiculously early to make sure everything was in order. The thought of him made me smile softly as I stared out the window. We were still dancing around each other, but there was a small level of trust we had for one another also. The tiny secret kisses we snuck in there and there seemed to be worth a lot more than the kisses I had experienced in this life time. He always handled me like I was fragile whilst being assertive and anchoring. If I had any doubt about picking him, they were all gone by now. It was one of the best decisions I had made so far. 

After a thirty minute drive we arrived by the harbor and I was mind blown! When Edward mentioned he owned a yacht I thought well how big could one get. It seemed Edward must have been confused between a yacht and a boat. The yacht had four levels to it and was painted in a luxurious gold color with black features. From what I could tell so far there was a pool and hot tub at the back. I could imagine the price for this and from what it looked like Edward had this custom made. He did not like everyone having what he had. Billionaires. 

The weather today was pleasantly warm and once I stepped out the car I could not help, but put on my Versace sunglasses as it fit the whole occasion. I had worn a white short sleeve button up shirt and beige shorts with beige slides. I thought the outfit looked a bit ridiculous on me since I was already so awfully pale, but when I saw the smile on Edward face as he stepped onto the boarding deck it all seemed irrelevant. 

He was dressed in blue shorts, with a dark green tee shirt and walked around barefoot. His hair was messy which made him look like he had just woken up. Yet he looked ravaging. "Vasili!" He happily jumped off his boat and crushed me in his arms. 

"You're killing me," I groaned. He simply laughed loudly before pulling away from me. He instructed one of the crew members to take my bags to my bedroom and immediately took me on a tour around the yacht. The interior was clearly inspired by a clean tropical design. It had accents of light woods, beige, white, gold and yarn. It was not at all what I had imagined, but the Caribbean feeling it had immediately made me feel like I was on holiday. 

Most of the bedrooms were on the third floor and lucky for me mine was right next to his. Even though Edward insisted it was not personalized I could not help, but smile at the silk blue sheets on my bed. My own bed in my apartment had the exact same ones which I always gushed to him about. Plus my favorite chocolate was neatly placed on the bed as well as a small tower of macaroons on the coffeee table. The room was big for something on a yacht including the ensuite bathroom that had a separate bath and shower. 

Edwards was by far bigger than mine with a lounge area, a giant walk in closet, a station for hair and makeup, and a small office even though there was one in the yacht. We went up to the pool area and lounged under a gorgeous patio that was decorated in patio lights and probably the most comfortable outdoor couches ever. A waitress popped out of nowhere and gave us cocktails to enjoy whilst we waited. 

"So where is everyone?" I asked avoiding eye contact with him because I feared he would sense I was nervous. 

"Arsenio, Leonardo and Pablo will most probably be here in a few minutes. I sent my helicopter to pick up Marco and Sasha from the airport," he said like it was completely normal to send helicopters after people. Just as he said a Jaguar SUV pulled up to the yacht as two people exited. The two men who came out looked so much alike I nearly thought they were twins. From what Edward had told me Arsenio was the taller one out of the two so it was easier to identify him. 

Arsenio had short hair with blonde highlights. His tanned skin matched his brothers, Leonardo who had a full head of blonde hair. They both had sharp jaws and anyone could tell whoever created them took their time. They were both international model status. Pablo followed wearing a simple maroon tracksuit. 

"Edward!" Arsenio yelled immediately running up ramp to where we were sitting. They hugged each other soon followed by Leonardo. "Who's the pale dude?" Arsenio chuckled finally looking over to me. Leonardo simply rolled his eyes to his brother bluntness. 

"This is Vasili," he introduced me. I shook the brothers hands and before they could comment a helicopter came towards us. It was black and gold matching the yacht. I had not even noticed the yacht had a helicopter pad above us till it had landed. After a few minutes two men climbed out and I immediately spotted Marco. I could completely understand why Amanda was all over him the man was practically a god. His hair reached past his shoulders, whilst most of it was a dark brown with blonde tips which complemented his tanned skin. 

He was just as tall as Edward and a bit more built. His green eyes were piercing even from the distance that separated us. Following him was who I guessed to be Sasha, he was not as tanned as the three brothers, but anyone could tell he was Italian. He had sun kissed blonde hair and dark blue eyes. He generally had a tired expression, but when he lay eyes on us a lazy smile formed on his face. 

"Vasili. Amanda has told me a lot about you," Marco chuckled as he shook my hand. I felt my face flush by the statement and from the corner of my eye I could see Edward roll his eyes. That must have meant Marco definitely knew about Edward and I. 

"Uh yeah," I nervously replied and scratched the back of my head. 

"Mr. I would pronounce your surname, but it is super hard," he referred to me, "brothers and friends! Are you ready for the wildest week of your lives?!" Arsenio exclaimed as he held a champagne bottle in his hands. 

"Arsenio this trip is for relaxation not for stupidity," Edward sighed already seeming stressed by his friend. 

"Shut up! Wait till you have a wife and two kids at home. You will finally understand how I need this to be memorable," he yelled back. From what I understood Edward and Arsenio bickered a lot. Well it made sense since Arsenio was an exact copy of Amanda when it came to craziness. 

"Can we just get the show on the road already? It was hard enough to peel myself off Amanda," Marco rolled his eyes. 

"Whipped," Leonardo whispered hoping his brother would not have heard. He most definitely did as he hit the back of his head. "I'm telling mum!"

"I'm telling mum," Marco teased making his voice higher. 

"Men! Shut up! Let's party!," Arsenio shook the bottle of champagne then proceeded to spray the contents onto us as he evilly laughed. 

This was going to be one hell of a week.